Chapter 11

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Beta Santana Vasquez

"Check the whole place." The three wolves in front of me, spreads out. Each going in a different direction.

This was the place some strays decided to take my kid. It's close to the base, which means they were watching us. Waiting for the right moment to ambush Lady and Ghost.

What the hell is wrong with me? I should have went with them. Snapping a stick, that I pick up after kneeling near the very spot where Lady and Casper stood late, I looks up to see Mitch, one of the trackers with me.

He whines a short cry and shook his head once.

"No go, huh?" I stood to my feet, searching the area. Where would a bunch of rogues go if they had a brain behind the operation? No far, but far enough.

"Listen up."

The three wolves gave me their undivided attention.

"We search this forest again."

A host of whines and barks were send my way by meeting my gaze.

"We have to be sure, guys. My kid out there." I rolls my right shoulder. Man, this stress was really getting to me. "Just look for anything that could be used to stash something or someone away. Now, fall out."

A round of excited barks follows, and all three wolves headed out in one direction to begin the search.

I could use a lay right about now. Once I find Ghost, maybe Lady would spend some quality time with me.

I deserve it, and she does too.

"Better join them and get too it." Running, I shifted mid strode.

I ran near the end of the others, hoping to catch a waft of Casper's distinctly, boyish odor. It's been well over half the day since we set out on this quest. I could always sense the others exhaustion. It wouldn't be long before we'll have to turn around anyway. GG wouldn't tolerate the most of us missing a meal.

'You get anything, man?'

'Nope. Nothing.'

Slowly down, we came to a stop near the edge of a grassy meadow. Being color blink in our wolf's forms had it's disadvantages, but it also had it's advantages. On the other side of that meadow and to the right a few meters, I could make out the black and gray details of the roof of an old-fashioned barn.

'Wait. What's that over there?'

'Don't know.' Mitch answers, tilting his head to one side.

'Well, we're about too. Come on.'

"Hey Abena, what'ya go?"

Abena, with her legs crossed on the floor, sat at a small table. A deck of Tarot cards and regular playing card spreads out in front of her. Each deck formed a different pattern on the glass surface table, though I had no idea what they meant to her. The only thing I did know was the witches I knew used one deck not two different ones.

She glances my way for all of five seconds before returning her gaze to the table. "Not much. The forces of light and dark tells me that many individuals are involved with little Casper's disappearance. Some of those individuals stronger than the other."

Tabitha, a witch in training and Abena's niece, hover over a map and gentle swinging a crystal, at least it looked she was swinging the rock. Scying. She had told me that the crystal held my son's energy.

She had us all held a crystal of our chosen for five minutes that one time. Sometimes about the crystal absorbing our natural energies, or some bull about finding us through our energies. I never understood witches or sorcerers or whatever magical things they do.

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