Ch.3 ~ Escaping Atlanta Wearing Guts

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Y/n's POV

As the group of six came running out the door to the roof I stood off to the side and watched as the first person being a man of a curvy latino build and around average height with short black hair came running out in front of me and standing on the metal platform.

He wore light brown baggy trousers and a dirty cream/white shirt opened to show his black undershirt finished with a pair of black trainer boots. "Hey, Dixon! Are you crazy?"

He yelled at the man who stood on top of the far left corner wall, shooting and reloading the gun. I had to admit his form was almost perfect. From the way he barely flinched from the kickback to the way he stood and held the gun it was almost as if he had the same military training as I.

Having followed the Latino man, a black chubby man of the same height stood next to him on the platform breathing heavily from running up the stairs to the roof. He wore a cap, a short sleeved white Brooklyn top, knee length black cargo shorts, white sports socks with grey and black trainers.

From the way he dressed it'd be safe to have assumed he was a part of a gang before all this, either that or he was your typical drug dealer that hogged the basketball court.

Next to follow them out were two females, one a white woman in a thin floral shirt accompanied by a light blue undershirt, black jeans and black trainers. She had long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail and grey eyes that looked blue when in the sunlight.

Tucked into the waistband of her jeans was a silver handgun. "Oh Jesus." She muttered under her breath as another shot sounded from the shotgun as the bullet impaled the target's head.

Standing next to her on the platform was a black woman with short black curly hair, rolled up purpleish trousers, a denim black shirt and again black trainers. 'Are the trainers like a mark of their group or something.' She was taller than the blonde women and a little slimmer.

Looking closely the two women had little to no muscle. How they'd served so long was beyond me but mor importantly was the vibe I got from the blonde woman.

The blonde had an off putting atmosphere to her. Maybe it was because she had that desirable body most females wanted rather than the slim body of the women next to her or a well toned and muscular body like my own. Not that you could tell I had the muscles unless I flexed, I guess that something to be happy about.

Lastly were the two I had heard on the walkie and seen running across the roof next to us. The tank man wore a sheriff's uniform with the light brown shirt that had badges scattered on it, dark brown trousers and his holster belt at his waist that his gun was holstered to. He was a short haired brunette.

Then there was an asian boy who looked around his late teenage years wearing your typical black jeans, white jacket with long black sleeves and red stripes on it, a black top and a cap. He had short black hair.

Looking around at them, all their clothes were dirty and some with slight tears in. Though the ones tank-man wore were cleaner than the rest. 'Must have taken them from a police station one his way here.' I thought but was snapped back to reality as Merle began to speak up.

"Huh? Hey, you ought to be more polite to a man with a gun. Huh?" Merle said, turning around and pointing the gun at everyone before jumping down with a grunt and walking forward. "Only common sense." He said as the black man and pushed past the Latino jumping down from the metal platform angered by the actions of the other man.

"Man, you're wasting bullets we ain't even got, man. And you bring 'em all down here on our ass, man. Just chill." Argued the black man who spoke in a gangsta voice.

Daryl's Lullaby ~ Daryl Dixon x Reader ~ On Temporary HoldWhere stories live. Discover now