Chapter 6

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(Y/n) walked hastily into a village that seems so lively and peaceful, with Inuyasha and the others following.
"Hey (Y/n)! Where the hell are you going for the damn sake!"Inuyasha exclaimed as he tried to calm his mate down.
"Inuyasha is right.(Y/n)-sama, where are you heading to?"Miroku asked.

(Y/n) finally stopped walking on a bridge and turned to them.
"Oh, it's just that I really need to find a friend of mine, I could sense him here,"she said.
"Who is your friend?"Shippo asked, jumping into her arms.
" kinda smell different today," he added and (Y/n) blushed. Inuyasha slightly flinched.

"HaHaha, it's um...because..."
Just then, Kirara jumped down from Sango's arm.
"Kirara, what's wrong?" Sango asked as she looked at Kirara who was staring ahead, into the village.

(Y/n) noticed that.
"Oh, that's right. Sango-chan, I have been
meaning to ask you," she said and Sango looked at her.
"What is it,(Y/n)-chan?"Sango said.

(Y/n)'s face turned calm.
"Back in your village, was there a boy named...Kohaku?" she asked and everyone looked at her shocked.
"You know Kohaku?!"Sango said.
"So, he really is a demon slayer,"(Y/n) said.
"Kohaku is Sango's little brother,"Shippo said and (Y/n)'s eyes widened.

"(Y/n), why do you know Kohaku?"Inuyasha asked.
(Y/n) looked at him.
"A year ago, while I was searching for Naraku, I found this young boy who was already dead but, was alive because of the shikon jewel shard on his back. I saw him helping old people and found that he was an innocent lost boy, who was under the control of Naraku. His name was Kohaku. So, I promised to help him on the day when I become 500 years old," she explained.

"(Y/n)-chan, are you serious?" Sango asked, surprised.
(Y/n) smiled at her.
"Yes. I told him to stay in one of the villages whenever he is free from Naraku's grasp so that, I could find him," she said.
"And if you find him?"Inuyasha asked, curious.

(Y/n) just winked at him.
"Wait and see for something amazing to happen," she said.
Inuyasha blushed and looked away.

"(Y/n)-chan, don't tell me Kohaku is..."Sango started, hoping she was right.
(Y/n) smiled at her and nodded.
"Yes. He is in the village,"(Y/n) said, smiling as she handed Shippo to Inuyasha.

"Now, if I am correct, he is...that way!" she added as she started running more into the village with Shippo in her arms.
Sango and Kirara followed, right on her trail.
"Inuyasha! Shippo! Miroku-sama! Try to catch up!"(Y/n) yelled as she disappeared out of sight with Sango, Shippo and Kirara.

"Keh! Let's go,Miroku!"Inuyasha said.
"Yea,"Miroku said as they started going after them.

(Y/n) quickly stopped in front of a house which was near the castle.
She took a deep breathe and yelled into the house.

Just then, an old grandpa peeked at of the door. Kohaku was sitting inside of the house, looking in (Y/n)'s direction. His eyes widened and he smiled happily as he excused himself from the old married couple.

He quickly ran up to her.
"(Y/n)-sama, long time no see!" he greeted.
(Y/n) smiled at him and gave him a tight hug.
Kohaku hugged back.
"I told you, I will come back for you,"(Y/n) said as she lightly smacked Kohaku's forehead.
Just then, the others finally caught up with (Y/n).

"(Y/n),don' just-!"Inuyasha stopped when he saw Kohaku standing there.
"Kohaku," Sango said, eyes trembling.
"It really is Kohaku,"Shippo said.
"Aneue?"Kohaku said, shocked as he stared at Sango.

Everyone was shocked to see Kohaku here.
Meanwhile (Y/n) smiled happily and patted Kohaku's shoulder.
"What are you doing, Kohaku? Go say hi to your sister," she said.
"But," Kohaku said as he looked down at his feet.

"If you are worried about Naraku, don't worry. I already got rid of his flying eyes. Just talk to her,"(Y/n) said and lightly pushed him towards Sango.
"A-Anue,"Kohaku said, nervous as he stood there, not knowing what to say.

Before he could say a thing, Sango pulled him into her arms and hugged him tightly.
"Kohaku, I am so glad you are safe," Sango said, smiling as she hugged him tighter, crying slightly.

Kohaku let a few tears escaped from his eyes.
"You too, Aneue"
Everyone smiled at the scene.
"Kohaku, get ready to leave. You are coming with us,"(Y/n) said, smiling.

Kohaku turned to (Y/n) in a swift.
"But,(Y/n)-sama, Naraku is able to control to me from my shard!" he said, upset.
"What shard?"(Y/n) said, smiling as she held up a purified jewel shard with her fingers.
"Oh, you mean this?"
Everyone looked at it shocked.

"(Y/n),whose shard is that?"Inuyasha asked, shocked.(Y/n) shrugged and smiled.
"Kohaku," she said as she walked up to her.
She bent down, making her face to face with Kohaku who was shocked.
"You can live with us now," she said.
"T-Then?" Kohaku said.

(Y/n) smiled at him.
"You are a normal living boy now," she said as she patted his head.
"R-Really?!You are not joking, right?" Kohaku said, smiling happily. Tears of joy in his eyes.
"Yes,"(Y/n) said as she showed him the purified jewel.
"This is your shard"
"(Y/n)-chan, how did you do that?" Sango asked, surprised and happy at the same time.

"Oh that, you see..."

Earlier ago,

(Y/n) happily hugged Kohaku who hugged back.
Her hand lightly touched his back where the jewel was buried. A small light appeared as the jewel came out, purified.
(Y/n) hid it in her hand.
"I told you, I will come back for you!" she said, happily as if nothing happened.
She lightly smacked his forehead.

But, the truth was she gave Kohaku his soul through his forehead back for him to start a new life again.

Back to present,

"That's what I did. I used one of my new
powers,"(Y/n) said.
"That's great! Kohaku, you better come with us. Now that, Naraku can't control you anymore, welcome to the group, brat,"Inuyasha said, smirking as he ruffled Kohaku's hair.

Kohaku smiled and nodded.
He looked at Sango who smiled and nodded at him.
"I will go say goodbye to the couple who took care of me," Kohaku said.
"Sure, go ahead," Miroku said, smiling.
Shippo nodded.

Kohaku turned to (Y/n).
"(Y/n)-sama, thank u so much," he said and bowed a bit before running back to the house.
"(Y/n)-chan, I am really thankful to you. Thank you so much!" Sango said, smiling.
(Y/n) help up a finger to her lips.
"Shh...we need to keep it a secret. We can't let Naraku know that Kohaku is no longer under his control," she said.

"She is right. Now, we have one more ally," Miroku said.
"(Y/n),is this the surprise you're talking
about?"Shippo asked as he jumped into her arms again.
"Yes. One down. One to go,"(Y/n) said.
"Huh? What do you mean,(Y/n)?"Inuyasha asked.

Kohaku walked up to them with the old couple.
"(Y/n)-sama, I am ready," he said.
"Please take care of Kohaku. He had been
a good boy," the old lady said.
"Don't worry, we will," Inuyasha said.
Sango smiled at his words.

"Now...let's go,"(Y/n) said, holding onto her waist.
"Where to?"Inuyasha questioned.
(Y/n) smiled sheepishly and warped her arms around Inuyasha's.
"Let's go visit your fluffy big brother!" she said, cheerfully.

Everyone one's eyes widened.

"WHAT?!"Inuyasha yelled.

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