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Haknyeon POV
i opened the door as the doorbell rang.

"mom? dad?"

there, standing the two of our parents with a wide smile. "hey hak, have you and jinyeon ate lunch? are you two free right now?", dad asked.

mom seemed to notice the emptiness of the house as she asked, "ah, is jinyeon not here?" i nodded my head.

mom then clasped her hands together as a grin appeared on her face, "great! honey, what about let's go to the shopping mall and get jinyeon a gift instead?"

dad nodded his head in hesitant. "but shouldn't we ask jinyeon still and see if she's free? she might missed us, you know.", he joked.

"i can give her a call.", i said and dialled the phone number. "where are you?", i asked as soon as she picked up the phone.

"im at shopping mall with juyeon.", she replied and i hummed. i see, juyeon is courting her well mhmmm.

"okay then, have fun with your friend.", i hung up the call.

"hanging out with friend?", dad asked and i nodded. "well, guess we will just change our plans then!", mom said happily.


well... this is awkward and shocking.

she told me that she's with JUYEON and now look who is she with, HUGGING THAT RACCOON HUH???

"m-mom... d-d-d", she couldn't call dad out from her mouth yet.

"what's going on here?", dad asked. "i-i can explain... y-", she stumbled on her own words, eyes sticking on the ground. sunwoo grabbed her hand and stood in front of her.

"mr and mrs ju, we are dating.", he said.

i widened my eyes and slowly looked at my parents, well their reaction are rather a bit calmer than i thought.

"let's talk about this at home."


we were brought home, and of course bringing sunwoo too cause he needs to explain.

"so, who's this guy and tell us again what's your relationship with him?", dad said with a bit intimidating tone. i can only gulped while listening to the conversation.

"mom, d-d-dad, this is my b-boyfriend, kim sunwoo.", jinyeon said as she held sunwoo's hand and raised it up.

mom is a nice person, i can see that when she started to beg dad, "d-dad, sunwoo is a nice boy, i love him so much, and he loves me too. please don't separate us apart."

but there's one thing im sure, dad is pretending to be intimidated.

"mhm, and you, young man. do you wanna say anything?", dad asked, pointing at sunwoo. i can clearly see that sunwoo gulped before he started talking.

"d-dad, i-i mean, uncle! i love your daughter a lot, i really love her. don't worry, i won't mistreat her, not even a bit!"

dad didn't react a bit and that got sunwoo even more nervous.

"i-i will never have the next lover other than jinyeon, she's my only one! my first and only love i will ever have in my life!", he said as he stood up.

mom who looked rather expressionless got me more worried now. are they really... angry?

"aunt, i will take care of jinyeon well! i will shower her with love every single day, and i won't make her sad and cry! i will love her more than anyone else!", he said, more like making a swear.

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