come back

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Ten months. Ten months none stop looking for the doctor. I barely slept. Time Lords didn't need as much sleep but I was exhausted. Rubbing my eyes, I sat in a large pile of papers running over all the facts once again. Hearing the door open, yaz walked over and sat beside me to help. She always came to help, at least five days a week she'd be here with me. Coughing suddenly, it shocked yaz and she rushed to pat my back.
"You okay? That didn't sound good." Swallowing thickly, I just nod at her and gave a weak smile. Nothing would stop me from looking.

"Happy New year guys." Graham said making me look up in confusion. Shrugging it off I looked back at my papers whilst the others argued about how we should stop our search. Although, hearing the familiar sound of a dalek, my head shot right up. Jack Robertson was really annoying. Fist spiders and now Daleks.
"She would want us to help." Knowing that Ryan was right, I stood up only to wobble in my step. Yaz held my arm and whilst I got my baring.
"Blood must of rushed to my head."

Well, getting to jack Robertson was no use, all that did was get guns pointed at us. Sitting around graham's table, I struggled to concentrate. My head was killing me.
"Be quiet." Yaz said putting her papers down. It was unmistakable, the sound of the tsrdis materialising flooded the room. Then, out she came looking, extremely unbothered.
"Hi guys I was in space jail!" The doctor spoke making us confused.
"You were what?" Doors opening, out popped Jack with a stupid smirk on his face.
"Guess who got her out." It went silent, I couldn't even look at her. Yaz stepped forward giving her a harsh shove.
"We were worried about you!" Blinking at us, the doctor began to think.
"Why how long has it been? A week?...a month? Longer?" She really didn't know, honestly it was difficult to keep myself together.
"Ten months." Ryan told her making the atmosphere tense. Jack seemed to find himself awkward and just stood in the doors not looking at us.
"I'm sorry." She said sadly, not knowing what else to do.
"Yeah well it's done now." Before the doctor had a chance to speak to me, Jack stepped forward.
"So what's new on planet earth?"

Standing with yaz in the doctors tardis, she looked at me worried.
"You're not okay."
"I'm fine." I said much too quickly for the statement to be convincing. The doctor had gone off to get the other tardis in aid of tricking the daleks. Yaz was about to speak but my harsh coughing cut her off.
"No you're not." Holding my arm with one hand, she rubbed my back with the other. Once the fit has stopped, I sniffled and shook my head.
"Do you think she even missed me?" Yaz sighed and hugged me tightly.
"Of course she did, anyone can see how much she loves you." Nodding at her words, I wiped my eyes and stepped back.
"I hope you're right." Seconds later, the doctor ran in, waisting no time in projecting herself into the second tardis. That was over with in record time luckily. I zoned out as everyone was celebrating, it was only when I felt hands landing on my shoulders that I snapped back to reality.
"You doing okay?" Hearing her ask me that, seeing the deep concern in her Hazel eyes, I broke down into sobs. Instantly the doctor pulled me into her chest, holding me to her tightly. Placing a kiss on my head, he fingers ran through my hair which eased me.
"I'm sorry. Im so sorry." She mumbled into my hair. Shaking my head I pulled away and leant against the console taking a deep breath.
"I thought you were dead." She went quiet, reaching up to dry my face. Taking her hand, I held it weakly not meeting her gaze.
"I'll never leave you again I promise." Lifting my head, I looked into her ancient eyes to see the honestly she held inside of them. Anyone could see how bad she felt. Pulling me off to the side for a little privacy, the doctor gave me a warm smile. Leaning down, she placed her lips against mine, kissing me softly. Kissing back, I gripped her forearms making sure she wouldn't disappear again.

"What happened when we weren't there. On galifrey?" I asked watching as the doctor flicked some controls on the console. Halting, she turned to me.
"The master showed me..he showed me who the timeless child is." Pain in her voice, I stepped closed and ran my thumb over her cheek soothingly.
"Its me. I'm the reason our species even exist because one woman decided to test me. To use me as a lab rat..and I don't even remember it. I have no idea how many lived I've live or who I even am anymore i-" quickly I pulled her into a hug, cutting her off but instantly relaxing her into my hold. Resting her forehead against my shoulder I carressed the back of her neck.
"You're the doctor. You're the woman who saved me and the woman I love. I dont care about who you were or who you'll become. I just care about you in this moment right now. As does everyone else." Feeling her smile against my cold skin, she nod and pulled away, holding my hands in her own.
"Thank you (y/n). You know I love you too. You know I'll always be here to protect you." Grinning up at the slightly taller woman, I dipped my head in agreement.
"Of course and I promise you that me and yaz will help you find out the truth. We will always be by your side." Relief washed over her features hearing my promise. A weight clearly lifted from her shoulders.
"Got any leads on this whole situation?" Smirkinb at my urge to adventure, the doctor spun me round and sat me on the console before running around and pressing a bunch of random buttons. Of course in the process she handed me biscuit from her dispenser. However the thought of food made me gag at this point so I just nibbled on it, not wanting to worry this girl who already had so much on her plate.
"I think, I'll be able to find out some information on the division is I scan around our part of the galaxy." Nodding along with her thinking, my vision blurred a little but I ignored it.
"Need any help?" I offered, she came and stood infront of me.
"Nope. You sitting here, looking pretty, just giving me company. You just listening to my pointless rambles is enough." Blushing at her kind words I smiled shyly and decided to just stay there and watch her as she worked. I just hoped yaz would keep quiet about my condition.

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