chapter 8:vow part 2

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Ladies and gentlemen we got its me author~chan lol it's chapter 8 and remember lots of 🍋lemon🍋, innocents don't read this chapter.

Madara's pov

He's looking at me and smirking as he continues to rub against me making me harder and harder "N~naru" he starts laughing "hahah I got you back" he stuck his tongue out. I smirk and grab him him by the waist and press my lips to his he doesn't pull back and wraps his arms around my neck I pull back and he's panting "naru~chan it wasn't very nice teasing me now I'm hard~" he sits back blushing "I~I'm sorry" "it's ok"~ but now you have to help me". He looks shocked his eyes widen and his face reddens, he thinks about it for a second then nods "o~ok m~mada~" I smirk triumphantly quickly pulling him back into a kiss and running my hands up and down his thighs he moans into the kiss making me smirk more. He starts unbuttoning the dress shirt I had on since I uad removed my jacket when we walked in and I feel his hands rest on my bare chest.I lick his bottom lip and he eagerly opener up I slid my tongue in and explore every inch of his mouth while he moans and I slowly unzip the maid outfit he's in. I slowly slide it down to his stomach and he sits up blushing while I stare at his exposed chest, I had seen it already yes but I had to look away and now I could stare all I want. He tries to cover up but I quickly and gently put his arms at his sides, I lean in and put my face to his neck and mumble "your beautiful" against his skin and slowly kiss and lock my way down his neck. He continues moaning as I make my way to his nipples and I lightly start sucking on one he moans loudly and arches his back "m~mada~hah" and I let go with a pop. I lean back panting and look at naruto blushing light pink, panting and grinding his hard on mine I can't take it anymore and with that I practically rip my pants off, now I am naked, maruto just stares at me before his eyes slowly drift down and land on my proudly stand member. His faces burns red and he quickly looks away  mumbling "it's so big" I let out a small laugh ans wisper into his ear huskily "and It is all yours" he stutters as I begin to remove the rest of his clothes he's only in his boxers now. He blushes hard as he slowly begins to remove them I see his v-line then the boxers are gone and I staring at a fully exposed naruto he's covering his face now "naru~ what's wrong?" He is still covering his face "gosh this is soo weird" I chuckle and pick him up he puts his legs around my waist and arms around my neck. I quickly bring him upstairs and put on the bed after locking the door I go back to the bed and gently place myself in between his legs he's looking up at me now excitement in his eyes but also curiosity it was his first time but it also mine. I had read the whole icha icha paradise book and my uncles explained how it works so I knew what would happen next but naruto didn't I took three fingers and putthem near his mouth he looked confused "I need you to suck on them so I can preep you to 'receive'! " he blushed and nodded before slowly taking the fingers and putting them in his mouth. After I felt they were wet enough I slowly retracted them and naruto let go with a pop I took my first finger and hovered it over his entrance and looked up at him he just nodded at me and I put the first one in. Naruto gasped lightly when I did and squirmed but stopped so I thrusted my finger in getting a light moan I then put in a second finger doing scissoring motion his moans growing louder and he was panting "m~mada~ ngh" it  was to much I was slowly losing it adn I took both my fingers out. I slowly positioned myself before looking at naruto he looked back at me and nodded with that I quickly slid in him making his moan which he tried to cover up but failed I sat back waiting for him to adjust he looked up at me "I-its ok you can move" I smirked "hey you don't have to act all cocky you-" but he never got to finish because I had thrusted into him making him moan loudly and I kept up thst pace of quickly thrusting in him I was on the verge of moaning he was so tight qnd warm. I don't know how long it was but eventually he wrapped his legs around my waist pulling  closer to me  and he moaned "F~faster pl~please" and I compiled quickening my pace he  moaned again eventually I went back in quicker than before and hit something that made him arch his back and scream my name.

Time skip brought to u by  pennywise the clown I hate:

Naruto's pov

I was laying down under the sheets cuddled next to madara we were panting and sweating.

To be continued


Heeehe sorry this was so short next chapter will be longer lol I hope you like this chapter........I know it was smut, so that is why I have some holy water for all the innocent people here please clean yourself ( btw all innocent pals never stop being innocent and don't turn out like me a pervert) sorry the chapter was a bit weird, it was my first time writing smut to I am not very good at it.

I am sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, I know there might be some but please don't come after me for spelling errors, I am a human too I also make mistakes.

Btw todays word count is:1052 words


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