Chapter 8

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(Denki's POV)
      I wake up to Shinsou being on call again but it wasn't with his was making a doctors appointment for me.
      "Yes....and i told you that his parents never picked up his heat pills for him and just got him a collar to control his heat that way no alpha got to him....yes I know they cared for him in some way and should be making this appointment for him but he's not living with them right now he's at school and I will NOT let his parents make the appointment for him and not get the pills. I AM HIS ALPHA!!!!"
      There was a few minutes of silence be for he let out a sigh.
      "I know his alpha can make these appointments for him....thank you.....I will bring him in once his limps are not bad....okay....bye."
      I sits up wincing slightly which causes Shinso to turn and look at me.
      "Hey sweetheart you okay??"
      "Yeah I'm fine but I heard you on the phone with the doctors??"
      "Yeah....I had to make the appointment for you so you can get those healing pills....and they yes didn't think it was right that your parents didn't get your heating pills like they needed to even if they made you an appointment to have them." he lets out a sigh before sitting back down on the bed.
      I felt bad that he was having to take care of me when it should have been my parents job to do so even if I was an omega and not an alpha like they wanted me to be, but at the same time I'm glade that i have such a caring and loving alpha that is willing to take care of me. I kiss him on the cheek and he smiles at this.
      "I'm glade that I have such a caring and loving alpha like you...and I'm glade you made that doctor's appointment for me."
      He smiles more and gives me more kisses and I giggle at this.
      "Anything for my little omega. I want you to be happy and if that means to make this appointment for you to get those healing pills and to make more love to you then that's what I will do. Because i know it's what you want as well. Hell if you want me to get you things I can either ask my dad or get a job myself until we become hero's  and then-"
      I stop him by kissing his lips which surprises him but he end's up kissing back. once i pull away i look him in his beautiful purple eyes and run my fingers through his hair.
      "You don't have to get me anything but you. That's all i want...but if you wish to get me things then that's up to you. Yes there maybe somethings that I want but other then that I want you and nothing else but you alpha."
      "How did i get so lucky and get an omega that want's nothing but me??" he asked hugging me.
      "Because I was lucky enough to get a boyfriend who loves to take care of me."
      "What do you want to do since we have to go back to school tomorrow??"
      "Can we get ready and just go to the mall and get something to eat. I'm hungry and want to spend time with you."
      "As you wish little omega."
      he gets up and helps my stand and walk to my closet. Once I was at my closet I started to look through it to see what I wanted to wear while Shinso looked through his boxes. Once i picked the outfit I started to get dressed.

 Once i picked the outfit I started to get dressed

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      "Wow Denki...I never pictured you wearing something like that."
      I turn to see what Shinsou was wearing and I blushed.

"      I turn to see what Shinsou was wearing and I blushed

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      "Sh-Shinsou you look good."
      "Thanks little omega. You ready to go??"
      "Also i have my dad's credit card so if you want anything just let me know okay???"
      He smiles and takes my arm and we walk out of the room and into the common room where everyone was talking and laughing with their friends and alphas/omegas. I saw Deku in the arms of Bakugo and didn't see Kirishima anywhere.
      "Hey Mina...where is Kiribro??"
      "He was going to the mall with Tamaki?? Why??"
      "Oh I was just asking and that's where me and Shinsou was going."
      "Oh and Denki your outfit is cute by the way."
      I smile at this and all the girls was telling my that is was very cute which I thanked them for. once me and Shinsou was outside he didn't look very happy.
      "Shins what's wrong???"
      "Jirou was looking at you and I didn't like how she was looking at my omega..."
      "It's okay Shins...she would smell that your my alpha and she's my friend...."
      "I know but if she tries anything then you will tell me if she does anything okay??"
      "I will....I promise."
      Shinsou smiles and sighs at this which made me smile as we walked off the grounds and walked to the mall.

(Shinsou's POV)
      Once we get to the mall Denki wanted to go to a fast food place where he could eat first before looking around the mall and possibly getting anything else. I of course agree to this because he was my little omega. We go to the fast food place and order something to eat. once we did Denki looks around and taps my arm. I look at him to see him pointing to Kirishima and Tamaki sitting by the window in the far corner of this place.
      "Can we go sit with them?? Please??"
      "We can ask if it is okay....since they came out to be together with each other." 
      We walk over to Kirishima and Tamaki which makes Kiri look up at us and smile that toothy grin of his.
      "Hey guys did you two come to the mall because Tamaki and me are here or it's because you wanted to."
      "It's because we wanted to but Mina told me that you and Tamaki had came here when i didn't see you in the common room with everyone else." Denki said taking a seat next to Kiri.
      "Oh...well yeah....I wanted to spend time with my alpha since he was a third year and not in the same dorm with us."
      I sit next to Denki and Kirishima scoots over to Tamaki and lays his head on Tamaki's shoulder which made Tamaki wrap one arm around him.
      "So what are you to love birds doing in the mall especially with you limping Denki??" Kirishima asked with a smirk on his face.
      "We came here to get something  to eat and maybe buy something for my little omega." I say smiling at this which of course made Denki blush. The waiter comes and give us our food and leaves with a smile.
      "Well that will be nice and Denki nice outfit."
      "Thanks Kiri...I just hope that my mother and father don't come into the mall and see me wearing this..."
      "If they do me, Tamaki and your alpha will be here to protect you...mainly your alpha but still."
      Denki giggles at this and I smile. He was so cute and I would protect him in anyway that I could from his parents. Once he was done eating me and him went off to window shop until he or I saw something to get him. I got him some candy some, new chockers, and a pikachu plushie (and yes because he was the human pikachu) until we say them. A woman with long blonde hair with a black lightning bolt going through it and a man with black hair and yellow eyes. It was his parents and I felt the rage...the anger I had for them come back up and I had to take some deep breaths to not start yelling.
      "Sh-Shinsou lets just go back to the school...please.."
      I look back to see that he was shaking so I nod my head and we started to wake away until.
      "Mistake?? Is that you??"
      We stopped dead in our track. Denki's was the reason that his parents saw him wearing girl clothing and me because his own fucking mother called him a mistake right there in front of me. I turn around to see that the both of them was looking at us with a look of disappointment in their eyes.
      "oh and look you got an alpha to deal with your heat....what did you have to do to get him?? Actually try and get into his pants?? Make your scent grow stronger just to get what you want???" his mother said with a hint of disgust in her voice.
      "So what was it mistake."
      And thats when I lost it.
      "Okay you both maybe Denki's parents but you're some shitty ones at that!!!"
      "Shins!!!" Denki said in a harsh but scared whisper but I ignored him.
      "What kind of parents make their child feel worthless and not get them the heat pills they need just because they are not the alpha like you wanted him to be!!!! You even make fun of him just because he want's to wear something like this," I said pointing to Denki ," and for your information I love Denki with all my heart so he didn't have to do anything but act like him self to win me over to him!!! And I was willing to help him with his heat and become his alpha like he hopped I would be!!! You  may not have wanted him in the world any longer because he was an omega but I'm glad he was here in this world SINCE I'M TAKING CARE OF HIM SINCE YOU WOULDN'T!!!" 
      They just looked at me with shocked loos on their faces and I just pick Denki up bridal style and walk out of the mall quickly not wanting to see their faces again since it reminded me of my parents. 

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