Chapter 20

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(This pic is for below,how you will look when you are angry later in the story.Pls enjoy)

Inuyasha slashed off a huge demon while Sango finished of the other one.
Inuyasha sighed as he kept his sword back.
"Jeez, ever since we start holding the jewel in our hands, more and more demons are coming right at us. Let's find that Wolf-Cub and finish the business!"Inuyasha said, crossing his arms.

"True, we have to find Koga and head back to the village as fast as we can," Sango said,wiping sweat off of her face.

(Y/n) sighed as she pouted and crossed her arms.
"Urrgh! I hate this. I have to stay in my human form just because of the stupid jewel," she said.

She has no choice but, to stay in a human form to keep the jewel completedly purified.
"Don't worry, once find Koga, we'll settle it and take his jewel shards," Inuyasha said.

Kohaku noticed (Y/n) trying to hold herself back as she stared at the demons.
"(Y/n)-chan? What's wrong?"Sango asked.

(Y/n)'s stomach growled loudly and everyone sweat dropped while Sango laughed nervously.
Inuyasha warpped his arm around her shoulder and started leading her away.
"Don't even think about it, (n/n). Let's go!"

(Y/n) pouted as she sighed.
Her eyes sparkled up when she saw a huge boar on their path.
Inuyasha sweat dropped when (Y/n) looked at him with sparkling eyes which was one of the things he couldn't resist.

The others smiled at how Inuyasha was trying to resist (Y/n)'s eyes right now.
Inuyasha sighed as he gave up.

After a few minutes later,

"Wow! It smells so yummy!" (Y/n) said as she giggled happily at the well-cooked boar now.
Sango giggled while Inuyasha shook his head,smiling.
"(Y/n)-chan, you have been eating a lot lately," Sango said and (Y/n) pouted as she looked down.

"That's true. I have to stay human and use a lot of energy to keep the jewel completely purified and it makes me really hungry," she said as she held her stomach.

"And I have been feeling funny lately," she added and Inuyasha rose.
"Like what?"Kohaku asked.
"Because...I really need animal blood a lot lately and..."(Y/n) said.

"And?"Miroku asked.
"I have been really hungry and hungry no matter how I eat,"(Y/n) said and Inuyasha sweatdropped.
"Means you are becoming a pig?" he teased and (Y/n)'s eyes widened as she started chasing Inuyasha who ran around from her laughing.

"How dare you call me pig?!Get back here, Inuyasha!"(Y/n) said as she chased him.
"Oh yeah? Catch me if you can, piglet!"

The others smiled as they watched (Y/n) chasing Inuyasha around.
But, Inuyasha jumped onto the tree and sat there, looking down at her with a smirk.
(Y/n) pouted, upset that she can't jump high like she used to just because she has to stay as human to purify the jewel.

"Cheater!"she said while Sango giggled.
The wind blew gently in the night.

But then, something green came flying straight to Shippo and hit him, making Shippo fall backwards.
Everyone was startled.


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