Peter : can u 2 stop making me want to throw up for 5 seconds .
Dylan ; were in her room
Peter: yh but still
Tegan: can we help
Peter: dyl can
Dylan : what's up
Peter : this girl messaged me asking me to go round for dinner tonight and i don't know weither its gonna be just dinner and talk or dinner and more
Dylan : let me read the messages see the tone of her messages

He throws his hand and i catch it

Peter ; nice one
Tegan: quick reflexes
Dylan : phone

I hand him the phone and we read throw the messages

Me and dylan ; sex
Peter : u think
Dylan ; oh yh
Tegan: 100%
Peter: i gotta get condoms then I'll be back in a bit
Tegan : bye
Dylan : good luck
Peter : thanks

He walks out my room and i grab dylans face and i kiss him .

Dylan ; right i got work
Tegan ; ok have fun
Dylan: i will u staying at mine tonight or i am staying here
Tegan: stay at yours
Dylan ; ok I'll see u later then

He kisses me and he walk out my room and i get up getting my bag and i walk down stairs and out the door getting in my car and i drive to the coffee shop .

Tegan : hi
Drew : hi
Tegan : u been here long
Drew : no just got my coffee u gonna join
Tegan: company of course I'm gonna join let me just my drink
Drew ; ok

I go up and i get my coffee and i sit down

Tegan : u ok
Drew : yh I'm good what about u
Tegan: superb
Drew ; superb very happy then
Tegan: extremely happy i have no clue why just am
Drew ; cause of me I'm the best person in the world
Tegan : sure u are
Drew ; hey once u get to know me you'll see i am the best person
Tegan : i didn't say u weren't the best person
Drew : but your sure u are didn't sound very convinced
Tegan: well I'm very convinced now
Drew ; yes
Tegan : have u done much today
Drew ; read
Tegan: what did u read
Drew : i can't rember it wasn't a very good book but i read it cause i stated it and i was hoping it was gonna get better
Tegan: but it didn't
Drew : no just got worse
Tegan : oh dear
Drew : what have u done today
Tegan: pretty much just stayed at home in bed its liltrally what I'm gonna do once i finish my coffee
Drew : that is a shout might do that but I'll probably fall asleep and be woken I'm going out with friends tonight
Tegan: drinking
Drew : yh going to some bar
Tegan: bet its gonna be fun
Drew : yh the people I'm going with are funny and drinking just fun
Tegan : i do agree with the drinking thing at the end of the day after you've finished working going home and having a drink is just...yes
Drew ; thats pause
Tegan: dramatic pause
Drew : just a bit but your right after u finish work or its just been a long day u want a drink
Tegan: go to drink
Drew : just a beer
Tegan: white claw
Drew : yh white claw just any beer really whats your go to drink
Tegan: a gin and lemonade
Drew : gin
Tegan: yh
Drew : just normal gin or flavoured
Tegan: normal gin most of the time but I'd be happy with a flavoured one apart from orange that shits nasty
Drew ; do u not like oranges
Tegan; i love oranges but the orange gin doesn't tatse like orange it tatse like a medicine i had to take as a kid when ever i got sick .
Drew ; i swear kid medicine tastes disgusting
Tegan: it dose
Drew : did u ever have to take that banna medicine
Tegan; don't that was nasty
Drew ; vile
Tegan : ew
Drew : thank god I'm not a kid anymore well at heart I'm a kid still
Tegan: oh same
Drew : 25 and still a kid
Tegan: 23 still wishing i was a kid like after u finished school go home and watch tv untill dinner
Drew : see i never got to watch tv after school
Tegan: what
Drew : well i did but it was never what i wanted i grew up with 2 sister and a brother and my sister always won cause they were younger and they would scream of they didn't get there way . So my mom always let my sister put what they want on
Tegan: ha
Drew ; not ha feel sorry for me
Tegan : nah cause me and my sister did the same to my brother
Drew : your poor brother
Tegan : nah poor me and sister cause he never got his way beat us

He starts laughing

Tegan ; that's not funny
Drew ; sorry
Tegan ; did u and your beat your sisters
Drew : no as much is it annoyed me and bother that our sisters got there way we never intentionally hurt them .
Tegan : u sound like good brothers
Drew : we were we still are
Tegan: as u get older your siblings become that bit more bearable
Drew : facts
Tegan : so its just the 2 sisters and brother
Drew : yh and then step siblings but they didn't come into the picture untill we were all a lot older

I nod my head

Tegan ; so parents separated
Drew : yh
Tegan : this is taking a turn
Drew : just a bit but its making conversation and were learning about each other thats what people do when they meet
Tegan: yh
Drew : your parents separated
Tegan : yh i don't know who my dad is so yh very separated
Drew : oh

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : your face was a picture
Drew : do u want me to recreate the face
Tegan: yh it can be a Christmas card
Drew : just my face is your Christmas card to your family
Tegan: oh they would love it just a photo of a complete stranger 
Drew : oh yh

My phone then starts ringing

Tegan; hello
Peter ; wow for once u answer the phone
Tegan : shut up what do u want
Peter: coffee please
Tegan : u were liltrally just out couldn't u have got it
Peter ; no why pay for it when u can
Tegan: I'm not made of money
Peter : coffee thank u much love

He hangs up

Tegan : stupid brother

He starts laughing

Tegan : i guess i better get him a coffee and take it to the royal pain in my ass
Drew : ay i like that
Tegan : is it good right I'll see soon
Drew ; yh

I go up and get Peter his coffee and i drive home

Tegan ; pain
Peter ; love u too
Tegan : right gotta pack for Dylans
Peter ; mhm

I go upstairs getting my bag and i pack for Dylans

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