┏°⌜ 029: Soup

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It was now dark, stars shone across the entire sky.
The conversation didn't seem so long to you, but actually some time has passed.

The conversation went better than expected, without arguing, without a fight, without tears. Even though Mikasa and Armin don't 100% understand the whole situation yet, they decided to help Eren.
It is rather surprising that the two simply believe Eren's story, but since the situation is serious and they still trust Eren, they do not question it.

As it was already late, everyone decided to spend the night here and travel back to Shiganshina at sunrise.

Everyone gathered around a campfire. The wind rustled the trees, you could hear crickets and owls in the distance. The crackling fire and the way it flared up was particularly reassuring. The warmth radiated from the fire was pleasant and cosy.

Eren was still in the little house with Mikasa and Armin while you and the soldiers are preparing everything. Some soldiers took care of the horses, others collected firewood. A pot was hung over the fire to cook soup on. You were responsible for taking care of the soup.

"Hey, do you need help?"
A woman suddenly stood behind you, her voice startled you a bit for a second

"Oh the soup should be ready soon, but could you give me the wooden bowls so- wait... Louise?"
It took you a little while to recognize her. The last time you saw her was before Eren sent you back to your world after putting sleeping pills in your drink.

"Hey miss Pixis!"

She smiled and said the name "Pixis" with an amused tone.

You just groaned quietly
"Ah man, not this again..
I'm sure you know by now that I'm not related to Dot Pixis, right?"

Louise let out a loud giggle
"Yeah don't worry i know that, i just wanted to tease you. It's nice to see you again y/n!"

As you stirred the soup you also had to giggle a little
"It's nice to see you too! So uh... about the woode-"

"OH yeah right the Wooden Bowls! I'll be right back!"
She quickly darted to a large backpack that contained the bowls.

As you continued to take care of the soup and tasted it once to see if it tasted good, you could see Floch coming towards you.

He simply said that

Even if you absolutely didn't feel like talking to him and you couldn't stand him, you didn't want to be rude.

He stared at you for a while and said nothing. God, it honestly annoyed you.

"What do you want, Floch?"
You tried not to show your feelings and kept your attention on the soup

But he just let out a loud sigh

"I want to ask ya something."

You looked at him for a moment


After he stared at you blankly for a minute, you gave him a annoyed look and suddenly smelled something. In fact, it kinda smelled like Alcohol.
"Floch are you uh... drunk?

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