┏°⌜ 008: welcome to Paradis

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Eren waited for you outside while you changed.

You weren't sure how long you would stay there, but it's better if you don't take a bag with you.
Who knows what's going to happen.

After you finished you went out and went to where he was waiting for you.

Since it was after midnight it was calm and quiet, only the typical city noises could be heard from afar.
The moon shines brightly, street lights illuminated the path and the street.
It was also a bit cold and slightly windy. Unfortunately, the stars could not be seen as always.
In general city dwellers see far fewer stars than people who live very rural. Dust and light pollution cloud the view of the night sky.

When you stood next to Eren it looked like he was analyzing you from top to bottom.

"What? is something wrong with my clothes?"

"Mh? Oh no don't worry."
He let out a little cough and looked to the side.

You just giggled softly and continued
"Are we going now?"

The brown-haired man nodded and started walking slowly, waiting for you to walk next to him.

You followed him, but it wasn't a long way. He only went behind a large bush which was behind your building.
Eren looked around, probably wanting to make sure that no one is around.

"What exactly are you up to Eren? Someone might think you are a rapist and I am your victim"
You said that in a joking tone.

"Ha that's what you wish for, right? Oooh sorry, Levi was your favorite chara- ... hey y/n are you okay?"

You suddenly started shaking.
Not because you were cold, but because you were very nervous.
Of course not only because you are standing behind a bush with a damn 'anime character', but because you don't know what to expect. Do you even want to go there? Will you see Titans? What if Zeke is there too and wants to attack you again?

Eren put his hands on your shoulders and looked you straight in the eyes, his face expression was soft and emphatic.

"Are you scared?"

"I-i think so yeah..."
You looked at him, but you immediately began to blush.
The way he touches you, even if it's just your shoulders. As his face appears in the moonlight, his green-blue eyes still sparkle and stand out.
It felt like one of those 'Eren x reader' Wattpad fan fictions that you read. He truly looked so beautiful and perfect.

" y/n? "

"YES? ehem... i mean... yes?"
Damn, you were so absorbed in your thoughts you couldn't stop staring at him. Awkward...

He had to giggle a bit.
"Don't worry y/n, i will protect you."

Now you couldn't stop grinning like a madman. To hear such words from him in his voice was like music to your ears. Truly an ASMR that you could listen to in a loop all day.

" y-yeeeahh i'm fine, i'm ready."

Eren nodded and took your left hand
"I'm not sure if it will work with another person so stay close to me."

Of course you don't mind at all, but what exactly is he up to?
You nodded and were curious to see what would happen.

Eren's grip tightened and he took a deep breath.
Then he raised his other hand and held it in front of his mouth. You knew immediately what he was up to, but he doesn't want to turn into a titan, right?

Without hesitation he bit into his hand firmly and immediately there were lots of yellow sparks and lightning.

Without hesitation he bit into his hand firmly and immediately there were lots of yellow sparks and lightning

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