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Tegan : hi
Peter : your back
Tegan : yh
Peter: right whats happend did u find out who your dad is
Tegan; mhm
Peter : seriously
Tegan ; yep
Peter : who
Tegan: i think its a good idea i keep it to myself
Peter ; no when i found out who my dad was i told u straight away why don't u want to tell me
Tegan: cause
Peter : cause what do we know him is he in prison was it one of moms costumers what
Tegan : its gonna fuck shit up for u and James
Peter : james why james my dad fucked her once and never saw her again untill i showed up to his door

I look at him

Peter: what
Tegan : promise not to hate mom even more
Peter : fucking tell me

I hesitate for a second before telling him the story and then who my dad is

Peter : are u fucking serious
Tegan : u can't tell James u can't tell anyone
Peter : I'm so angry how could she do this to u me james shes fucked this family up enough and now shes made it worse . Why couldn't she have just kept her god damn leg shut

He walks out the door slamming it shut

Tegan : for god sake

I push my suitcase to the side and i walk out the door getting in my car and i driving to the coffee shop and i get my coffee and i sit down trying to call peter but he doesn't answer .

Drew : oi u where did u disappear off to
Tegan : hello to u to
Drew : sorry hi but u just disappeard for almost 2 weeks I've been kinda worried
Tegan : u were worried
Drew : yes i went from seeing u here most days to u disappearing for almost 2 weeks and thanks for replying to messages
Tegan ; sorry its just been a crazy time i went back to new York for a bit saw my mom . I am sorry
Drew : i guess i could forgive u
Tegan: yes
Drew : how was new York
Tegan : eh
Drew : eh
Tegan ; found out some really shit news
Drew : and what is that shit news
Tegan ; is it ok if we don't talk about it
Drew : yh yh no thats fine
Tegan ; so Joseph what have u been up to
Drew : its drew and well i got that role we read the lines to so filmed that
Tegan ; u finshed
Drew ; yh it was only a few day shoot
Tegan ; damn well congrats on getting the role and filming
Drew ; thanks
Tegan: was it good filming
Drew : yh everyone was really nice
Tegan: that's good when does this short movie come out
Drew : i don't know some point early next year
Tegan : finally get to see u act in something
Drew ; yh
Tegan: well anything else happend
Drew ; partying spent way to much money
Tegan ; u gotta get my auditions
Drew : yh well i got another role for another short movie but that don't start filming till beginning of next year
Tegan : ooo ok your getting them roles
Drew; i know I'm getting down to business now
Tegan : yh don't go forgetting me when u become big
Drew ; i don't think i could forget
Tegan: woo....right drew
Drew : tegan
Tegan ; your name sign language
Drew : atchally I've been teaching myself how to do a bit more sign language like the tiniest bit
Tegan : ok well lets see if i can i understand u
Drew ; god i beg i don't fuck this up
Tegan ; i hope u do it would be funny
Drew : i hope u have a good day

He signs

Tegan ; you've made it a good day

I sign back

Drew : don't have a clue what u said
Tegan : i said you've made it a good day
Dree ; is that true or are u just saying that
Tegan ; no you've made today good
Drew : yess
Tegan : so thank u
Drew : happy to make today good you've made mine good aswell cause i finally got to see u after u disappear off the face of the earth for 2 weeks .
Tegan: i won't disappear again from now on u are stuck with me so good luck
Drew : god help me
Tegan: ha I'm annoy u to shit
Drew : nah the other way round
Tegan; how about we both just annoy the shit out each other
Drew : deal
Tegan : as if we made a deal to that
Drew ; can't take it back now
Tegan; ok
Drew : what are u doing tomrrow
Tegan ; sleeping till 2 i have work tonight but after 2 i am free
Drew ; do u want to do something other get coffee tomrrow
Tegan :yh what do want to do
Drew : go out for dinner
Tegan ; dinner
Drew ; we don't have to
Tegan ; no dinner sounds perfect
Drew : your boyfriend wouldn't mind that your going out for dinner with another guy
Tegan: we broke up
Drew ; when
Tegan; just before i left for new York
Drew ; why sorry for being noisy
Tegan: i liked someone else and i felt bad for liking someone else in our relationship so i ended it .
Drew : oh
Tegan : so yh
Drew : i know u ended it but are u ok
Tegan ; yh
Drew : well thats good but if your never ok I'm here if u need to talk
Tegan : your so sweet but same for u
Drew : thanks
Tegan ; where are we gonna go for dinner tomrrow
Drew : i don't know yet
Tegan ; this is gonna be annoying but I've recently just become vegetarian
Drew ; i take back getting dinner i can't be friends with vegetarians
Tegan ; seriously
Drew; no i guess i could be your friend but god fine I'll find a place that does vegetarian options but u can't give me the death stear if i eat steak or something with meat
Tegan : i wouldn't trust me I've only become vegetarian and i am craving a burger but I'm trying to eat healthier
Drew ; i want to be healthier but i couldn't get rid of meat I'll just go to the gym .
Tegan : gym is so much effort
Drew ; maybe but personally i just couldn't give up meat
Tegan ; and thats fair enough
Drew : yh right tomrrow I'll pick u up send me your address
Tegan: i will
Drew : anyway i need to go i have a meeting
Tegan ; have fun at your meeting
Drew ; I'll try see u tomrrow
Tegan : see u then

He walks out and i try calling peter again and nothing

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