Chapter 9

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(Shinsou's POV)
It was a few days later after that inccident with Denki's parents and Denki was shaking all the time. His friend Kirishima and Kiri's alpha had to keep me from finding Denki's parents and making things worse. I couldn't stand them for making Denki feel this way, like he wasn't good enough for them and that he was going to be one of those slut omega's that go around fucking anyone that pay them.
      "Shins??? Are you okay??"
      I shake my head and look over at Denki who is wearing pastel goth looking up at me with worried eyes. I take his hand in mine and smile.
      "I'm fine princess....just lost in thought is all...."
      He smiles and lays his head on my shoulder. I smile and lay my head on his while we wait for the doctor to come out so they can talk to Denki about the healing pills that he would need after a night of fun. 
      "Denki Kaminari??" a nursed asked.
      I get up with Denki and walk into the back with him. Once we where in the back we had to sit and wait for the doctor to get back there. And int he meant time the nurse asked Denki some questions and did some small check up tests before leaving the room. I look over at Denki to see he was nervous and was chewing on his finger nails.
      "Denki...honey...are you okay??" I asked taking his hand in mine.
      "Well...I'm just nervous about getting these healing pills....what if they just don't work on me?? And how can I pay for them when-"
      I kiss Denki on the lips and look into his beautiful yellow eyes as he looks back into my purple ones.
      "Let's not worry about stuff like that for right now and I will pay for your healing pills...and I will make sure you take them when needed...okay??"
      "Okay." he says with a smile.
      I smile back and sit back in my seat as the doctor walks in asking Denki questions.
      "Now when was the last time you took your heat pills before you alpha mated with you??"
      Denki looked at me and I nodded to him telling him that he needed to tell the truth of the heat pills.
      "I-I never took my heating parents made me wear a collar that would help trap in my heating scent and there where times I had to control it."
      "Was it painful??" he asked blinking.
      "Yes it was...but I had no choice b-b-b-because i didn't want to get r-r-r-rapped...."
      Denki was starting to shake and I get up holding him close to me. The doctor took note of this and asked Denki when was the last time we had mated which Denki answered with my help. Once he was done asking the questions he told us to wait while he went to get the pills. I look over at Denki to see he was looking down at the floor and I just held his hand tighter. The doctor came back in with the pills and handed them to Denki. He takes the pill bottle and puts them in his pocket.
      "Now take the pills only when you and your alpha had a very rough night. These pill will help to heal your ass better." the doctor said not looking fazed at all.
      I felt my cheeks turn a bit pink and I look over at Denki to see he was the same way but it was true...and we both knew it. Once we thanked the doctor for the pills we left and started to walk back to the dorms when I suddenly felt a tug on my sleeve. I look over at Denki to see he was shaking a bit so I brought my voice to a whisper to where he could here.
      "You okay Denki??"
      "Someone is following us."
      I knew I couldn't turn around to see who it was or it was going to give us away. So I just noded and acted like nothing had changed but I could now feel that someone's eyes glued to us so I started to walk faster. The only problem was that person started to walk faster too.
      Shit!!! What do I do now??? I'm not the one with the permit hero card like Denki so I can't use my quirk and Denki is still a bit weak to even use his quirk right now.
"Shins...if you have to pick me up and start running back to the dorms." Denki whispered to me.
      I nod, pick him up and start running back to the dorms. I could hear the persons footsteps running after us. Panicing thinking it was maybe his parents I ran faster. Soon the gates to UA were in sight along with my adoptive mom and dad.
      "AIZAWA!!! MIC!!!" I yell out knowing not to call them mom and dad in front of Denki just yet.
      Aizawa looks over at me and runs over to me while Mic run past us to who ever was following us. Aizawa takes me and Denki to the school grounds but I tell Aizawa to take Denki back to the dorms.
      "Shins....." Denki started out before I gave him a kiss.
      "I will be back I just want to see who it was following us."
      Denki nods and Aizawa takes Denki to the dorms. I turn around and run back out of the gate to see Present Mic yelling and trying to keep them away from the school. It was Denki's parents trying to get on the school grounds. I walk over turning on my alpha scent and let off a low growl. His parents look up at me and both his parents back off. My mom (who is and omega himself) looks back at me and smiles at me with a bloody lip and a small bruise above his eye.
      "Mom are you okay??"
      "Yes Shins I'm okay, but where is Denki??"
      " I had dad take him back to the dorms."
      "I WANT TO SEE MY SON!!!" Denki's mom yells at me.
      I look at her and give off a growl and she backs off more while the husband of her's doesn't and walk up to me. I don't back off and look into his eyes.
      "Denki doesn't want you in his life after how you treated him." I say with much hatred in my voice.
      "You don't-"
      Then Mic shoves the paper on Denki's father's chest and smiles. His father takes the paper and reads it and starts shaking with rage.
      "As you can see Denki has made it to where he has no contact with you or your wife and you have to stay away from him."
      Then Denki's dad went to attack my mother but I got in the way and started to beat him with all my anger. His wife tried to get me off of him but I pushed her very hard and don't know what happened to her. Then I felt someone pull me off of Denki's dad and was dragging me back onto the school grounds as Mic dealt with Denki's parents and I was sent to Nezu's office. 

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