┏°⌜ 059: Drown for you

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You ran as fast as you could, the lake came closer and closer. There were trees around the lake, so you had to be careful not to trip over a root or a branch.

As you ran, you found yourself running out of breath, but you were too proud to give up.
You quickly looked behind you and could see that Eren came closer as he was way faster.

The brunette overtook you 3 meters before the 'finish line' and stopped at the edge of the lake.

You mumbled when you arrived a few seconds later.

"What a surprise."
He was obviously proud and smirked like a madman
"Looks like I won."

While breathing heavily you looked at him pissed
"Fuck you."

At your reaction he had to laugh proudly and loud
"Looks like you're a bad loser. It's your fault, you challenged me."

After breathing was easier again you stood still and waited for him to stop laughing. You actually wanted to act serious, but when you saw him like that you couldn't help but smile.

Eren stopped laughing and came a little closer
"Where is my Prize?"
He leaned his face closer to yours and still smirked

"H-huh? Uh..."
You already regret challenging him
"Fine... what's your wish?"

The brunette thought for a second, although it looked like he already knows what he wants.
Eren leaned down a bit and pointed his finger to his left cheek.

You started to blush

He stayed in this position
"Yesterday you had no problems with that."

This caught you off guard. He was talking about your embarrassing good night kiss.

"Yeah alright..."
You came one step closer and looked at his cheek right in front of you. Does that means he liked it yesterday? Or is he mocking you?
You quickly gave him what he wanted, but he stayed in that position unfazed.

"Not like this again. Do it with a little more passion." He quietly and kinda seriously said this while closing his eyes

Your own heartbeat now was louder than everything else. Is he serious?
Even though you suddenly felt so shy you could feel the butterflies in your stomach. This feeling became stronger with every second.

You squinted your eyes together and your posture got stiffer.
In your mind you counted down from five to zero.






Without trying to delay it any longer, you gently placed your lips on his cheek and stayed like this for a few seconds. His cheek felt warm and you felt a few small beard stubbles on his skin, but it didn't bother you as it is normal for an adult male.

You gently removed your lips and opened your eyes, your body felt so warm suddenly as you were curious and scared about his reaction for some reason.

Eren opened his eyes as well. His cheeks turned red and he smiled while touching the spot where you kissed him.
His reaction gave you more butterflies in your stomach- it flows through your whole body and it kinda tickled in a pleasant way.

He laughed quietly while he was still smiling
"Thank you."
He sounded a little shy as well, but in a cute way. His eyes softened as he looked at you deeply into your eyes.

Seeing Jaeger like that warmed up your heart. To others he may be a devil, a murderer or a dangerous titan, but to you he is a hero.
A person to respect and appreciate.
"N-no problem!"
You tried to act calm, but it was easier said that done

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