chapter 3: about you

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Naruto's pov

I wake up in an unfamiliar room, I start to panic but remember I am staying at the uchihas. I sit up and look around the room is grey the walls, floors, bed and furniture all is grey. I get up and put something on and walk out I start to explore, I am walking down a hallway when I hear a noise coming from one of the rooms. I get closer to it and realize its the kitchen I walk in and see my mom and mikoto bustling around " hey mom, hello ma'am". My mom and mikoto turn and smile. "Naruto would you like to help?" " of course mom". I say grining and helping them grab food and utensils, mikoto looks at me " I didn't know you could cook." I just smile " yeah I would help mom and she taught me how to cook just in case I was ever hungry and no one was there." Mikoto smiles " thank you for helping and I am sure madara would be happy to know you can cook because I know he can't". I give a small laugh " madara can't cook?" Mikoto shakes her head and smiles "poor thing would starve if you weren't here" I grin " haaa so he needs me to take care of him, well he'll have to do what I say or he starve to death" my mom and mikoto both let out loud laughs and smile. Everyone starts to wake up and come into the kitchen first itachi then sasuke who comes and teases me for acting like a girl and then madara, fugaku and my dad walk in. When I see madara I can feel butterflies aggressively fluttering in my stomach. My mom, mikoto and I smile at them and start serving breakfast.

After we've all sat down and starting eating fugaku starts talking to my dad and madara. Itachi and sasuke start talking to me "so what kind of things do you like to do?" Itachi looks at while he eats. "Oh well I like video games of course and training with Iruka-sansei he really easy to fluster so it's fun, oh cooking and ramen and I like to hang out with my friends shikamaru, choji, garaa, and busy brows oh um I mean lee". I end with a smile while eating " what about you itachi?" He thinks for a moment " I like to train and me and sasuke like to hang out with shisui you'll meet him soon but I also like dango". I nod "so anyways how do you like the food I tried something different since I heard you guys like tomatoes " "well thanks naruto and yeah it was good I think sasuke liked it the most" "hn" is all sasuke says, I kinda chuckle "well thanks for the compliment sasuke". After everyone finishes I start taking the plates to the sink and everyone leaves. At least I thought everyone left because as soon as I start doing the dishes I hear "hn" I turn around expecting sasuke or itachi but it was madara. My palms start sweating again " O-oh madara is something wrong did you need something?" He shakes his head and pulls something out of his pocket and gives it to me. I take it and look at it, it's a necklace with a blue stone on it, I let out a gasp " madara this is beautiful you didn't have to do this I don't have anything for you I- he stops me " it's really no problem I just thought you might like it". He walks out and I smile and put the necklace on it went withthe black and orange shirt I ws wearing.

Madara's pov

I was pleased that naruto liked the necklace it would have been awkward it he didn't. My anut helped me pick that out for him and I was curious to see if he'd like it. iI sigh and walk outside to train shisui is already out there. "Madara come I've been waiting" I chuckle " sorry I had to eat breakfast with my family". "Hn well then let's go" I sigh "your so impatient" I take off my shirt and grab my sword.

Naruto's pov

I looked down at the necklace madara gave me and frowned I really want to give him something. A smile spreads across my face I'll make him something to eat after he trains. I walk to the living room were mikoto is sitting " ma'am?" " oh hello naruto is something wrong?" "No, I just wanted to make madara something and I was wondering what he like to eat?" Mikoto thought for a second " you could make him some tomato soup with soem tofu" I nod " thank you ma'am" I quickly ran ran into the kitchen and started cooking it was about two hours later that I finished madara was traininhg with shisui so I put two bowls on the tray and walked outside. Once I got out I saw madara and shisui still training and I walked closer to them and they both turned to me. I bowed quickly out of respect andnso ther couldn't see my tomato red face. Both of them walked over to me " so you must be naruto it's nice to meet you I am shisui" he said with a smile. "Hello it's nice to meet you" I say my head still down so they can't see me and I hand shisui the food. "Thanks a lot naruto" I nod my head still down "your welcome" I feel something on my chin again picking my head up and I stare into the onyx eyes again. I feel myself flush a darker shade of red even if that is possible andmadara whispers into my ears "yous shouldn't hife your face naruto people want to see it". He tickles my ear as he talks. I blish harder "O-ok ma-madara" I bow once more and half-walk half-run back to the house.

Madara's pov

I watch as the blonde retreats back to the house a small grin crosses over my face when I think about how flustered he was. Shisui turns to my already eating " hey come on if you don't eat it will get clod you can fantassize about your future wife later". He finishes rolling his eyes with a smirk. I scoffed "whatever pervert" I grab the bowl and start eating, shisui just laughs "so you already have a ctush on your future witfe?" "Tch- no" he smirked evily and starts waving hand signs he suddenly disappeared in a cloud of smoke. I rise an perfect eyebrow questioningly " what are yuu doing shisui?" Then I see shisui walk towards me but he used a transformation justu and looks like naruto. My eyes widen "shisui what are you-" he cuts me off and gets close to my face "how do you feel when I get close to your face madara-kun" I feel my checks heating up and I push shisui away but he only gets closer and puts a hand on my knee inching it up. I push him awaand rush into the house, shisui is howling with laughter, I can feel all the bllod in my body rushing down and me face pales. I run into the house and fall right on top of someone- it's naruto I fall right on top of him and my pressed against his. My face pales again when I see him looking anywhere but down and squirming to get up his face is even reddder than earlier. I get off him and run to my room an dinto the bathroom where I stay for some time until my face cools down

I calmly walk out of the room an dinto the kitchen where I see mikoto, kushina and naruto making food. They all turn around to see who walked in and when naruto turns his face turns red and he quickly turns qround not showing his face. His mom frowns and she says "naruto sweetie are you ok your face is red". She goes to put her hand on his forhead but he steps back stammering " I a-am f-fine mom I j- just need a-air" and with that he walks out of the kitchen his face getting redder and redder. Mikoto and kushina look at each other and frown " madara dear can you check up on naruto?"  " I am sura he is fine obasan" " I wasn't asking dear". She then flashes a very threatening smile. I swallow "I will check up on him now obasan" she smiles  normally " thank you dear" I quickly leave trying to find naruto when I see him sitting outside looking at the sky holding the necklace I gave him.  I walk over to him but he does not notice me until I am sitting right next to him. He jumps up startled but his cheeks flush red as he sits down. "Hey madara" "hn" he relaxs a bit but his face is still red. "Obasan wanted me ro come qnd make sure you were alright" "well it is nice of her to do that but I am fine". He flashes a big smile. We just sit there for a while until he falls a sleep, I look over to him sleeping peacefully and pick him up and carry him to his room, when I get there I lay him on the bad qnd cover him up I quickly leave the room and make it to my room.

I get back to my room but instead of going to sleep I lay there staring at the ceiling. For some reason my brain does not want to sleep and naruto jeeps popping up in my mind,  I seriously consider what shisui said earlier, do I like naruto more then just a friend?  I sigh and look over at the clock  bedside
My bed it is 9:55 I have been sitting here for over an hour. I sit a little longer before my mind surrenders to sleep.


I wanted your guys opinion on the book is it good and was the chapter easy to follow. I hope it was easy to follow.

The word count is: 1713 words


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