chapter:9 cute

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Madara's pov

I wake up and reach out for naruto side of bed but he's not there I frown. I quickly get out of bed and put on some boxers before heading downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and I see naruto making breakfast he doesn't seem to notice me and  continues cooking while humming. I watch him for a bit before he speaks "you know that staring is weird" I smirk "sorry naru~chan but you are just so cute when you think no one is looking" I quickly go over and wrap my arms around his waist, he leans into me and purrs? I didn't question it as rest my chin on his head as he keeps making breakfast "done mada~" he says turning to me with two plates in his hands and he carries them to the table. I sit down next to him and watch him eat. He looks up at me and tilts his head, there was some food on his cheek so I lean in and lick it off I pull back to see him blushing like crazy "mada~ baka"  he says puffing his cheeks out. I just "hn" a small smile on my face as we continue eating there's a comfortable silence as we eat. After we finish we head to the living room and he snuggled up to me on the couch he looks up at me "mada~ you um- you used p~protection right?" I shake my head no his face turns red. He looks worried "what's wrong?" He looks up at me  "what if I have a baby" I can tell he is trying really hard to ready expression but I just pull him closer and nuzzle my face into his neck "that would be amazing " he hugs me after I say that. I pull away and look at beaming at me I smile and pull him closer as we settle to watch tv.

Naruto's pov 

After a little while of tv I turn to madara "mada?" He turns to me "hn" "fo you think we should go the baa-chan and check me?" I put a hand on my abdomen. He think for a sec mabye Tomorrow I am tired " me neither butt stills hurts" I rub my backside he smirks " you weren't complaining yesterday" I scowl "yea well then you won't mind if I take a break today?" He look upset "no I was just kidding" I cross my arms "well too bad" I say with a shrug "please naru~" I ponder then a devilish smirk appears on my face " fine but you have to get on your knees and beg mada~" he pales, it was get on his knees and beg or he could kiss my butt goodbye what would he pick?


Hi guys, the voting is over and since itanaru won I will make a story on them.

I am sorry I didn't post for such a long time my final exams are coming that the reason but I promise the new book will be out when I finish my exams.

Hope you like this chapter I know it was really small.

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