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Author POV
it's the first day for jinyeon as a tutor to sunwoo.

she didn't know his learning style, like it's 100% useless if his learning style doesn't match with her giving lectures by mouth. there's no way he would get those information into his brain if he's not an auditory learner.

she knocked on the door ward room.

"who is it?", a voice rang into her ears.

'how do i reply... im your tutor?! he would get shock for sure... but he doesn't know who am i... uhh...', she thought.

"did i hear it wrongly?", she heard him mumbling. "your classmate.", she quickly replied. no one spoke anything for a while before he finally respond to her.

"ah... come in."

she opened the door to see a boy with his eyes wrapped with bandage, face with some injuries. "who... are you?", he asked, "... may i know your name?"

"i am... uh... hana! im hana."

she mentally facepalmed herself, 'seriously jinyeon, you even lied your name to your freaking deskmate?! gosh...'

"ah... im sorry i haven't heard your name in my class before hana. can i ask why are you here?", he asked with a small smile.

"uh... teacher asked me to give you lecture about important notes for each class.", she replied as she carefully sat down on a chair with nearly 1 meter distance.

"tutoring...?", he asked and she hummed.


silence filled in the ward as they didn't know what to say, it was rather awkward.

"oh uh... i'm sorry for the trouble. but you don't have to do that for me. i don't know how long will my eyes take to be fully healed so-", he got cut off by her.

"it's okay. as long as you don't get tired listening to the important notes. i will try to keep it short, and if possible ill print my notes for you too. for you to study with, when your eyesight is fully healed.", she replied.

a smile displayed on his face as he relaxed his face muscles, "thank you, hana."

"shall we start the lesson then?"

he nodded.


she walked out of the ward as she finished tutoring sunwoo, heading back to home.

she's living alone, despite having a brother. she and her brother, ju haknyeon, are not very close to each other as they were raised in a very different environment.

haknyeon was raised by her dad, and they were very rich. while jinyeon was raised by her mother, they had to be careful when it comes to money spending in order to have a normal life. its not that they're poor, they're just not as rich.

their parents had conflict with each other when their children were about 10 and 11, and they were forced to live separately.

recently, the conflict had finally solved. her mom already moved back to her dad's place, but she insisted to either stay with her mom only or live all by herself.

she promised her mother to live with her brother when she goes to university. their parents are living somewhere else in busan now, while the two having their school life in seoul, and which results the both of them to live alone for now.

she walked into her room and threw her body onto her bed. staring at the ceiling, she started to daydream, her favourite thing to do whenever she's bored.

it's only her third day in the school, yet she has been asked to help with tutoring someone.

she can already imagine the chaos that might happen during the school days in the future. trust her, she would stay out of everything if it wasn't for her university scholarship.

her results in exams are average, and that's only halfly qualified to get a scholarship. she didn't want to trouble her parents, especially her dad when they haven't speak to each other for ages.

"it's for university jinyeon. you can do it.", she murmured to herself and took a deep breath.


"SUNWOO!!!", eric barged into the ward room and caused sunwoo to flinch.

"what what what?!", sunwoo asked, getting annoyed. "you can't believe what just happened...", eric said as he pulled the chair near to sunwoo's bed and sat beside him.

sunwoo just hummed in a weird tone, indicating the question mark.

"so, teacher told me that she found you a tutor!!!", eric cheered, "look, am i or am i a good friend hmm?"


"what?! don't tell me..."

"she already left, loser.", sunwoo said.

"NO WAY!!!"

"please keep your volume down, this is hospital and there are patients everywhere.", a nurse opened their ward room door and scolded them.

"sorry.", eric apologised as the door shut.

"by the way, do you know who is it?", eric asked. "seriously? you don't know who you got me as a tutor???", sunwoo asked. "it's not me! teacher got you one!!!", eric argued.

sunwoo sighed, "hana."


"yes, hana."

"dude, who's hana?"

"i don't know, why would you ask me?"

"because you met her?"

"but i can't see her face?"

"oh right."

sunwoo tried to slap eric's arm but eventually failed as he failed to locate him through his voice. eric on the other side let out a chuckle.

"oh uh dude, i might go back and stay with my parents while you're getting your eyes healed by the way.", eric said.

"and what does that means...?", sunwoo asked.

"that means i can't take care of you during night. how are you going to do things on your own though?"

sunwoo sighed. he tried to think positive even though a unfortunate happened to him.

"i-it's okay... i can try press the alarm button to call a nurse for help...", sunwoo said in stumble.

"uh, i guess you can have this thing on your hand.", eric said as he passed a walkie talkie to sunwoo. "there's only one button used to talk, so whenever you need help, press that button and speak. i'll try my best to come or sneak out to help you dude.", eric continued.

"thank you."

a chapter for you all cause i heard someone's interested in it uwu <3

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