chapter5: the confessions

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Naruto's pov

The door of the car opens and madara walks out he looks a bit older than the last time I saw him and just as handsome. I feel my cheeks heat up I wave and smile at him, he looks up to see me and smirks "miss me naru~chan?" I puff my cheeks out " not at all madara-kun" he chuckles "aw did you really not miss me naru~chan?" I turn back to him smiling "of course I did madara~kun" while this was happening mom and sad were looking at us with sparkles in their eyes. I look at them and say confused "what?" My mom looks at the two of us "you guys are just so cute together" I thurn my haed away blushing "MOM" I look up at madara and see him blushing and seeing that mekes me blush harder as I finally stutter out "L-Let's g-go i-in-inside" madara nods and follows me inside my parents following. I look behind me to see only madara following me upstairs I turn back around my cheeks pink and take him to his room. We get there and I open the door for him "thanks naru~chan" he gives me a quick hug before going in. As I go downstairs my face red again I see my mom and dad taking pictures "Hey!!" I shout and they just stick their tongues out and run
"Bakas" I mumble as I go back to the kitchen to finish dinner, I finish the soup, rice and dango I was about to start with the salad whe I hear "hn" I jump up startled when I turn around to see madara " oh madara-kun it's you" I flash him a big smile as he walks over to me and sees what I've been making " I hope you like it, I tried to make you favorite but I didn't-" he cuts me off "naru~chan thank you" I blush and nod turning my attention back to the salad. I feel his hand under my chin again lifting my haed towards his as I stare into his dark onxy eyes " naru~chan this is hard for me because I've never felt like this before and I don't exactly what I should say but I love you".

Madara's pov

"I love you". I hold his chin still and wait for him to speak, gis mouth is wide open and he looks stunned my heart start to feel heavy and I'm about to release his chin and leave when "....m-madara~k-kun......I love you" I feel my eyes widen and my heart beat fast as I absorb what my blonde said. Suddenly moving on my own I lean down bringing my face to naruto's he doesn't pull away but stays as I connect my lips with his, his lips are soft and full as I put my arms around his waist pulling him closer and there is no space between us. His arms travel up resting on my chest as he gives a soft moan into the kiss and I suddenly get a big problem downstairs. Naruto leans backa bit and looks up at me "ummm do you happen to have something in your pocket?" I shake my head and he blush bright red and says "oh" I about to lean back into the kiss when I hear a bang, naruto and me trun to see minato holding kushina who appears to have a nosebleed. I quickly start heating up when minato looks up at us two and says " ignore us just keep going" he quickly runs out and naruto buries his face in my chest, I feel the heat radiating off his face as he mumbles "stupid stupid bakas" I laugh a bit and kiss the top of his head. "Naru~chan I need to go the restroom real quick I'll come back, ok?" He nods blushing when he realizes why I need to go "dinner will be done when you come back and I need you to get mom and dad" I nod and give him a quick kiss before leaving, I make quick eork of relieving myself and head back.

When I get back naruto's mom and dad are sitting down talking to each other as naru seems to find the floor interesting. I hear their conversations "oh naru~chan that was so cute I just couldn't help myself and I called your dad over just as you two kissed, oh it wad just too much" his dad smiles "I am a bit glad that your mother fainted because I didn't want things to escalate-" at this I made my presence known "nothing would have happened sir" he looks up at me so does naruto relief floods his face and he motions for me to sit next to him and I do. Minato smiles "I trust you two but I doubt if interrupted things would have not gone further". Naru blushs hard and gets up to serve dinner while I try to clam the blush tryimg to sneaking on my face. Kushina laughs "naru~ you don't have to hide your feeling remember you are getting married in just short four days" she starts tearing up "oh my little naru~ how am I going to give you up" naru starts handing us bowls and plates "mom stop we will be knly 10 minutes away" he blushing still and tears present in his eyes. I just look at minato and he gives a apologetic smile "we're just going to miss him so much I hope you understand" I nod " you shouldn't worry I won't let any harm come to naru~chan" his mom looks at me and smiles " I know but still I worry for my little naru~" "mom I am not five anymore" he puffs out his cheeks as we start eating, I smile and lean down giving him a small kiss on the cheek, he smiles up at me and starts eating."ohh that reminds me guests will arive tomorrow, just some close family and then the next day more important guests and friends" minato says while continuing to eat.

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