what about the past?

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(Y/n)'s pov

Great, Jadoon. Just what the doctor needed when we were trying to find the master and save our planet. Sighing I turned to see that now Ryan and yaz still were not here. The doctor was busy trying to question Ruth as we made our whay to the Chapel. Something about Ruth made me shiver, almost as if she were a ghost and I didn't like that. Suddenly, we were surrounded by the troops, the doctor clasping my hand tightly. She tried to calm them but once Ruth saw how Lee was killed she snapped. Astounded, we watched as this seemingly normal human dishonoured the jadoon general. Of course once they were gone the doctor let out all hell on the poor woman who seemed just as confused as us. Trying to scan her was no use as whatever was protecting her seemed to be overly strong.
"We need to go to your light house. Do you still know the way?" Ruth nod taking us to her car, I sat in the back listening as she was being questioned. At least we weren't being chased by space police anymore. After arriving Ruth went off the make a fire for some reason whilst the doctor dragged me up to the top of the tall building. The light was covered by a dusty sheet proving its years of no use. Cold air rustled my hair as I leaned against the railing.
"This is a lot doc..who do you think she is?" Sighing, she stood beside me, fixing my hair gently.
"I have no idea, she must be very powerful to have all of this going on around her. I mean jadoon after her is..." Smiling to myself I rested my head on her shoulder.
"When I was at the academy. A very old jadoon general came in and taught us all about galactic law and how to abide by them." Turning my head towards her, I saw that look of peace on her face.
"I wish my time there would of been as joyful." Kissing her cheek, I nod my head at her and took a deep breath.
"Look around us. Earth is beautiful isn't it?" Chuckling, she gazed around and bobbed her head in complete agreement.
"Amazing how you can find beauty at a time of chaos."
"Of course, how else would I keep you calm?" Laughing together, the doctor pulled out her sonic and scanned the area. Her brows furrowed as she read the readings.
"What is it?" No reply. Casting my eyes to where she was looking, I noticed a headstone. Quickly we ran over the the small mound and searched around for something. Tossing her a shovel that was laying on the ground beside us. Instantly she began to dig, dig until she hit something. Scrambling next to her, I used my hands to pull the dirt away only to stop when I saw the familiar sight of blue wood.
"Doctor..." not knowing what to think, footsteps came up behind us.
"You must both be so confused." Spinning around we saw Ruth, holding a large gun dressed up all...weird.
"What is that?!" The doctor yelled clearly distressed, my habd found hers giving it a tight squeeze.
"That is my ship." Not possible. Not at all.
"Who are you?" Whisoering, my voice was failing me. It was like the air around us dropped in temperature dramatically.
"I'm the doctor." The rest of her words were a blur, looking up the the woman beside me I could see how nothing was adding up. Next thing I knew we were on board what I think was the tardis. Not our tardis, it must be hers. My head hurt from all the quick twists and turns, the teleportation probably didn't help either. Taking a seat the the side I just sat there as they bickered back and forth about who was right and wrong.
"(Y/n)? Hey are you okay?" The doctor came and kneeled in front of me, Cupping my cheeks and looking over me worried.
"Who is she then?" Ignoring her former self,my doctor inched forward and ran her thumb across my temple soothingly.
"Is she human? Do I grow to make friends with humans?" Raising my head to the tall lady I scoffed a little.
"Yes you do but no I am not human." Helping me to stand, the doctor held my waist.
"I'm (Y/n). I'm a time lord too." Pursing her lips, she walked over and placed her hand against my chest to which the doctor shoved her off.
"Dont touch her there." Venom laced in her tone as the other laughed.

Standing beside a very pouty doctor who was instructed to remain silent whilst Gat was aiming her gun at the fugitive doctor. No matter how hard I tried to imagine it, I could never even think of the doctor being so rebellious she ends up with the police on her back. Having enough she finally announced how she to was the doctor. Gat tried to stand up for all she was fighting for but the doctor shot her down telling her how galifrey was gone. Ruth snapped her head towards me.
"Is this true?!" All I could do was nod at her disbelief. Gat retreated, taking her troops with her. Knowing we were going to get no answers the doctor stayed quiet as we were put back on earth. She walked ahead of me, running after her I grabbed her sleeve.
"Doctor i-"
"Leave me alone (Y/n)! Now isn't the time!" Going silent I nod and just followed her as we met up with the others.

Arriving back at the tardis, I wasted no time in leaving the console room and finding the room I'd been sleeping in. Our adventures were usually tough but this was all too much. A good hour passed, I was reading an old galifreyan book, smiling to myself as I remembered home. Hearing the door open, I looked up to see the doctor. She looked rough.
"I'm sorry I yelled.." she sat beside me and slipped her coat off. Her lip trembled as she tried to find the right words to say but all that came out was a broken sob. Instantly I pulled her into my arms, her face pressing into the crook of my neck. Tears made my skin damp but I didn't care at all.
"Its okay doctor, you must feel...actually I can't even imagine how you feel love.. " Slowly she sat up, allowing me to wipe her tears away.
"I know my past. I know the barn I grew up in. My time at the academy. I know it...so why does it all feel so wrong?" She muttered the last part, pressing her lips together and sighing inaudibly. Rubbing her back I nod at her and lay back, pulling her down so her head was resting on my chest.
"Try not to think about it now love. I know it's a lot but try to take your mind off it." Picking my book back up, the doctor quickly leaned up to kiss me. Kissing back, my hand held the back of her head to keep us stable. She pulled away, resting again and watching as I opened the book.
"Read to me." Laughing as her demand, I did as I was told and began to read her the old galifreyan tale. One we probity read as children, now revisiting with no home. No one else left except a psychopath and a fugitive.

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