Inuyasha is a young half-demon seeking for the fragments of the Shikon Jewel with his friends.
Seeking for Naraku, he and his friends set out on an adventure.
When Inuyasha meets an old dear friend who he thought he would never see her again, destin...
"Okay. Let's camp here for tonight," Inuyasha said as he stopped by near the waterfall, carrying (Y/n) in his arms. (Y/n)'s eyes widened with surprise as she immediately recognized where they were. "This place...Could it be, isn't it?" she mumbled and Inuyasha grinned, "Yep. Our old hideout," he said and the girl's smile brightened with happiness as she looked around, amazed. Soon, the rest of our gang caught up with the two as they looked around amazed by how the waterfall looked so beautiful with its surrounding. "Woww..." "So beautiful...Can we camp here please?" Kagome asked as they all jumped down towards the waterfall. "Sure! Inuyasha, let's go to the cave! Let's go to the cave!" (Y/n) said excitedly, making Inuyasha chuckled. "Cave? You guys have been here before?" Shippo asked and Inuyasha nodded. "Yea. It's just behind the waterfall, come on," Inuyasha said as he went behind the waterfall, still carrying (Y/n) along with him as he made sure not to get her wet. The others immediately followed them. Their eyes widened when they saw how big the cave actually was behind the waterfall as they looked around. "Whoa. It's even more bigger in here," Shippo said excitedly as he jumped off of Kirara with Sango, Miroku and Kohaku following him. Kagome thanked Koga with a sweet smile as he let her down off of his back.
"Oh my gosh, it looks just like when we last visited this place!" (Y/n) said, excitedly as Inuyasha let her down to stand on her own feet. He held her gently from her arm as he bent down to whisper in her ear, "Welcome back," Inuyasha said before quickly pulling away. (Y/n) was stunned at his words for a while before she smiled and replied quietly, "I'm home." "This place could use some fire woods and we're good to go," Koga said as Inuyasha nodded. "Then, Koga-kun and Inuyasha can go find some firewood for us while we stay here and take care of (Y/n). Sounds good," Kagome said with a smile as she set down her bag and started rummaging around to take out her stuffs. "Alright. Come on, mutt-face. Let's go!" Koga said as he went out with Inuyasha following him.
"(Y/n), come sit on here," Kagome said as she took out a sleeping pad for camping and did her magic before leading (Y/n) to sit on there. "Eh? Are you sure?" (Y/n) asked, dump founded as she looked at Kagome's sleeping pad with curiosity and confuse in her eyes. "Of course! A pregnant girl shouldn't sit on a cold ground for long. Here come and sit. It's really comfy!" Kagome said excitedly as she made (Y/n) sit down. (Y/n)'s expression filled with even more curiosity as she sat down on the mattress. "Wow. You're right. It's really really really comfy! What's this thing?" she asked and Kagome smiled, " I know right? It's a sleeping pad. We use it when we go camping i my time." "'s really useful," (Y/n) said, poking at it playfully.
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"Right? I happened to have a few more. It should be enough for the girls and Kohaku-kun, but...will you be okay, Miroku-sama?" Kagome asked, looking at Miroku apologetically. "Yes. I can sleep with Kirara, so don't worry about it," Miroku replied with a smile. "I-I am fine with anything so, please don't worry about me, Kagome-sama," Kohaku said and Kagome shook her head, "Nonsense. Kohaku-kun hasn't gotten enough sleep too. You should rest up as well. Ah, just a minute, I'll cook some curry for us to eat," she said as she started taking our a small portable stove and a few cook wares out of her bag. "Do you need help?" (Y/n) asked as she was about to get up, but Sango made her sit back down.