Jemma ; see u soon
Me and liv: love u
Jemma ; love u both byeee
Tegan : bye

She walks out the door

Liv ; when she goes home shes gonna puke
Tegan : or pass out
Liv ; or that
Tegan : maybe both
Liv ; throw up pass out over the toilet

We both start laughing

Tegan ; she drank loads last night
Liv ; i know
Tegan ; i do love pur child
Liv ; so do i
Tegan : right i best make a move
Liv : I'm going back to sleep
Tegan : enjoy your sleep my baby
Liv ; i will
Tegan: bye love u
Liv ; love u too

She squashs my face together

Tegan: bye
Liv : byee

I get my bag walking out the door getting in my car and i drive to the coffee shop getting my coffee and i go to walk out

Tegan : hey

He looks up from his papers

Drew ; oh hi sorry my mind is elsewhere
Tegan: thats ok u alright
Drew : yh just reading lines
Tegan : audition
Drew : yh
Tegan : need help practicing
Drew : i guess i could i do with some help I'm gonna get my coffee quickly
Tegan: meet me down by the beach
Drew : yh ok I'll see there
Tegan : alright cool

I walk off and i go down to the beach and i sit down putting my hands over my face cause i had some killer headache .

Drew : found ya

He sits down next to me i take the scirpt off his lap

Tegan : whens the audition
Drew ; tomorrow
Tegan : whats it for
Drew ; its just a short movie
Tegan : ok
Drew : can u read thoeses line
Tegan : yh

I quickly pook throw the scrit

Tegan: why are u bringing the trash back
Drew : couldn't find no place to put it
Tegan : i said put it by the dumpster
Drew: yh i tryed jeffs out there looking
Tegan : well u can't leave it in here
Drew : fine

We carry on reading throw the script and we messed around a bit

Drew : your very unprofessional
Tegan: well sorry this isn't my profession
Drew : so unprofessional I'm never reading lines with u
Tegan: first person to say that to me all my friends read lines with me I'm very hurt
Drew : your friends are actros
Tegan: yh litrally all of them theres a few but marjory of them are actors
Drew : your boyfriend an actor
Tegan : actor and lawyer
Drew : 2 jobs
Tegan ; acting is what he wants to do but his dad will liltrally disown him if he doesn't become an lawyer so he does both.
Drew ; god
Tegan: yh
Drew ; how did u and your boyfriend meet
Tegan college
Drew ; how come u only got together then
Tegan : cause neither of us liked each other in college it was only friends but a few months ago we got drunk started talking about some deep shit and hooked up. And after we were both like shit i like u

He starts laughing

Tegan ; which I'm very shocked about cause i don't do hock ups and i thought once friend zoned u can't get out of it and i have a toxic trate which usually stops me getting in relationship and i get the ick
Drew : u don't seem like the person for a toxic trate
Tegan: oh i have one
Drew : what is it
Tegan: so i can really like someone be so head over heels for them blah blah if the person i like tell me they like me more then a friend i automatically get turned off and get the ick thankfully didn't happen with dylan
Drew : u get the ick
Tegan ; yes dylan is my first boyfriend
Drew : and your 23
Tegan ; i know
Drew ; so u can really like someone but if that someone tells u they like u get the ick
Tegan: yes that is my toxic trate
Drew ; so u and your boyfriend need to stay together
Tegan: we aren't gonna last

He looks at me

Drew : what
Tegan; don't worry i have got a very serious question to ask
Drew ; I'll see if i have an answer
Tegan : do u have any single friends my friend is single and she wants a relationship
Drew ; i have a few i could possible set them your friend up with
Tegan; i feel like we should set them up complete blind date
Drew ; make sure your friend is free Friday austin is free then so we send them on a blind date then
Tegan; is this Austin person nice
Drew : hes really nice
Tegan; ok cause jemma says they have to be nice
Drew : well yh who would want to go out with a dickhead
Tegan: u would be surprised
Drew : i take back what i said i know some people like dick heads
Tegan; are u a dickhead
Drew : do i seem like a dickhead
Tegan : no but i don't see u for long this all could be a nice act u could be a real dickhead
Drew ; nah i am nice trust me
Tegan ; ok i trust u

I look at him

Tegan : i really like your eyes please give them to me
Drew : i can't really give u my eyes but how about this instead of me giving u my eyes i give our future kids my eyes
Tegan: our future kids
Drew : i didn't say such a thing where did u get that from

I nudge him

Tegan ; they wouldn't even for sure have your eyes they could get mine
Drew ; well we both have blue eyes so either way they would get blue eyes its just weither or not they get my brightness.
Tegan: ok
Drew : talking about our none existent children is very normal
Tegan : oh yh very normal

We both start laughing

Drew ; right i have got to go
Tegan : your leaving me
Drew ; how does it feel knowing the tables have turned
Tegan : hurts me to my core
Drew : I'm sorry
Tegan: should be nah its fine go do your thing good luck with your audition
Drew : thank u

He stands up and i wave to him

Drew : bye
Tegan : bye

He walks off and i stay at the beach just enjoying the peace

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