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I sit on the side of bed and i look at drew and hes aleeep i stand up getting dressed and i quietly walk out his room . And i met with some women in his front room

Tegan : um hi
Women ; hi who are u
Tegan ; uh...tegan who are u
Women ; jodi drews mom
Tegan ; thought i recognised u um...crap

I wisper

Tegan ; I'll go wake him
Jodi; ok

I practically run to drews room and i grab drews arms

Drew : what what
Tegan: your mom drew your mom in the front room
Drew ; what my mom
Tegan: yes your mom drew
Drew : why are u so freaked out
Tegan: cause we slept together last night and its clear we slept together or something happend and i meet your mother and i don't want your mom thinking I'm a slut or something.
Drew : ok just take a chill pill and go with what I'm about to say
Tegan: what
Drew : just go with it

He gets out of bed getting dressed and we walk out his room and he hugs his mom

Drew ; what are u doing here
Jodi ; thought I'd come in and say hi before i go to Seattle maybe should have warned u
Drew : no its fine are u ok how was thr flight here
Jodi ; the flight was fine are u ok
Drew ; yh I'm ok
Jodi; and u
Tegan: yh I'm really good
Drew : this is tegan my...girlfriend
Me and jodi : girlfriend
Drew : yh its new thats why i haven't said anything
Jodi : oh I'm gutted u didn't tell me when u were ready
Drew ; its fine i would of probably told u at Christmas but yh
Jodi ; well nice to meet u
Tegan ; yh its nice meeting u drew told me lots about u and u done a good of raising him hes a real gentleman.
Jodi : thank u i tryed but drews always been respectful
Drew ; enough about me thank u

He wraps his arms around me and i look up at him

Jodi : how long have u been together
Drew ; a week like i said new
Tegan; and we went on a lot of dates before getting together we wanted to get to know each other first.
Drew ; yh
Jodi ; that's good
Drew ; haven't u got to get the airport
Tegan ; yes i do thank u for reminding me
Jodi ; where are u going
Tegan ; Minnesota for Christmas
Jodi ; well enjoy yourself
Tegan : enjoy settle
Jodi ; i will
Tegan: be safe
Jodi ; and u

Me and drew walk to the door

Drew ; were talk about last night when u get back
Tegan : yh i think we need to

He kisses my cheek

Drew ; be safe
Tegan: i will u stay safe stay cute

I walk off and i order an uber and it takes me home

Peter: what the hell were meant to leave
Tegan : I'm already packed give me 5 minutes
Peter: hurry

I run upstairs going to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i go to my room changing clothes and i throw the last few things in my suitcase and go down stairs .

Peter: lets go
Tegan ; yes

We get in peters car and he drives to the airport and hand our luggage in and we go throw security

Tegan: why is every time we go throw security it always goes off with me
Peter ; maybe u look sus
Tegan : how
Peter ; your face
Tegan: douche
Peter : bitch
Tegan : I'm getting coffee
Peter: get me one
Tegan : fuck yourself

I go into Starbucks getting myself a coffee

Peter : wheres mine
Tegan; i said fuck yourself

I sit down and he walks off and i look at the boreds seeing if i could find our gate but it still wasn't open and i go on my phone scrolling throw tik tok for a while .

Peter : i hate u
Tegan: shut up nephew.
Peter: that doesn't bother me
Tegan; ok nephew
Peter : oh my God
Tegan ; ha i knew it would bother u
Peter; u call nephew again i will kill u with bare hands
Tegan : security is right there and they have massive guns
Peter : did i tell u how much hate u
Tegan; I'm sure thoses aren't the only massive thing on them
Peter; oh my God
Tegan ; i mean there ripped come on
Peter ; we aren't talking about the sizes of there dicks
Tegan : fine
Peter : nasty
Tegan : so your saying u don't look at girls boobs

He stays quiet

Tegan : yh thats what i thought
Peter : shut up
Tegan; I'll happily talk about boobs
Peter: u have no boundaries do u
Tegan ; u should know this by now
Peter ; and also question your sexuality
Tegan ; women are hot
Peter ; Can't disagree with u there
Tegan : kissed more girls then guys
Peter : excuse me
Tegan: nothing
Peter : u know if your gay or bi i will accept u right so if theres anything u need to tell me maybe tell me now .
Tegan : this coffee is good
Peter : when did u first kiss a girl
Tegan; do rember lilly
Peter : my ex girlfriend
Tegan: yh her high school party
Peter : u kisses my ex girlfriend
Tegan : great kisser by the way
Peter : yet again u kisses my ex girlfriend
Tegan : oh it was before u and lilly got together
Peter: so i kissed your sloppy seconds ew i need to bleach my mouth
Tegan : ha
Peter : when was the last time u kissed a girl
Tegan : jemma last year she got drunk and kissed me
Peter : wow your really getting throw your friend group
Tegan ; says the one who fucked every girl in his friend group
Peter : they were all accidents
Tegan; so your clothes came off by accidents
Peter : oh just be quiet
Tegan ; fuck boy
Peter : aleast i can commit to a relationship unlike u
Tegan : excuse me
Peter : please u broke up with dylan probably days before one of u were gonna say i love u . And all the other guys u almost got u didn't reject them because u got the ick it was because u were scared if commitment
Tegan: I'm not scared of commitment i broke up with dylan because i liked someone else .
Peter : yh but u knew i love u words would happen any day so without realising u found a way to get out that relationship tegan i know u better then u know yourself.
Tegan ; i didn't find a way to get out that relationship
Peter : your so used to people abandoning u that u abandon that person before they can abandon u .
Tegan : shut up
Peter ; come on your dad out the picture mom she was in our and the picture then tally left at 16 i was always off getting high somewhere.
Tegan : Peter shut up
Peter ; i have the same issues if it wasn't for u i would have packed up and left like tally

I turn my hearing aids off and he taps my shoulder

Peter: turn them on

He signs

Tegan ; your irritating me leave me alone

I go back on my phone ignoring Peter

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