chapter 6: the pink problem

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Hi guys so as you can see that tittle of this chapter is the pink problem well sakura is going to be a problem in this chapter I just thought that let's add this and here it is. Anyways chapter 6 is here and next chapter is the "wedding" because it is sort of starting in this chapter and fair warning there might be sumt ( I think there will only be kisses in this chapter but there might be actually sumt in the next chapter, idk if I will add smut ). So well let's start.

Naruto's pov

Madara-kun and me were going to have breakfast but we stop hearing the most god-awful sound "EKKKK MADARA-KUN!!" And all of a sudden this pink haired girl comes up and tries to tackle madara, I say try because she jumped of him but he didn't budge and she fell. When she falls on her butt and I see madara smirk but he quickly loses it "why are you here and what do you want?" She quickly gets up "oh madara-kun I came here because I was invited to a wedding and I'm so glad I did because you're here." You can see the lust in her eyes as she looks at him but madara looks at her as he did when I tried to teach him how to cook an egg and somehow it turned out burnt and green. He grins a evil small and says "Ohh yes do you know who's getting married" she looks up at him " ohh um I didn't read the invitation fully so no, who's getting married madara-kun?" At this his grin widens "ohh sakura I'm marring naru~chan here" she looks stunned her mouth agape, opening and closing "ohh Naru~chan I have not introduced you this is sakura, sakura this is naruto my soon to be husband" she looks between madara and me "hello sakura it is nice to meet you" I give her a smile but she only scoffs "madara-kun would never agree to marry someone as ugly as you, he really wants to marry me right madara-kun?" At this I back up and put my head down tears threatening to spill, madara pulls me to his chest and lifts me chin up and kisses me I melt into the kiss. Madara pulls back and glares the scariest glare I've ever seen him give at sakura who's still shocked from the kiss "sakura I warn you insult him again and you might not live to see the wedding, if you hurt him like you did to the other fangirls I can guarantee you will disappear without a trace and never come back do I make myself clear?" With that we walk away leaving a shocked sakura "naru ignore her everything she said is false your beautiful she's just jealous she doesn't compare to you with her billboard brow and flat chest and-" he stops as I kiss him full on the lips he kisses back passionately I give a small moan and he pulls me closer and there is no space between us. Suddenly I feel him lick my bottom lip I'm confused until he lightly grabs my bottom lip wih his teeth and pulls it down I open my mouth to follow his lip and he puts his tongue in. I give a light gasp as I feel him slowly exploring my mouth we break for air and when our lips disconnect a string of saliva leaves my mouth connected to his.

I'm blushing I can feel it on my cheeks as I pant madara's also panting suddenly I feel something pushing onto my area I blush a bit and madara says "l love you naru~" I smile "I love you madara-kun" he intertwins our fingers and we walk to the dining room hand in hand. I blush as I see my sensei come up to us and he practically suffocates me when he hugs me into his chest "Iruka-sansei I can't........breathe" he lets go a bit and he crying "naruto you are grown up now you are getting married and leaving us" I just smile "Iruka-sansei don't worry about me, madara and me will visit all the time besides I don't think you will miss my reverse sexy-" " naruto you are getting married please don't bring that jutsu up" I can see that his face is pale. I laugh "I don't Iruka-sansei mada~ might like this justu" madara looks at us with curiosity "what's the jutsu?" I give him a evil grin and do the hand signs "reverse sexy harem-" Iruka tackles me to the ground. I started to crack up laughing and rolling on the floor "naruto don't do that you almost gave me a heart attack" I am holding my stomach still laughing "it's just so funny to mess with you Iruka-sansei, besides I'd never show madara -kun that jutsu" I take madara hand again and we sit at the table itachi and sasuke wave at us and we wave back itachi leans over and wispers "naru~chan don't look but sakura is glaring at you" I being the idiot I look over and see sakura stabing her food as she looked at me. I turn back to itachi "what's wrong with her is she really that jealous?" Itachi nods "she is kinda crazy be careful ok?" I nod "mada~ maybe we should stay away from sakura she keeps looking at me weirdly" he looks over and frowns "ok, naru~ but we will all be out in the garden rehearsing" I sigh nodding "well as best as we can then" we both shrug and keep eating after everyone's done eating we go out to the garden to rehearse.

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