Youre just like me

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The doctors pov

Sunlight shone down harshly on the desert like planet below. Looking up to the sky, I sighed and looked at my new gang.
"Those suns are starting to set. They're moving way faster than I realised. " I told the others absently, not really paying attention to detail until Graham piped up.
"Well, back in the tent, that bloke Ilin said do not travel by night." Realising he was right, i nodded to myself .
"We need to move, fast." I stated only for us to turn around and come face to face with a group of armed, inhuman creatures.
"Whoa! They weren't there when we came in." Graham stumbled back slightly in shock .
"Where did they come from?" Ryan shouted out to no one in particular. Pulling my sonic out i scanned over them rapidly.
"I don't know. "My voice was calm but inside I was panicking. Yasmin groaned angrily and looked at me for a way out of this.
"Oh, my God, Doctor!"
"So much for no life forms on this planet." Looking at them I began to explain , or rather try to.
"They're not alive. They're robot guards. Why would you need robot guards on a deserted planet? Good news is, they're not fully active. So, what we all need to do is very slowly, totally unthreateningly, back out of here."
From inside we suddenly heard the sound of two guns going off within seconds of each other. My guess is it was Epzo shooting at one as it shoots at him. Probably getting himself shot in the progress.
"Argh! They've been activated! Run!" I yelled and began to rush past the armed robots.
"Move! Move, everyone! Come on!"
Graham encouraged everyone as the others followed me. But the robots were too smart.
"Ah! Ah! Swerve! Don't run straight. They're predicting our path! In here!" My voice echoed in the small space as I tumbled into the room that looked like a shooting range.

Once we were safely inside we sat just so we could catch our breath. The others were yelling about how dangerous this all was but I was too preoccupied.
"Shush.." I muttered, swearing that I'd heard a small cry. They didn't 'shush' like I asked so I turned to them sternly.
"I said shut up!" And they stopped. Hearing another whimper I put a finger to my lips, signalling for them to be silent as I approached the noise. Behind a pillar, in the corner of the room, sat a huddled figure. Their face buried into their knees. 
"Hey..." I tried to sound gentle as I sat on my knees in front of the person. They whimpered and tried to get even further away.
"I'm not going to hurt you... can you look at me? Maybe we could help you?" After a few seconds the person finally lifted their face. My eyes softened as I saw all the cuts and bruises. It was a girl . A young girl . Her face was cut up badly in some places. Her neck was covered in dark bruises and she was shaking.
"Oh I am so sorry sweetheart.. Can you tell me your name?" She looked at us clearly scared.
"I-it's (y/n)..." A cut by her mouth opened up and began to bleed as she spoke.
"Doc I don't mean to alarm you but they're nearly here." Graham spoke gently . Probably trying not to scare (y/n).
"Ok ok. Quick introduction then. This is graham, Yaz and Ryan. Oh and I'm the doctor. Now I'm taking you with us." She nodded startled with how quick we were going. I carefully picked her up , seeing as she was tiny, then ran out to find the two last racers.

The whole time we travelled I carried her. Graham and Ryan offered to help but I refused, feeling the need to be close to (y/n) .

Once the Tardis had been located I rushed to find the new med bay. After finding it I placed the girl down gently. She winces and sat up.
"Thank you doctor..."
"Don't thank me yet." Smirking I pulled a bottle of neon blue liquid and dabbed It against her wounds making them clear up in an instant. I bit my lip suddenly feeling the regeneration energy I'd been holding back start to bubble up .
"Doctor.." (y/n) was staring at my hands. Looking down , I saw a golden glow surround my hands. She didn't look scared, just concerned.
"You're regenerating?" Her question shocked me. She knew.
"How do you know what that is?" I raised my voice slightly making her whimper.
"I-I'm like you...I think...from what I remember." She was so fragile. Another wave hit me making me yelp out in pain. Immediately (y/n) jumped off the table and ran to my side. Placing her hands on my temple she used her own regeneration energy to take the pain away. The pain subsided and I looked at her sternly.
"You shouldn't of done that (y/n)." Sitting up I grabbed her hands , standing with her. Being weak, she fell into my arms.
"Come on. You need sleep ." Before she could protest I picked her up, taking her to my room and laid her on the bed. I tucked her in watching her fall asleep immediately.
"Doctor ?" Yaz's voice made me turn my head to look at them.
"Who is she?" Ryan asked quietly.
"She's like me. A timelord.. I'm not alone." They smiled warmly at me before Graham came over. He examined me before nodding to himself.
"Get some sleep doc. You look exhausted." Reluctantly agreeing with them I shut the door before climbing into the bed beside (y/n) .

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