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Dylan : morning
Tegan: oh look whos awake
Dylan : meh if it wasn't for stupid work I'd still be asleep
Tegan : aleast u didn't work a night shift
Dylan : how was work
Tegan: its was alright do u rember i spoke about someone called Julia
Dylan ; yh she needed a heart transplant or something
Tegan : yh well she died last night
Dylan: are u ok
Tegan: yh it was just surprising when i showed up to work she was up and talking and then at 5 her heart gave up on her and she died
Dyaln ; I'm sorry
Tegan: ok

He hugs me and i kiss him

Tegan : right u have work i made u lunch
Dylan ; ooo thank u
Tegan: thats ok have a good day
Dyaln ; I'll try

He kisses me and he walks out the door and i sit on the counter and i could hear construction going on outside and it was really annoying me so i turn my hearing aids off so all i could hear was silence which was nice. I get my phone and i go on that


Tegangrennan: 😁 @ dyalncorry

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Tegangrennan: 😁 @ dyalncorry

I get down from the counter and i walk out the door getting in my car driving to the coffee shop and i get my coffee and i sit down reading my book for a while . Untill i have hands waving in my face and i look up and i turn my hearing aids on

Tegan: sorry
Drew : jeez are u deaf i was saying your name for like 5 minutes
Girl : thats an exaggeration
Drew : felt like it
Tegan : i am deaf
Drew : what
Tegan: yh
Girl : dude
Drew : i am so sorry i didn't know ignore i said that deaf thing
Tegan: It's fine
Girl: hi
Tegan: hi
Girl ; I'm madelyn
Tegan: tegan
Drew : wait so your atchally deaf
Tegan: yh i have hearing aids to help me hear
Drew : how did i not know this
Tegan: never told u
Madelyn: see u learn something new everyday 
Drew : no shit
Tegan : are u 2 together
Madelyn: God no
Drew : friends
Madelyn: also kinda with someone hes single
Drew ; do not remind me
Tegan : i was just curious
Drew : were u born deaf
Madelyn: dude u don't ask that
Tegan : oh we just ask stuff straight up
Drew : yh
Madelyn: i didn't know chill dude
Drew : dude

She pulls a face at him and i let out a little laugh

Drew :so my question
Tegan : no an accident happened when i was a teenager
Drew : what happend
Tegan : my sister put firecrackers in our fire pit in our backyard to hide them from our mom the fire pit never got used . But i had some friends round and we wanted to roast  marshmallows so i started a fire and next thing i know the fire pit exploads and it made this massive bang . And it quite literally burst ear drumbs making me deaf and i had surgery to repair my ears and it didn't work so i have hearing aids .
Madelyn : and without them your completely deaf
Tegan : yh
Madelyn: do u sign

I nod my head

Tegan : i prefer sign language but no one in my family could be botherd to learn for me apart from my brother
Drew : thats sad
Tegan ; it is what it is
Madelyn: I'd happily learn sign language i think it would be useful
Drew : same right u need to teach me sign language
Tegan: ok i will
Drew : sweet
Madelyn: teach me aswell
Tegan; ok
Madelyn: I'm a complete stranger asking u to teach me sign language
Drew : shut up
Madelyn: i was just talking
Drew : and still shut up
Madelyn: u shut up
Tegan : how did u 2 meet
Madelyn: on set
Tegan : set
Madelyn: were actors
Tegan: both of u
Madelyn: yh
Tegan : your an actor
Drew : yh
Madelyn: u didn't tell her
Tegan: why didn't u tell me your an actor 
Drew : why didn't u tell me u were deaf
Tegan: fair thats so cool your both actors
Madelyn: yh
Tegan: so did u meet on set for a show or movie
Drew : show
Madelyn: we play brother and sister but we hate each other on it he liltrally kills someone
Drew ; on the show yes in real like we get along and certainly not a killer
Madelyn: a killer of bugs
Drew : isn't everyone
Madelyn: yh especially when we were filming
Drew ; oh my God so we were in Charleston filming and there was mosquitoes everywhere
Madelyn; it was so bad
Tegan : guessing u got bitten
Madelyn: u should of seen us all our friend Austin got it so bad
Drew : yh we had to retake so many scenes cause he was getting bitten while filming
Tegan: oh no
Madelyn: they were attracted  to him
Tegan : must have tasted good
Drew : yh must have

We all start laughing

Tegan ; how long have u guys been acting
Madelyn: about 6 years
Drew : yh about the same but i also did school plays if they count
Madelyn:oh if were counting school plays then years
Drew : yh years
Tegan ; ok
Madelyn: do u have Instagram
Tegan : yh

She hands me her phone and i put my Instagram in

Drew : i don't even have it
Tegan: Give me your phone

He hand me his phone and i put my Instagram in

Madelyn; is that your boyfriend
Tegan : yh

Dree starts coughing

Tegan : u good
Drew : yh u have a boyfriend
Tegan : yh
Madelyn: how long have u been going out
Tegan : few months
Madelyn; so its still new
Tegan: yh but we were friends before we started dating
Drew : really do learn stuff everyday didn't know u had a boyfriend
Tegan: and i didn't know u were actor
Drew : yh
Madelyn: and you'll continue learning new stuff everyday about the world and each other
Drew : yh
Tegan ; right i gotta go
Drew : your always first to go
Tegan : got this to do drewphy
Madelyn: right i liked u before but now i do even more now u called him drewphy
Drew : go away
Madelyn: never
Tegan; right I'll see u round bye
Madelyn: bye
Drew : peace

I get up walking out the door getting in my car and i drive home

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