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The passenger side door opens...

"Lume!" A tiny adorable voice screams and I look down to see the owner of the voice.  "Sawbona nana ka Lume" Ntsika says excitedly. He opens his door and he runs to my side but not exactly. I guess the baby ran to him as well. He picks her up and you can hear her joyful giggles. They  make you smile without even trying to. Someone clears their throat and my heartbeat stops for a moment. I turn my head to the side and a beautiful thick woman is standing there with her hand on her hip. I smile at her "Hi-" She doesn't even bother to try and pretend.

"You're in my seat." She almost snaps.  Tjo I got scared but I refused to show it. This girl is most likely younger than me yet she acts like this? "Haai Okuhle hlala emuva boh (No Okuhle sit in the back.)" I don't know when Ntsika got back in the car but he is playing with the adorable baby. You'd swear they are in their own world but it seems like Ntsika is paying attention to what's happening. "Kodwa bhutiiiiii...(But brotheeerrrr...)" Yandisokuhle, I'm assuming, whines.

"Cha.(No)" The way Ntsika said that, I felt some flutters in my stomach. Damn! His voice somehow got deeper with that one word. I wonder what the vibrations feel like against my hot flesh- Ha-a Naledi! Why am I having such thoughts about a man I barely know? He could be a fraud for all I know...but the hand scan and the car! Yeesh!  "Mxm!" I am brought out of my thoughts by the young lady on my side.  "Love you too" Ntsika kisses the baby's cheek and she giggles.

"Rhaa!" She gives me one more look then turns and hold in the back. She closes the door and it's quiet, all you hear is breathing and her perfume, you can smell in the car. I don't even notice that Ntsika has left the car. "Yandise-okuhle" she gives me her hand and wow it's manicured, she's a girly girl and the rest of us are just amaphara. "Naledi." We shake on it then sit back in awkward silence. I open my phone and go through my gallery. "Your cute." Her statement surprises me. "Uh th-thanks, you're beautiful." I reply with a blush. I rarely get complimented so I do enjoy them when they come. 

"I'm aware but thank you." Couldn't she just say thank you? Jeez.  A ringing phone cuts the silence.. Kanti okae Ntsika? (Where exactly is Ntsika?) She cuts the call but not a minute later it rings again. She cuts it again with a 'nxa' but it rings again. She sighs and picks it up. "Yini njandini (What you dog)!" I get whiplash from her beginning statement.  She doesn't look at me and whatever's being said on the other side of the call just seems to be making her madder. 


"Argh ungalinge ungdine mgodoyi ndini ufunani nxa! (Argh don't you dare test me you dog what do you want nxa!)" She reminds me of Sisanda, the much more colorful mouthed Sisanda. I am sure my eyes are popping out right now and she's still focused on the phone. 


"Voetsek Anande yangizwa voetsek! Ngeke ngizwe ngawe yo moerdamnit. Uyangnyela strong ngiyabona nxa! (Voetsek Anande you hear me voetsek! I won't hear by you yo moerdamnit. I see that you're shitting on me strong nxa!) You have the nerve to answer my daughter's call while fucking your whores and you swear at her too? Ye! Unesbindi marn!( You have the liver man!) If I had the chance I would have killed you the day you walked out on us you bitch motherfucker! Lento le esindelwa amasende nxa! You are useless yangizwa uyilutho marn! ( This thing that has larger testicles that you can't even think straight nxa! You are useless you hear, you're nothing marn!) You'er just a spineless coward who doesn't want to own up to his shit! Heck even your best friends are known by your child and they are in her life mara wena (but you) sperm donor ? Nix nokwazi nxa! (Unknown nxa)"

She cut the call I'm guessing, judging by the amount of curse words she used, she must be talking to the infamous Ntando.  "Please pass the tissue" She let out sniffles and I shake my head. Instead of passing it I grab it and get out of the car. Ntsika is nowhere in sight. I'm awestruck by the beauty of this house but I focus on the task at hand. I open the back passenger door and hop in. I unroll some tissue for her and hand it to her then I pull her in for a hug. She weeps on my- her brother's hoodie for a while.

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