Kohaku looked over at Rin when he heard Rin screamed. His eyes widened when he saw Kagura trying to break the barrier with her attacks.
Quickly, he jumped in between Kagura and the barrier where Rin was before Kagura made attacks again.
"Kagura!" he yelled as he prepared to attack.Kagura looked at him surprised.
"Kohaku, you were alive?!"she said as she stopped.
"Kagura, you can also betray him! I assure you. You won't lose your life!" Kohaku said, having an idea of drawing Kagura to their side."Huh? A little brat like you assuring me? Keh. Out of my way or I will kill you too!" Kagura yelled back, glaring at Kohaku.
"Believe me. We can help you!"
"Then, tell me how!""Don't you want freedom?!"Kohaku yelled and Kagura flinched.
Just then,(Y/n) looked over at them,
hearing their conversation. She smiled slyly.
"Humph. I see how it is," she mumbled and in a flash, she started attacking all the demons.Kagura's pov,
Freedom? Damn it, of course, I want it. I am supposed to be one with the wind. Not Naraku's slave! I will never be free. Not even Sesshomaru can defeat Naraku.
How can that girl help me?
"Would you like to know?"I gasped as I looked behind a bit and my eyes met with that girl who smirked at me as she killed five demons with one slash.
"Why are you in my mind?" I thought back since I know she could hear my thoughs while she attack.
"To make a deal, of course"
"Huh? And why would I do that?"
"Ho~ I thought you want freedom?"
...I bit on my lips.
"Don't you want to know how Kohaku's alive without the jewel shard?"My eyes widened.
I looked up and saw that Sesshomaru was dealing with the demons who were getting in his way.
Naraku flinched, seeing (Y/n) getting closer and closer to him as she attacked.
I can't believe it. The barrier is broken! She has a chance to win.
Just then, she suddenly disappeared.
Alerted, I watched Naraku looked around, unable to find her.Suddenly, he was torn into pieces as (Y/n) slashed him from above.
"Foolish woman!"Naraku yelled as he glared at (Y/n) who narrowed her eyes.
"That's how you are gonna play, huh?" she said, smirking.She snapped her fingers and all of Naraku's poisonous bees disappeared.
I was speechless. This was a big chance.
Naraku couldn't even produce misama again to attack her because of her powers If I agree to help her...I could.
Suddenly, I felt a pulse in my body and I gasped when I felt it.
My heart...I have it back with me.I saw (Y/n) looking at me with serious eyes and I knew it was her who gave me my heart back.
"The wind sorceress, Kagura. I, the Queen of Darkness, can make sure that Naraku will never control you again only under one condition," she said in my head.That's it. It's decided.
"What do you need?" I thought and she smirked as something appeared in my hand."Bring the Infant to me"
Back to normal pov,
Kohaku watched Kagura smiled as she grabbed the feather on her head and flew away with something in her hand.
He knew (Y/n) had it handled so, he turned to Rin.
"Rin, you ok?" he asked.
"I am fine. How about you?" Rin asked.
"I am good. Stay in the barrier, ok? Just yell when you need help!"
"Ok!"And with that, Kohaku rejoined the battle.
Miroku started using the wind tunnel, riding Kirara with Sango since there were no poison bees anymore.
"Miroku, don't overdo it!"Inuyasha yelled as he continued to kill the demons, using Wind Scar.(Y/n) slashed Naraku with the mix of both demonic and her miko powers, causing Naraku to scream in pain as soon, the only thing that was left was his head.
He made a barrier again and (Y/n) snickered. Naraku was helpless right now and they were winning.
Just then, all of a sudden, so many demons started to march towards Sesshomaru who narrowed his eyes as he tried to kill as them all but, there were too many.
"Sesshomaru-sama!"Rin yelled, worried."Sesshomaru!"Inuyasha yelled as he tried to move over there to help but, other demons were keeping him busy.
So, Sesshomaru transformed into his true form and started attacking. But, soon, he got tied up and entangled by thousands of demons.
"Sesshomaru!"Inuyasha yelled as he slashed the demons and made his way towards Sesshomaru.
"Sesshomaru-sama!"Rin yelled, worried."Idiot. What were he thinking?!He knew Naraku has many tricks up his sleeve!"Inuyasha thought as he jumped onto where Sesshomaru was trapped and started slashing the entangled demons, trying to let Sesshomaru free.
(Y/n) smiled slightly.
"Blood do speaks sometimes," she mumbled as she killed a few demons and drank some blood, powering up.Just then, a green and yellow light like lightnings started shining from where Sesshomaru was trapped.
Surprised, Inuyasha moved out of the way as he watched the mysterious green and yellow light destroyed the demons in one strike.Everyone turned to see the light.
Our gang's eyes widened when they saw where the light was coming from.
Sesshomaru's left arm.

Inuyasha and The Last Princess of Darkness {Inuyasha X Reader}
FanfictionInuyasha is a young half-demon seeking for the fragments of the Shikon Jewel with his friends. Seeking for Naraku, he and his friends set out on an adventure. When Inuyasha meets an old dear friend who he thought he would never see her again, destin...