Chapter 9

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Alpha Ashton McClain

"You were out of line here, Ashton." Maximus eyes blaze with anger.

"Did you see that look? She wanted me."

"Man, you could have gotten us all killed." He says. "She has witches and vampires working with her." His face hardens.

"You questioning my strength?"

The color drained out of his face, but that didn't stop him from clenching and unclenching his fists. "No, but I ain't bout to fight a fight I know we can't win."

"You will fight if I tell you too." His gaze averted upward to the sky, the moment I took a step closer to him.

"You don't doubt my power, especially in front of my mate, Maximus."

He lowers his gaze to the ground. Anywhere other than my gaze. "I understand, Alpha." He spoke strongly, yet I could hear the defeated ring in his voice. Good.

Staring at my beta a minute longer, I could feel the old jeaking feeling. That very feeling, I've had, since we were boys, and Maxi had the nerves to go against me in an innocent argument over who won the race. It didn't matter what race. What mattered was I was always the winner. Even when I've lost. I was the winner.

He was challenging me. Challenging my position. A beta should always know where he stands, my father would say, when he punished Maximus for arguing against me in the first place. I watched. Part of me sad for my best friend, but another part happy to see him crumble at the will of my father. Of me even.

I use to purposely find ways to get him in trouble. Good clean days those were.

Walking pass him, I shove my shoulder against his causing him to take a step back. "Lighten up. My mate will soon know her place, and that's under me."

"Always the ladies' man." There was a smile in Maximus's words. If I were to turn around, I bet the goof had that stupid grin on his face.

"Make sure the guys do their miles for today."

"Where you going?"

"To check with the scouts." Taking out a heart shaped bottle and pouring a handful of the pink power into my palm, I pours it over my head. Shedding my clothes, I shifts and shakes before darting off towards my next destination.

Shaking the fur and newly acquired fleas off my body, I scans my surroundings. Nothing. Everything was quiet, except for the distance chatter of who I'm assuming is Lady's mutts.

'Scar. Location.'

'Twenty paces to your right, Sir.' Came the deep voice of my lead men, Scar White.

Heading in the direction, I creep along the forest floor, passing under bushes. I felt the presence of my men before seeing them. I slide into place beside Scar, who sat with two other scouts.


Scar turns his gaze to look back at the pack home. 'Lady Luna has been inside for some hours now. She has scouts keeping watch not far from here, but we managed to go undetected thanks to that power you gave us.'

So, the witch was right about her strange powers hiding out scent. I guess she earned my trust, at least enough to give away some information.

'Any word about their whereabouts?'

'No. The only thing we were able to pick up was that they apparently is on the lookout for that kid of hers. Some rogues kidnapped him, is the word. And they plan to look on the southern border, along where that creek runs.'

'Anything else?'

'Word is they may be planning to ask our help in the search for the kid.'

'I see.'

'We going to help?'

'Don't know. But watch them. I need to know everything they do and when they do it.'

'Roger that, Alpha.'

'Aye that powers works miracles, boss.' Fang, a gray, brown wolf, turns his big canine head to me. He was smiling as best a wolf could anyway.

'Yea. I know.'

'Where'd you get it? I could use some extra.'

'Sorry boys. That's my little secret.'

The two of them, except Scar, whines a cry longing for more of the stuff. Who could blame them? It was our first time having access to an tool that could mask our scents. With so much opportunity arising, I could invade my enemies packs and raid them right under their noses.

'I gotta go. Sleep calls. Make sure you keep taps on everything they do.'

They nodded their heads, returning to their watch while I slipped away.

Walking inside my home did nothing to soothe the burning rage, unlike the other times. I wanted to rip something-hit someone.

Maximus. I can't believe that guy spoke to me that way.

If he wasn't my best friend, I'll break his neck.

Best friend or not, he disrespected you. He deserves to be punished for going against us.

"Aaag." Grabbing a nearby lamp, I threw it across the room, watching it shatter into pieces.

I need to chill.

Walking into my room, I begin stripping of my clothes. Clothes were always a restriction. Climbing into my bed and laying down, I mentally call for one of my girls.

I want mate.

"Shut up." Grabbing a cigarette from my top drawer, I light it and took a long puff. Closing my eyes to my room, I relishes in the tranquil sensation smoking gave me.

Collen was really getting on my nerves. I can't just walk up and grab my mate and force her into my bed, now can I?

Not yet, we can't.

"Fair enough, but until than." I could hear my front door opening and closing. "We enjoy another."

A few minutes later, a chocolate beauty appears in my doorway.

"You call, Alpha?"

"You know I did. Get over here."

I watch her walk seductively towards me. She was wearing a silky top that barely covered her rear. She crawls onto the bed, I watches her. This is what I needed.

Reaching behind her neck, I pulls her face closer to mine. Drowning her in a passion kiss, the second she was close enough.

Switching our position, I climb over her, ignoring her giggling. She was only a tool after all. Nothing more, than to satisfy me until my mate could.

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