Chapter 5

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Alpha Lady Luna

"Remember no speaking through the link"

Casper nodded his small canine head in agreement. His tail wagged from side to side in his eagerness to begin. I watched in quiet humor as Casper begin to yelp and spin around circles.

"Alrighty. I'm going. "

Walking toward a tree, I glanced back over my shoulder to see my Ghost, my Casper barking at me to hurry.

I was reminded of the nickname I gave him just from looking at the white-gray coat of my pup. Mostly white, his fur was a mixture of white and gray which gave him a blurry image as he ran in his wolf being.

A few minutes later, I emerged from behind a tree. I shake my solid grey fur out. Making my way to my son, I lowered my nose to his. He returned the gesture and jumps as high as he could into the air.

My body shook with a wolfy laughter before I turned and lowered my upper half to the ground. I saw Casper mickering me. The wind blew softly. We remained unmoving in our position, listening to the sounds of the forest.

The sound of a strong gust of wind had us sailing across the uneven ground of the forest. We ran an union. I was keeping my pace light and even, so that I stay next to Casper.

The feeling of running wild is an indescribable joy. One that takes your breath away, yet you're still breathing. My wolf took full control. Every human logic and reason were gone from my mind. I only wanted to run. With my pup by my side, I felt happy and playful.

Running close to Casper, I nibbled at his right paw before speeding up. I heard him bark excitedly as I felt him behind me, trying to nib at my tail.

We kept up this game of chase until we came to a cleaning, surrounded by trees. I slowed my pace. Almost instantly, Casper came leaping into my side, causing us both to row a few times before he landed on across my stomach.

He nibbled at my ear after regaining his senses. I pawed at his face, my tail wagging below me. Licking my pup on his face, I watched him step back, shaking his soft fur.

Rolling on my side, I watched him, proud and adoration in my eyes. A dragonfly flies by Casper's nose, drawing his attention. I watched him chased the bug.

The rustling of bushes and crushed tweaks, had me standing on all four paws, snarling at the new scent of unfamiliar wolves around me.

I heard Casper whimper somewhere behind me. At the same time, wolves came into my line of vision.

I felt Casper small form huddling beneath me. I was on the attack, my body low in preparation to attack.

A large brown wolf steps forward. I could smell the confident around him. I could feel that he was the one in charge here.

Rogue wolves slowly closed in on us. We were surrounded. I growled in warning. The brown wolf bark sharply.

Santana come quick. We have rogues!

I could feel Santana's wolf stirring. Be there in a few!

By this time, I had stepped forward, ready to take all of them on.

Alpha Ashton McClain

Take them from the right! My group run'em!

I instructed quickly. I was leading my team of five fighters after a six pack of rogues. My faster runners were to attempt an overtake by cutting the rogues off from the right.

As my team slowly inched closer, I could make out my four runners flying across the uneven plain just a few distances ahead of me. The rogues were quickly reaching the cutoff point into unmarked territory for my pack.

I urged my pack members to quicken their pace. Just as we were on direct target to making a capture on the rogues, they made a sharp turn toward the right. Toward my runners.

My runners were the best when it came to speed, but they lack just a bit in the muscle department. Sure they could hold their own against any prey, but a full blow, direct confrontation with other, bulky wolves, they were as good as easy prey standing out in a meadow.

I barked to signal to them to hold their own until we reached them. However, my plan was cut short when the roeuges each leap over my runners and makes a dash toward a rocky structure.

Pull back. We're done here.

I slowed to a trot. The others following my lead. We were all panting heavily with sweat coating our drenched bodies.

There was no longer any point in chasing after the rogues, since they were no longer on our land anyway. I just wished we could have caught one just to enforce justice for out single fallen member. I expressed my thoughts to my warriors. They all agreed, especially since the person the rogues murdered was a young female in the prime of her twenties.

With one last look at the rocky mountains the rogues escaped over, we turned and headed back to our territory.

Upon arriving back, we were floated with hopeful gazes. To which I explained the chase and gave my words to the parents who lost their daughter. Afterwards, I took my best fighters aside, instructing them in combat, while sending out my runners to scout the borders of out territory.

It wasn't that long after I started combat training that the wonderful scent of my mate came to me. A satisfied smile spreads across my lower face.

Alpha Lady Luna

My Casper's scent ended here, just on the outskirts of that man's borders.

"Should I give an alert, alpha?" Ice asked from a few steps behind me.

"No" I took a step forward. And than another. "He'll smell me. And he'll smell my intention before we even reach him. "

Just as I said, Alpha McClain was waiting for us the moment we approach the midway mark of his domain. By the look of things, he wasn't alone.

Several of his pack members, including his beta, stood calmly before us.

Like a mad woman, I stormed right up to Ashton's face. I was furious and worried, and I'm very sure my face mirrored those emotions.

His beta and several of his men moved to cut off my advances, but Alpha McClain growls a commanding growl that was laced with some form of possession behind it.

That only angered me.

"I know you have something to do with this" I shoves him, causing Ashton to step back a few steps. He growls dangerously at me. "Give me my son back now! Or I'll tear your whole pack apart!"

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