chapter 10:pregante~?

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Naruto's pov
I watch as madara gets on his knees in front of me my mouth opens in shock he actually got on his knees??!?!!? "Naruto I'm sorry please" I sit there in utter shock what just happened is he sick?is he dying? "M-mada~ I did- I mean you di- I wasn't really going to make you beg" he looks up at me "so I didn't have to get on my knees and beg you to do tue devil's tango with me?" I blush "well no..." "that wasn't very nice naru~chan I want a apology" "I'm sorry mada~koi" "no right here" he says qs he pionts at his lips. I feel my heat rising on my cheeks as I nod he smirks  before pulling me into a kiss it's gentle and when he licks my bottom lip I open up to allow his tongue entrance into my mouth. I give a soft moan when we pull away for air I dezedly look up at my husband "I love you naru~chan "I love you too you cocky- uchiha- perverted bastard".

Madara's pov brought to you by the ghost seeing me all the time

( jk I don't have any ghost in my house, idk I might have one 😅)

"Naru it's time to wake up" he mumbles something and turn away "no  sleep" I sigh "naru we will get ramen after" I blinked and be was up running down the stairs fully dressed "hurry we have to go get my rame- I mean go the baa-chan office" I am scared of his ramen addiction "coming " I say as he runs to the door, he is very excited he stayed up half night talking about the baby. I smiled as I thought about him holding our baby "hurry" he said as he dragged me to the car. (Time skip to when they are at the doctor's office)  we walk to the receptionist's desk "hello I am madara uchiha I made a appointment with tsunade senju to see my husband naruto namikaze-uchiha" she types someting "yes I see you here lady tsunade told me to send you to her office, room 122 down this hall" I nod "thank you"

After some time a very ticked looking tsunade comes into the room "hey baa-chan " "hello lady tsunade "hey there brat, brats husband now come on lay down on this table for me I don't have all day" he lays down as she does some hand signs and her hand glows green. Tsunade slowly moves her hand around his abdomen. Out so no where she stops her hand over a particular spot and stays there. Her face is black for a second and then breaks into a smile "congratulations"
"We're gonna be parents dattebayo" he puts a hand of his stomach "there's a baby here mada" "as much as I love to see I have other patients to see and you have some good new to share" "oh yeah well bye baa-chan see you later" he grabs my arm and run off "Don't run so fast naru~chan" " mada I pregnant not glass anyways first off you promised me ramen after this and I'm starving and second we have to figure out how to my mom and dad"

Time skip brought to you by my not at all sleepy ass who can't sleep

We finally get to ichiraku ramen, I almost forgot he was woth me and left him in the car anyways I ordered my usual, mada orders the same as me. Soon ayame comes ouy with our orders "enjoy you two" I smile and thanked her "Itadakimasu" I say as I dig into my noodles.


Hi 👋,  so this was the last chapter of the book which means the book has come to an end, I don't know if I should be sad or happy mabye both, anyways I am very happy that I was able to finish this book, but also a little sad cuz this book has come to an end.  I'm happy after all the stress, sleep nights and writer block I was able to finish this book. The end was a little shitty. But I hoped you enjoyed the book.

Bye guys

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