chapter 2: The Meeting

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Naruto's pov

I woke up to the sound of my mom yelling and screaming with joy "my dad must be back". I think with a smile on my face. I run down stairs to the front door and sure there is my mom yelling and waving her arms at the car that just pulled up. I step outside next to my mom and grin and wave too as I watch my dad step out of the car, he looked tired and his eyes are slightly red. I turn to mom and she nodded, something is definitely wrong with my dad, mom and me ran up to him " dad what's wrong?" Concern lit my face up as he gqve me a sad smile " naruto, kushina I think we need to talk". He looked away and led us to the living room and we all sat down, my mom made circular motion on my dad's back to calm him down, he cleared his throat a little before he spoke " naruto, kushina I was able to get an alliance with the uchihas". Mom and me both cheered but settled down when we saw the look on dad's face " dad what happened why are you so upset". He looked at me and I could tell he was sorry for something " naruto as a part of the alliance you will have to marry madara uchiha".

Mu mom sat there looking dazed and confused, my little naru~chan is getting married?" She said, dad nodded, and looked back at me, I knew I had my mouth open and eyes wide in shock. My mom came over and held me tears forming in her eyes " naru~ hey you don't have to worry everything will be fine you're going to be so pretty....." she started to let her tears flow and sob's started to take over her. My fater quickly tried to comfort her, "hey he's not leaving yet clam down we have time". I just sat there completely shocked by what my father had said " so I'll be marrying madara......... when?" My father looked away from  mom and at me "two years and you and madara will be married". " so soon" I thought letting all the info sink in. I really wasn't looking forward to marrying madara I always had thought I'd meet someobe I really loved like mom and dad and then get married. I let myself look sad as I thought about it my people really need this alliance so we have peace I sighed and gave them a small smile. " well I can't wait to meet him". I said holding back the sadness that so desperately wanted to be shown.

Time skip 4 hours later~

I was terrified of this man and I hadn't even met him. My fater kept telling me stories about him hoping that I'd find them interesting but I only found them terrifying. I tried to keep upbeat because war stories were often exaggerated but it was hard they all mafe him sound clod and heartless. I got a little jumpy when the phone started ringing, my dad rushed to pick it up "hello?" "Oh yes I'm fine how are you" "that's great but..... he wants to meet him now?" "Yes I understand we will be there as soon as possible "yes thank you, you too take care". He looked at my mom and gave me a small smile. " we will be heading back to the uchihas tomorrow moring so I suggest we go get some rest so we can leave early tomorrow". Me and mom both nodded and left to get to bed. My mom held me tightly before kissing my cheek and going to bed. I couldn't sleep I was nervous about meeting madara I finally decided to head to the gardens to relax so I could get some sleep. But them I saw two people making out on the bench near the fountain and decided against it. I sighed and made my way back up to my room grumbling about Iruka-sansei.

The next morning I woke up to my mom gently shaking me. I looked up at her abd smiled " mom you never do this whats wrong?" She sighs and says " I won't have my baby to myself anymore I want to be as close as possible for as long as possible". She  smiles and kisses my forhead and heads out of my room. I smile back but she was right soon I wouldn't be here two years may sound like a lot of time but it will be gone before you know it. I quickly got dressed and grabbed something small to eat since I wasn't feeling very hungry after mom and dad ate we left and headed yo the uchihas.

Madara's pov

After I had come home from training yesterday I was met with a very odd sight all of my family were huddled together and discussing something. I raised an eyebrow and started to walk past them not wanting to get involved but my uncle fugaku stopped me "madara we have something to discuss". I knew he was serious and wouldn't take no for an answer so I sighed and sat down. "If this is about me getting a bride you can forge-". Fugaku silenced me and gave a nod towards mikoto, sasuke and itachi "madara I have taken up an alliance with the namikaze clan". "Well that's great uncle but why-". He sighed and said calmly and carefully " as a part of the alliance agreement you will be married to minato's son naruto". I fell my eyes widen a bit " and you did this without telling me?" Anger starting to try and seep into my voice. Fugaku sighed and nodded  " madara you need to get married and produce an heir remember you will be uchiha clan soon". " I don't see why I need to get married" mikoto frowned " you need someone to produce an heir for you madara....." I ran my hand through my hair I can't believe this is happening. " I'm going to shower"  I mumbled before headimg off. Everyone left me alone a nd I showred it took me awhile to come out when I did Everyone was still there waiting

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