Chapter 17

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Kagura's pov,

I can't believe it. Naraku is dead.
He is dead for good.There was no one who can control me from now on.
I have my own heart and I was...


I couldn't help but think.
The only people left who were made from Naraku other than me was Kanna.
The others were destroyed by Naraku back when he was dying.

Did I tell you how I got the infant from Kanna? I fought with Kanna and had to try my best to break the jewel in that stupid infant's hands.

I immediately fetched the infant when I had a chance and immediately fetched him.

No one was under Naraku's control any more.
I wonder what Kanna would be doing from now on.
It's not really my business but, she is still my sister.

I took in a deep breathe as I ride the wind on my big feather. The wind danced along my face.

It feels amazing.
I was finally free.

Just then, as I looked down, my eyes landed on someone who was by a lake.
I immediately recognized who it was.


I decided to fly down and checked her in.
I kept my feather back on my head as I landed behind her.
"Yo, Kanna!"

Kanna slowly turned towards me.
"Yo! Sorry about yesterday. It was a lifetime chance for us, so, I have to take it," I said, holding my fan to my chin. 

Kanna said nothing.

"So, what are you gonna do from now on?" I asked and she looked at the ground as if she was thinking.

Naraku made her to be a girl with no feelings. But, I kinda doubt it.

Kanna said nothing as she silently stared at the white flowers nearby.
Well, I guess I have no choice.

"Let's go," I said as I started walking in the opposite direction of the lake.
Kanna stood there for a while before she started following me.

I guess today is a new day for us all.

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