chapter one: The alliance

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Minato's pov

I am lead through a dark hallway where at the end stand two tall oak doors both labeled with the uchiha crest. I take a deep breath and step through the door where I see fugaku sitting waiting for me. " minato". He says and nods to the chair across from him. "Fugaku" I say politely taking the seat and looking at him. He looks at me for a bit his face and eye expressionless until he said " I want to make an alliance minato you we have the uchiha full cooperation and we expect the same in return". I nodded " of course I have grown tried of the consant fighting and would be honored to be in an alliance with the uchihas". He nods and looks out the window. " the only problem is that the people would never listen to a person from the namikaze clan". He frowns, I sigh, " an marriage will have to happen then". He only nods, my son naruto is the only namikaze child that is not married or betrothed. Fugaku looks at me with sympathy shown in his eyes. " I understand if you don't want this for your son but-". I cut him off "No, I know what must be done and so does naruto he only wants what is best for the village....... he has the biggest heart and deserves to be happy, so may I ask who do you plan on having him marry?"

He nods in compliance "he would have to marry my nephew Madara uchiha". I nodded I've heard about madara, saying that he was very fierce on the battlefield and someone who should not be crossed. The complete opposite of my ray of sunshine naruto. Fugaku saw the doubt look on my face "minato it's fine we can find another way to do the alliance". I shake my head knowing that this is the only way " you know this is the only way, but I would like to wait until naruto is 18". Fugaku nods, "of course now i've kept you long enough, please come back soon  with naruto to discuss more". I smile, "thank you again, I was worried that naruto would never get married". He smiles very faintly "I'm sure he would have married if not for madara, he is a very cute child, he probably have  people lined up to marry him".  I give a small chuckle " still thank you and tell madara I said thank you..... and that I am sorry this was forced and sudden". Pain crept into my voice on the last part and I excused myself before I wept in front of him.

As we rode home I wondered how should I break  the news to naruto and kushina. Kushina would definitely be emotional no  matter what, but I wondered how would naruto react. My naruto is selfless and caring boy who deserves everything he wanted who I told would marry for like me and his mother, I let myself self shed some tears knowing from now on his life would be  very different.

Naruto's pov

Father would be back from his trip to the uchiha village. I hope he was able to get an alliance with the uchihas. I was worried something happened to him that I was really unfocused while traning with Iruka-sansei  "naruto you need to focus I can't go all out on you if you are not  even paying  attention to me".  I look at him and nod. " I am sorry Iruka-sansei I am just worried for my old man". I gave him my signature goofball smile, he smiles a bit and nod "well you have improved greatly but you have  yet to be able to spar with the best, now come on come at me with  everything you got  I flash him a  devilish grin "everything iruka-chan???" As I start to make handsigns iruka pales and yells "NO THAT ONE NARUTO". I start to laugh and clutch my sides "I am not evil iruka-sensei I won't let you die from blood loss". I start to lose it when I look at his face white as a sheet, "it's not funny don't joke around about that". He shivers remembering the last time, I wipe the tears from my eyes and and nod at him "ok, I'm ready".


Hi guys I am sorry about the short chapter but I promise the next chapters will be longer. It is really hard to cope up with all the studys and writing books on wattpad, (but that does not mean that I will stop writing books), Anyways tell me in the comments if you like the story so far.  And please tell me the me your honest opinions in the comments, I will try to update as soon as  I can.

Please do comment, cuz I read all your comments and reply back to them.

さようなら ( translation:good bye)

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