chapter 7: the vow

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Hi guys, so before you starting reading I wanted to tell you next chapter will have some.......lemon🍋 so innocent people this is a warning for you, and dirty minded I think this was your wish for a long time 😏. I will not take anymore of your time.

Naruto's pov

I was walking down the hallway, my mom, mikoto and I were seated in. They talked about random things ai heard the word 'baby' thrown around a few times and I felt my face heat up. Ever since mada~ came mom only talks about grandchildren and now she's got mikoto talking too. I remember last night at dinner she brought it up and I spluttered my face felt like it was on fire and mada~ started choking. I had a feeling she really wanted grandchildren~😐. I was all ready for this wedding to start but ohhhh no I had to wait for the stupid 'wedding march' to start, I always hated that song with every cell in my body. My mom and mikoto finally stoped talking and looked at me, I stoped walking to stare at them I looked at them confused but they just started giggling "naru~ it's ok to be nervous, when I married your father I was a wreck I almost fell halfway down the aisle and then dropped his ring" I started to laugh "your such a klutz mom" she frowned a little them smiled again "well your not nervous anymore ae you?" I shake my head and smile a little "well not really, I getting married ya know I just so happy" they both smile and nod . Suddenly I hear the wedding march play my mom
Starts tearing up and hugs me " I love you naru~" I tear up too " I love you mom" then she and mikoto walk out and my dad walks in taking my arm. "Come on naruto" he said softly taking me to the doors that lead outside I tole a deep breath as the door was pushed open and I was blinded by the light outside. After my eyes adjusted to the light I let out a small gasp everyone was standing up and starting at me, I felt my face heat up before quickly looking ahead and down the aisle and I saw madara there only looking at me with a small smile on his face . I blush but it was covered up by my embarrassment I quickly looked back at madara admiring his tall musclar physique and the way his black tux hugged him tight in all the right places- no naruto don't be a perv- it felt like years but dad and I finally reached the stage, he smiled at me and I smiled at madara before leaning into his ear and wispering I saw madara tense but he simply nodded and grabbed my hand. I inhaled as we walked to the priest and he started talking a lot of what he said was garbage but we finally got to the vows it was madara's turn first. He looked me right in the eye ignoring everyone else "naruto I have never been well with speechs I find them to be wasteful listening to ramble about something I could care less about, but I think this is a exception because I will be talking about someone of actual naruto are the most important person to me. Naruto I love you I've never really cared about anyone but my family and found no use in making friends and being friendly but you're different I'd do anything for you and my only wish is to make up happy". It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop then everyone cheered loudly but politely I was a blushing mess I was feeling all of madara's warmth and love and it was overwhelming. The priest then turned to me it was my turn I looked at madara in the eye as best I could without blushing and started "mada~ when Iw as little I always dreamed of getting married to someone Iw as in love with" I could see the sadness in his eyes as I continued "and because of you my dream is coming true" I flashed my biggest smile to him, he looked at me and smiled a small but genuine smile and my heart fluttered "mada~ you make me so happy, I feel like my heart is going to explode I love you so much it hurt sometimes, I love everything about you like l the fact that you can't cook to save your life..." this gets some laughs, itachi and sasuke are howling with laughter "I love how you say 'hn' it's like an answer for everything, the way you can intimate anyone with just one look even though you are a big softie" I say with a smirk on my face as I see the annoyed look on his face but he is smirking too. "But most of all I love how caring,kind and selfless you are around your family". I finish my speech and hear everyone burst onto applause, my mom and most of my family is are crying and I see mikoto holding bsck tears while the rest of the uchihas are keeping a stoic expression. I turn back to madara and see the love in his dark eyes as he looks down at me, gosh he's tall. I turn and see a little boy come up to the stage and give us the rings, I take madara's and he takes mine slipping it on my ring finger and I slip his one the priest smiles "now I pronounce you husband and wife you may-" I didn't hear him finish as madara puts his arms around my waist and kisses me I put my arm around his neck and deepen the kiss. I pulled away panting light and looking into my husband eyes ignoring the cheering crowd.

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