chapter 4: goodbye

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Hi guys it's me again with a new chapter. I might do a time skip to when naruto is 18.


I woke up to my my leaning over me and smiling  " naru~ get up we are leaving today" I groan a bit " just five more minutes" she giggles and says " then you won't mind if I pick out your clothes for you, I found that pink bun-" "NO"!! I shout and leap out of bed to get ready. I grumble under my breath I need to burn that suit when we get back home, I don't even know why I still have it. After I got dressed and pack the things I brought I run down to the kitchen where mom snd mikoto are making breakfast, I start to help them when sasuke walks in "good morning sasuke~kun" I say teasing him a bit he sowls and says "hn" I laugh " well somone is grumpy today" he scowls again and sits down mumbling something about itachi and baka. I grin but on the inside I feel a bit sad I'm leaving today and won't be able to see them again for awhile. I quickly push that thought out of my mind, I see fugaku, dad and madara enter we all turn to smile at them. I feel my heart flutter when I look at madara I really don't know why he makes feel like this, I've only meet him and yes we are betrothed but I bearly know him. I know we are friends but what I feel for sasuke and itachi is different then what I feel for madara, mabye it's because he is attractive, I quickly help help my mom set the table and serve the food me and itachi make some small talk and I hear my parents talking. After everyone's done it's time for me and my parents to say goodbye, I sat bye and huy sasuke and itachi and I give a respectful goodbye to fugaku and mikoto. I turn to madara and give him my signature goofball smile "thank you so much for everything madara" I quickly bow to show respect. I feel his hand on my chin once more lifting it up he ruffles my hair sightly and says  " your welcome naruto, but you are coming back so don't make it sound like you are going forever" a very small smile sneaks onto his lips. I let out a small laugh and shake my arms around his wrist, I squeeze and quickly pull back and wave as I walk to the car and get in.

Madara's pov

I feel my cheeks heat up as the blonde pulls away from the  small hug he gave me, he was 6 inches shorter than me so when he hugged me his head rested on my chest. I feel like I can't breathe where his arms and head where radiated heat, I watched as he got in the car with his parents and drove off. I compose myself and went inside smiling to myself as I thought about the blonde.

Third person's  pov

For the last two years naruto and madara have visited each other. The last 8 months they have seen each other since an outside clan attacked both clans. It's naruto's 18th birthday soon so that means he will be marrying madara. Naruto was beginning to get more and more nervous as the days pass, he had come to terms with his feelings for madara but he still didn't know how madara felt about him. Madara was finally visiting and would stay until the wedding, naruto's heart fluttered as he thought about madara.

Madara's pov

Finally after months apart from naruto I would be able to meet him, I was furious when a neighboring clan had started war with us and the namikazes. It ended fairly quickly but it caused my to miss 8 months thst could have been spent with naruto. Because of my status and skill I was drafted as a general and lead 7 battles witht the  namikaze clan. I ws still upset with the clan that started this ridiculous war but the clan itself was ridiculous. The haruno's the dumbest and weakest clan, I had the displeasure in meeting, I scowl remembering how the haruno's daughter fawned over me and my cousins trying to gain our favour. It disgusted me at how fake she was and the way she constantly tried to seduce me made me gag, she was the foulest creature I have laid my eyes on. But now I will be able to see naruto I have mot seen his bright smile or feel his caring touch in so long. And when I come to visit him next he would leave with me because we will be married,  my heart skipped a beat just thinking of naruto finally being mine. I still haven't confessed my feelings to him I would  as soon as I can get alone with him I knew I should have done this a long time ago but I wanted to make sure he was comfortable around me first. Even if he  didn't share the same feelings it wouldn't matter because he would have to marry me either way. I sighed as I thought of this if he didn't feel the same about me he'll still be stuck with me untill death do us apart.

I start packing as we'll be leaving soon and finally be able to see naruto. I all most allow myself to smile but quickly banish that as itachi and sasuke come in "madara~kun is getting married". Sasuke said with a  smirk as he sits down  on my  bed. "Hn" is all I say and itachi smirks and says " we've noticed how excited you have been madara-kun we would have naever thought that you had a soft spot fir the blonde" at this I turn and glare at both of them  only causing them to smirk  "see what we mean you are so cold it's like a tundra is here" itachi expression softtens a bit " but we are happy that you are getting married, me and sasuke are happy you found someone worthy of your greatness" itachi bows low with a smirk and we all laugh "thanks itachi and sasuke" sasuke smirks "ohh is the great madara thanking us?" I quickly lose it and throw a pillow at his face he falls over onto the floor and me and itachi start howling with laughter. He gets up with a little color on his cheeks, I laugh again "oh is the great sasuke defeated by a pillow?" He scowls and grumbles under his breath "stupid baka" "heard that sasuke" he scowls more and leaves itachi close behind.

Naruto's pov

Finally today is the day madara is finally coming back, I feel my heart skip a beat, but than I realize that he should be here soon. I quickly run back into the house from the garden where I gathered some fresh  vegetables for dinner tonight I really wanted to please madara so I got tomatos. I quickly run back inside to start dinner that will be, tomato soup with rice balls and some nice salad and some dango for after, I smile to myself as I start making the soup it already looks good. I let everything sit and run to my room to change since I got dirty in the garden and the kitchen, so I put on a nice orange shirt with my clans symbol and nice black jeans I look myself in the mirror and smile "naru~ sweetie he is here"  I hear my mom say this, I can feel butterflies aggressively fluttering in my stomach, I quickly run down stairs and out of the door to stand with my mom and my dad, I feel my heartbeat faster and my plams become sweaty as the door to the car opens and.....

Cliffhanger on jutu,

Sorry this is short I wanted to get this chapter out as soon as possible since it's been a long time since I have updated, I am sorry for that.

I am also sorry if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes, i was in a hurry to write this chapter.

Thank you to people who waited for me to update.

The word count is:1398 words

Bye guys

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