┏°⌜ 010: the Jeagerists

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There you are. In front of several people. Everyone looked at you curiously and waited for you to say something. Just imagine everyone in their underwear. At least something like that should help that you are not so nervous when you have to say something in front of several people. On TV this trick at least worked...

"H-hey everyone! My name is y/n ...Pixis."

Using the name "Pixis" as your last name is... really weird. When everyone heard the name Pixis everyone was visibly surprised except Floch.

A soldier stood up and spoke loudly: "Wait, Pixis? Are you related to Dot Pixis?"

"Yes, I am his daughter."

Then someone else stood up: " Dot Pixis has a daughter? No one has ever heard of that."

Then it got loud in the tent. Everyone discussed with their seatmates and asked the others something like "did you know that?" or "Do you think that's true?"

Then Eren clapped his hands twice and immediately it became quiet again.
"It is true, the reason you've never heard of her is because he wanted to keep it a secret. He did not want to announce that he has a daughter for security reasons. She is here, because y/n wants to join us, but her father knows nothing about it."

Everyone looked at each other and some whispered with their seat neighbors. From some you could hear phrases like "that makes sense" or "he kept it pretty well secret". It seems as if they believe this, but they would probably believe everything Eren would tell them.

Then the brown-haired man turned to you and shook your hand
" Welcome to the Jaegerists y/n."
He still seemed serious and showed hardly any emotions, what a warm welcome...

The others said the same thing as well and then you sat down next to Floch again.
Afterwards Eren discussed with everyone else how exactly the plan should go to find Zeke, how everything should go with the wine and how they take in the new recruits - so generally gain more power.
It surprises you a bit, since Jaeger actually knows where Zeke should be. At least Zeke is in a forest according to manga, but since he also knows how he can go to your world, it could of course be that Zeke is not even here on Paradis anymore.
Does Eren even intend to tell the truth and show them his new abilities? Does he intend to tell them that you come from another world?

He pretends that everything is 'normal' and continues the story just like in the manga, but why? Doesn't he believe that you can end the war anymore? Well...you can't blame him, because you're just a normal girl and you don't even believe in it yourself.

If you think about it more closely, he doesn't really have to change anything. Jaeger knows that his plan will work out and in the end his friends and some comrades will live in peace after all this.

All he has to do is carry on as planned. Keep moving forward. Eren knows it's not a solution for ever, but his main goal is for people like Mikasa and Armin to survive and live in peace. The only problem, however, is that Zeke may have stayed in your world.

Then another thought occurred to you. Is there somehow a way to bring all Paradis residents into your world? It worked with you too after all. But Eren has probably already thought of that and it is probably not possible, that would be too easy... right?

Hm, think.... think...how exactly did it all work? While Eren wanted to change worlds thanks to his ability, you stood right next to him and touched him.
Does this also work with objects?
Because if so, then he could bring objects that previously only existed in your world into his world, and thus bring in things that have not yet been invented here - like modern weapons, communication technology, protective equipment and medicine.

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