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I get out of bed getting dressed and i go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out

Drew : where u going
Tegan : hospital
Drew : I'm coming
Tegan ; u don't have to
Drew ; i want to
Tegan : ok
Drew : give me a second
Tegan: I'll meet u down stairs
Drew ; ok

I go down stairs and i really wanted some coffee but i couldn't stomach it just the thought of food or coffee just makes me feel sick .

Drew : ready
Tegan: ok

He kisses me and we walk out the door getting in my car and i drive to the hospital and i find mabel

Tegan : hi
Mabel ; hi go to room 56c and I'll be 5 minutes
Tegan; ok thanks

She walks off

Drew : are u ok
Tegan: yh just thinking
Drew: thinking about what
Tegan: how i really want coffee right now but I'll just throw up if i drink it not sure weither its nerves or u know
Drew :coffee sounds so good
Nat : oh look its the ditcher
Tegan : ha fuck off
Nat ; I'm doing all the stuff your meant to be doing i will kill u i am dealing with dead bodies and pee and poo
Tegan: sucks for u
Nat : hurry up and come back
Tegan: how about no now goodbye

I grab drews hand we go in 56c

Drew : who was that
Tegan : Nathaniel went to college with him and also work with him
Drew ; ah
Mabel : ok basically u need to pee in this cup
Tegan; I'm awear
Mabel ; your cup and when your done put in the bag enjoy
Tegan : oh I'll try u look away
Drew: I'll look away

I walk into the bathroom and i do my business and i put the cup in the bag and i walk out

Tegan ; away
Drew : I'm looking away

I hand mabel the cup

Mabel: I'll take this to the lab then i need to come back and ask some questions quick
Tegan: ok

She walks out and i sit down

Drew : u better of washed your hands
Tegan : i wash my hands everytime i use the bathroom
Drew: everytime
Tegan: yes u don't

He looks at me

Tegan : are u serious
Drew : um
Tegan: drew wash your hands
Drew ; there clean
Tegan: wash your hands everytime u use the bathroom and every time u smoke
Drew : i will wash my hands and don't talk about cigarettes i really want one
Tegan : u had one before u came in here
Drew ; I'm stressed have u not heard of stress smoking
Tegan: i have
Drew : i just need to be distracted so i don't think of cigarettes
Tegan ; we both need to be distracted
Drew : slapsies
Tegan: i will so beat your ass
Drew : game on

We put the tips of our fingers together and i try slap his hand but he moves it in time

Tegan ; damn
Drew : my go

We put our hands back togther and he goes to slap my hand but misses and we carry on playing for a bit .

Mabel : sorry to interrupt i just need ask a few questions for the both of u
Drew : ok

She starts asking us questions some i thought were they necessary to ask and some very personal ones but its all apart of her job i guess .

Tegan : this is killing me i just want to know now
Drew : u aren't the only one my heart is gonna explode
Tegan: that would be messy go to another room

We both start laughing

Drew : so careing
Tegan; i know right
Mabel ; that was a good reply tho
Tegan : thanks
Drew : high five to that

I high five him

Mabel ; jess wouldn't have high fived me if i said that
Tegan: jess doesn't have a sence of humour
Mabel ; so boring
Tegan: u love him tho
Mabel; yh
Tegan : has jess always been boring
Mabel : even in high school instead of going to a party with me he would play video games
Drew : really
Mabel: yh very unsociable
Tegan : its u
Drew : I'll go out for partys and to see u and hang out with friends recently i haven't been so unsociable but saying that I'll probably become unsociable in the next few days .
Mabel ; everyone's becoming unsociable
Tegan : i know
Drew : people are hard work u need time to recharge
Mabel ; i do agree people are hard work but working in a hospital u learn to deal
Tegan: and i just love being sociable any chance i get i will go out 
Drew : don't i know that are u free are u free I'm bored

I nudge him

Tegan; shh thats u
Drew ; is not 
Tegan : meh meh meh
Drew : meh back

He pulls a face at me

Mabel ; u know I'll go cheak on your results
Tegan : ok

She walks out

Tegan: I'm really turned on
Drew : glad I'm not the only one
Tegan : if I'm pregnant we have sex if I'm not I'm getting drunk and we have sex another time. 
Drew: you'll get drunk
Tegan: yes I'll give my keys to my car u go back to mine get your car and I'll get an uber to livs and I'll get wasted with her .
Drew ; I'll go home and sleep i didn't sleep last night just constantly thinking are u pregnant and u stole the covers off me and wrapped yourself in it

I let out a little laugh

Drew ; your the worst to share a bed with grennan
Tegan: and your all sweaty when u sleep
Drew ; i sweat a lot i know
Tegan ; see both have our sleeping problems
Drew : i guess so

He kisses my cheek and i kiss his shoulder and i lean my head on his shoulder

Tegan : i hate waiting 
Drew ; so do i why can't u just rush things
Tegan : cause if u could rush things I'm sure a lot of people would rush to the good parts of life. Or just rush to the moment there about to die
Drew : well i want things to rush untill we find out if your with child or not
Tegan ; with child or not dude its gonna come out a baby not a whole ass child
Drew ; could u imagine birthing out a whole child
Tegan; I'm sure women would die
Drew : i think it would be painful
Tegan: i saw tally give birth and after she said it was the most painful thing in her life . Oh god i can't push a baby out

The door then open

Mabel : i heard the last part and u do not need to push a baby because u aren't pregnant
Tegan ; oh lord
Drew : are u sure
Mabel ; very u said u were stressed so maybe being stressed has messed with your cycle
Tegan: ok
Mabel : and u can go
Tegan: thank u so much
Mabel : thats ok
Drew ; should we go
Tegan: yes I'll see u round the hospital
Mabel ; yh

Me and drew get up and we walk out

Drew : my shoulders feel lifted
Tegan : my stomah feels better now I'm gonna go get wasted
Drew : I'm going to sleep do u still want me to take your car
Tegan: please
Drew ; ok

He wraps his arm around me

Drew : i want kids but way in the future
Tegan ; so do i way in the future so safety from now on
Drew : oh yh I'll go buy condoms
Tegan: ok

We walk out the hospital and my uber arrives

Tegan : I'll see u soon
Drew : be safe
Tegan: i will enjoy your sleep
Drew ; i will

He kisses me

Tegan: bye
Drew: bye

I get in the uber and it takes me to livs

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