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Drew : wake up wake up wake up wake up
Tegan: if u say wake up one more time your getting a slap
Drew : wake up

I slap his back

Drew ; ow
Tegan : told u

I turn on my side cuddling my pillow

Drew ; wake up
Tegan: drew
Drew : coffee
Tegan ; go make yourself coffee
Drew ; what if your brothers up
Tegan: he don't bite
Drew : but alone
Tegan: i met your mom alone now if u don't shut up i will make u
Drew ; hello
Tegan: not in a kinky way I'll kill u
Drew ; ok going

He walks out my room and i turn my hearing aids off and i go back to sleep untill i feel drew poking my arm and i stick my middle finger up and he stops for a bit and then he continues again . So i sit up looking at him and he says something but i didn't hear

Tegan: there off i can't hear a thing your saying so save your breath and let me sleep

I lay back down

Tegan ; uhh .

I sit back up putting my hearing aids back in

Tegan: i want to stangle u
Drew: why haven't u then
Tegan: cause i like u

I get out of bed going to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out

Drew : attention
Tegan: attention seeking whore
Drew ; i know now attention
Tegan: no I'm hungry
Drew ; ok well lets get food then
Tegan; yes

I grab his hands pulling him off the bed and we go down stairs

Tegan : peter breakfast
Peter : yes
Tegan : bacon eggs and pancakes
Drew : ooo yes
Peter : get cooking
Tegan ; no I'm gonna cook very slowly
Peter: bitch

I go to the kitchen

Drew : I'll help what do u want me to do
Tegan ; eggs u eat them u know how to cook it
Drew ; ok

I stick some bacon in pan and i get started on making pancakes and it took a while to cook but finally we could eat.

Peter : I'm still hungry
Drew : u had like 6 pancakes
Peter: i like my food
Tegan ; he eats so much and he loses weight
Drew ; u lose weight by eating
Peter : yh its not fun I'm trying to gain weight and muscle but its just not possible I'm loseing weight
Tegan; sounds like a u problem
Peter : could give me a bit of sympathy
Drew ; I'll give u sympathy dude
Peter : thank u hes nicer to me then my own sister bitch
Tegan :love u too
Peter: meh
Tegan: I'll rember u calling me a bitch now i won't cook for u again
Peter: sure thing
Drew : do u guys get along
Peter: we do but we have aleast argument a day but once this one passes were be happy as larry
Drew : ok
Tegan : ohhh i have work
Peter ; ha i have a day off
Drew ; i start work again soon uuh
Tegan ; poor thing
Drew : aleast we get money
Tegan: true right u wash up i gotta get ready
Drew ; I'll come up with u
Tegan ; ok

We get up going upstairs and i get dressed and i put my hair up and i sit at my desk getting started on my makeup

Tegan: kill me
Drew ; not killing u
Tegan : why
Drew : cause i don't want to go to prison and i don't think i could atchally hurt u or anyone for that matter .
Tegan; i don't want to go to work its felt good not working this last month
Drew ; just think money
Tegan: money money money must be funny
Me and drew : in the rich mans world
Drew : abba are up there
Tegan; and queen
Drew ; oh queen were amzing todays music is good but i just think nothing can beat the old music
Tegan; i do agree but in like 20 years were probably say the music today is better then what the musics gonna be in 20 years
Drew : i do wonder what music is gonna be like in 20 years
Tegan : i wonder what the world is gonna be like in 20 years
Drew ; probably so different and unrecognisable
Tegan; do u think so
Drew : yh if u look how much the world has changed in the last 5 years its gonna be so diffrent in 20
Tegan: yh its just scarey
Drew : 20 years I'll be 46 oh god I'm gonna be so old
Tegan: its not that old
Drew : yes and no i guess the only good thing if being 46 is that I'll hopefully have kids
Tegan : yh and married unless u get divorced or u don't get married
Drew ; i like to think I'd be married and no divorce but u never know
Tegan ; could be dead
Drew : shut up
Tegan; or u could be like ross from friends just get married a load of times
Drew ; i dread to think of how much one wedding costs let alone 3 4 or weddings .
Tegan : mad expensive
Drew ; dread it
Tegan ; but in 20 years you'll be the next tom cruise George Clooney you'll be this massive actor the wolrd will know your name and u won't have to worry about money .
Drew : just imagine being that big tho the world knowing your name
Tegan; i think I'd hate it cause it would get to the point of where u couldn't get coffee or just have a normal day .
Drew : i think that down side of being famous
Tegan ; yh god i need to go
Drew ;ok

I stand up and i walk over to drew kissing him

Tegan ; u have lipstick on u
Drew ; get off then

I wipe the lipstick off him and he stands up hugging me

Drew : right come on

We walk down stairs

Tegan; I'll see later
Peter; ok I'll see round
Drew : yh see soon
Tegan: peace

We walk out the door

Drew : I'll message u
Tegan; ok speak later
Drew : yh bye
Tegan: bye

We get in our cars and i drive off to work going to the changing rooms

Nat : ahh look whos here
Tegan: it is me

I mess up his hair

Nat : seriously my hair takes forever
Tegan : you'll get over it

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