Skip a few days

Tegan ; I'll be back later
Peter : where are u going
Tegan; out for a few hours enjoy the place to yourself
Peter : i will

I walk out the door getting in my car and i drive to drews apartment

Drew: hi
Tegan: hey
Drew : come in make yourself at home excuse the mess
Tegan; oh please u should see my painting room that is a mess
Drew ; well i can imagine its paint dou want anything to drink
Tegan : I'm good thank u jemma and austin should be with each other in 2 minutes
Drew ; if this doesn't go well Austins gonna hit me
Tegan : same with jemma please i beg this goes well
Drew ; me and u both
Tegan : if it doesn't i set u up with her
Drew ; please don't
Tegan: why shes a catch
Drew : just don't
Tegan : fine

I sit down

Drew : u sure u don't want anything to drink i have coffee and gin
Tegan: driving and I've had way to much coffee I'm good but thank u
Drew : ok
Tegan : so are u ok
Drew : yh I'm really good are u ok
Tegan : A ok
Drew : u have a lot of energy don't u
Tegan: way to much energy i feel like I'm gonna explode
Drew : how much caffeine have u had
Tegan: way to much worked last night and haven't slept today so I've been downing coffee
Drew : u neee sleep or your gonna crash for days
Tegan : or have a heart attack cause of my coffee in take
Drew : please don't have a heart attack
Tegan : try not to
Drew : well austin and jemma would have met by now how do we think its gonna go
Tegan: well from what u said it sounds like there gonna get along so hopefully its going well
Drew : fingers crossed i think it will be really good if austin gets a girlfriend
Tegan : i think it will be really good if jemma gets a boyfriend all she does is 3rd wheel someone
Drew : austin doesn't he always has me or someone around he's with chase and madelyn
Tegan : do u 3rd wheel
Drew : i 3rd wheel so much madelyn lives on the floow below me so I'll go down to hers and chase will be there or he'll show up or they will come here .
Tegan: ha
Drew : shut up thats not funny
Tegan : sounds like we need to get u a girlfriend
Drew ; i just moved to LA I'm trying to get auditions i don't have time for relationships and me and last girlfriend had a bad break up
Tegan : why did u break up
Drew : cheated
Tegan ; how long were u together
Drew : 3 years
Tegan : shit
Drew : yh
Tegan: I'm sorry
Drew ; its ok I'm mostly over it now cause it happend a while ago but still hurt by it
Tegan: yh
Drew : so no relationship for me
Tegan : hmm ok
Drew : what are u thinking
Tegan : nothing
Drew : no your thinking something
Tegan ; honestly nothing
Drew ; i call bullshit but I'm gonna leave it
Tegan : good cause i am thining something
Drew : now u have to tell me
Tegan; i don't have to tell u anything
Drew : yes u do
Tegan : nope my business
Drew : tell me

He points at me

Tegan : u think pointing at me is gonna make me tell u drew I'm very good at keeping stuff to myself nothing will break at me
Drew ; I'll tickle u
Tegan : not ticklish
Drew ; i call bullshit

He starts tickling me and it doesn't bother me

Tegan : ha
Drew : now i can't torture u
Tegan : but i can torture u

I start tickling him and he jumps like 50 feet in the air and he starts laughing

Drew ; no no ok stop

I move back i start laughing

Drew : your mean
Tegan : u started it
Drew : no u did by not telling me what your thinking
Tegan: cause it has nothing do with u ...thats a lie it dose have something to do with u but still u don't need to know
Drew : if it has to do with me i need to know
Tegan: u don't need to know everything now drop it
Drew ; no i will not drop it

He starts going on and i turn my hearing aids off and i go on my phone and his hand waves in front of me

Tegan : sorry can't hear u

I look at him and he pulls a face at me and i put my hearing aids back on

Drew : were they off that whole time
Tegan ; pretty much
Drew : so i was talking to myself there
Tegan : yes
Drew : what the fuck thats pretty cool to be honest someones just pissing u off so u can liltrally turn them off
Tegan ; yh
Drew : but what the fuck thats still mean
Tegan: you'll get over it
Drew : right teach me sign language
Tegan : u really want to learn
Drew : yh
Tegan : I'll teach u how to say your name
Drew ; ok and then in the future u will teach me more
Tegan ; ok

We sit facing each other and i teach him how to say his name in sign language and he atchally got the hang of it easily

Tegan : are u sure you've never done this before
Drew : very sure why am i a genius
Tegan: yh but will u rember this next week
Drew : yes
Tegan: were see about that
Drew : I'll practice everyday i want to be the best student ever
Tegan : ok well so far u have been my best student
Drew : yess
Tegan : but u still got a lot of work to do sir

I pat his shoulder

Drew ; i know i have long way to go but i have made a start
Tegan : yh
Drew : right I'm really hungry u want food
Tegan : yh
Drew : mac and cheese ok
Tegan: yh need help
Drew ; sure be prepared to tatse the best mac and cheese ever

We get up going to the kitchen and we make some mac and cheese

Drew ; u ready for your mind to be blowen
Tegan; you've hyped this up so much let me try it
Drew ; open
Tegan : u feeding me
Drew : yes

I open up and he puts the mac and cheese in

Tegan : why is that so good
Drew ; cause I'm beast at mac and cheese
Tegan : right your making me mac and cheese all the time now
Drew ; were see about that
Tegan ; this is amzing
Drew : good enjoy
Tegan; i will

We carry on eating and it was so good

Drew : u sound like your having an orgasm
Tegan: the food is orgasmic

He starts laughing

Drew ; I've never heard orgasmic before
Tegan: never
Drew : no
Tegan : what the hell how
Drew ; i don't know
Tegan : well the food is orgasmic
Drew ; oh please stop saying orgasmic
Tegan: why
Drew : don't sound right
Tegan : fine I'll stop saying orgasmic
Drew : stop
Tegan; I'm stopping
Drew : i don't believe u
Tegan ; I'll stop for now cause I'm gonna make a move
Drew : ok
Tegan : tell me what Austin says about the date
Drew ; tell me what jemma says
Tegan : i will
Drew ; ok well get back safe
Tegan: i will I'll see u soon
Drew : ok bye
Tegan: byeee

I walk out the door getting in my car and i drive home and i pass out straight away

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