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In my opinion, the sea devil's were truly one of the most creepy things I've ever witnessed.
"Here we are! The ocean floor!" Excitedly, the doctor ran over and flung the doors open before I could speak. Of course, no water entered the time machine. I smiled amazed and wondered over to the doors. Admiring the view, I could hear her talking about how amazing the earth was. I greatly agreed.
"See. I'm not a bad date am I?" Realising what she said might be a little awkward, the doctor when quiet and redirected her attention at the scenery.
"No. Of course not." A little giggled slipped past my lips as I saw how relieved she looked.
"Well, I don't usually do dates but if I did, it'd be with you. So, I'll take you somewhere, just the two of us." Grinning, I nod happily and hugged her waist.

The sound of swords clashing echoed around the ship but I could barely see because of the fog. Fighting my way through, my body hit into something. Slowly, I looked up to see one of the sea devil's snarling at me. Before I could thing, both of its hands grabbed my biceps hard and pushed me against the wooden steps. It towered over me and reached for one of the swords, thankfully not its own and slammed it straight down into my thigh. I screamed out in pain and instantly felt a bubbling energy inside of me. Lifting my hands and seeing them glow, I cried out in complete agony.
"Doctor!" In a second, the sea devil was on the deck, dead. Bending down in front of me, the doctor was clearly panicked and trying the think of something to do.
"Everyone below deck now!" She screamed and everyone followed order without question.
"I'm scared." I whimpered out, trying to stop it from happening but it was no use.
"(Y/n) I'm sorry. I can't stop it." Tears streamed down my cheeks and I tried to stand but the doctor didn't let me.
"It hurts."
"I know darling. The sooner you let go, the sooner its done and I'll be right here." Realising she was right, I nod slowly and watched as she stepped away with a sad smile. Not letting myself think about it, I squeezed my eyes shut and let the rush of pain and energy take over. My head was fludded with an overwhelming pressure and then, I blacked out.

An annoying ticking woke me up. Feeling as though an anvil had been dropped on my head, I groaned quietly.
"You're awake?" Hearing yaz, I opened my eyes and looked round for her. Surprisingly, she was over by the book shelf putting something away.
"Where am I?" Thriat dry, I winced as I sat myself up and leant back onto the pillows.
"The tardis, the doctor carried you back here immediately." Remembering what happened, I touched my face nervously.
"You still look the same, if that's what you're worried about?" Relived, I nod and took a deep breath. That feeling was still there, being overwhelmed and emotional.
"Let me get the doctor. She's been worried sick. I only just convinced her to eat." Yaz laughed before running out of the room. Taking a mirror from the drawer by my side, I was thankful that i actually did look the same. Even if I didn't like it, it wound be strange to look different.
"(Y/n)!" Shooting my head up, I couldn't help but smile when I saw the doctor. She looked a little dishevled but I'd grown to love that. Rushing to my side, the blonde pulled me into a tight hug which I eagerly returned.
"You're okay. I'm so sorry." Confused, I spoke into the crook of her neck.
"Why are you sorry? It wasn't your fault." Pulling away, she cupped my cheeks and pecked my lips multiple times. She tasted like vanilla, probably from the custard creams she liked to eat.
"I'm the one who told you to fight them." Sighing, I brushed the hair out of the doctors face before making her look at me.
"Doctor. I'd been holding that off for weeks. That sea devil just pushed me too far. It would of happened at some point." Shocked, she looked slightly angry with me but I didn't blame her.
"What happened?" I pursed my lips a little before explaining.
"I neglected myself for ten months, picked up a human infection. Then, a sontaron shot me. After that I just held it off. The pain just scared me too much." Again, the doctor hugged me, her hand running along my back. Placing a kiss to her neck, she chuckled and didn't even think to let go.
"You're such an idiot sometimes. You're lucky I love you." Blushing, I glanced up at her with a cheeky smile.
"Can we still go on that date?" Rolling her eyes, she pushed me down and pulled the covers over my body once again.
"Once you're better, I'll take you somewhere amazing."

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