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"What are you doing here?" Shocked would be an understatement of how Naledi felt when she saw the man she had met just earlier on in the day standing right in front of her. "I live a few doors down and the delivery guy mixed up our orders, he left mine on your doorstep, so I came to get it and give you yours. Why didn't you say you live here?" Her head was still reeling over seeing him right in her doorway. 

"I-I" Ntsika must have noticed her shock because he just smiled at her and placed the food in her arms. He had his food in the other arm, so he gave her another smile before retreating back to his apartment. With a newfound interest in the man, Naledi placed the food on her newly-put-together gold and black coffee table and grabbed the nearest device she could find, her tablet. 'Ntsika...' the search bar had only one option, "Ntsikayomuzi Mthethwa." A shiver travelled down her back when she said his name out loud. 

The first thing she saw was a picture of Ntsika in a navy-blue suit that complimented his skin, much like the lady that had her arm in his. She smiled so professionally and, in that moment, Naledi felt something pull at her heart strings. She scrolled down to the most recent pictures of Ntsika and once again he was with this lady, and they were in a park looking so picture perfect. He was carrying her on his back and even as she smiled out of joy, it was so perfect. Naledi turned the device off, she didn't like how she felt when looking at those photos. 

With a sigh, she opened her food up and ate while watching ASMR videos on Youtube. She had to get up early in the morning because her workplace is an estimated hour away from her apartment. She was excited to spend her first night in her apartment. It gave her a sense of independence and that felt freeing. As she laid in bed after making sure to lock the door and windows, she turned to her left side, a pillow between her legs to relieve any tension in her back and stimulate sleep, she shut her eyes but found her mind to be awake. 

She twisted and turned in bed and at 10:58 pm she gave in and got out of bed. She wore her slippers and walked to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Now, she wasn't as excited, all she wanted was to sleep but she had none. Once the hot cup was in her hands, she walked back to her bedroom and climbed in bed. Her mind wandered as she took small sips of the bot beverage. The curtain was open, allowing the moonlight to shine in the room. 

The moon was full that night and the stars shone just as bright as the moon. Naledi fell into a dreamless slumber as the night sang her a lullaby. When she awakened, the sun had just risen. She turned to the left to check the time, 5:13 am. Spring and having early sunrises, she thought. Her warm feet touched the cold wooden flooring, and she winced at the chill. Even with the sun up, the place was slow to pick up on warmth.  

She took a much-needed shower and was refreshed when she stepped into her bedroom. With a hop in her step, she fixed her bed and pulled out a black straight cut dress and a crisp white shirt. Today was a black Monday. She decided on black chunky heels and her navy-blue Luella handbag. Time was moving quickly but that did not deter her from grabbing a bowl of Rice crispies and a bottle of lemon water. 

She left her apartment with the intent of requesting an uber once she got to the ground floor. "Hold the elevator." Someone shouted and because of the good person she's trying to be, she held it. "Thank you." She trailed her eyes on said person beginning from his brown suede shoes to the matte black formal pants and coat right up to his freshly shaven face. His eyes, they almost took her breath away. "Are you satisfied?" His question brought her back from her mind. 

"Excuse me?" She was taken aback. "With eye fucking me, are you satisfied?" He looked thoroughly humored. "You are- what?" She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "I'm joking." He showed his perfectly white teeth. No man should have such perfect teeth, what!? She rolled her eyes and turned to the side, hiding her smile. "That was not funny." She could still here him laughing. 

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