I. The Titanic

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Y/n DeWitt Bukator

The carriage shakes lightly across the pavement leading to the large ship only 50 feet away. 

The Titanic. One of the most "wonderful ship" on the big round earth. Yes, the ship is beautiful in many ways but I have never been a big fan of ships sailing miles and miles crossed oceans.

The carriage comes to an abrupt stop, shaking me from my thoughts. As the door opens I step out, ignoring Cal's gloved hand.

Cal is my sister, Rose, fianceè. Everything about that man isn't right. He thinks he is better than everyone else because he is wealthy, he treats my sister like chewed gum that was spat on the side of the road, the list can go on.

"Pitty..." He growled under his breath. Ignoring him once again, I gaze upon the ship and slowly walk forward. Children and their families wave joyfully to people on board and they wave back, shining just as bright as the sun. 

"Why, isn't this a beautiful sight?" My sister Rose sighs with a smile on her face.

"What is so special about this ship?" I glance at Rose as she gazes dreamily at the ship.

"Cal says it's the 'Grandest ship in the sea'."

"Well, let's see if it lives up to the name." I giggle and run up the dock and into the ship. 

I take stairs to the top and gently lean my torso to the sliver rail and wave to the small people below. 

"You know somebody?" I hear a man in an Italian accent question.

"Of course not, that's not the point! Goodbye, I'll miss you!" 

I try squeezing out of the pile of people and suddenly hear a hiss of pain.

"Oh! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to-" I rapidly apologies for stepping on a man's foot with my 3-inch heels.

"No, no it's ok." He states in a soft, comforting voice.

Jack Dawson

My joy comes to an abrupt stop as a searing pain comes from my foot. Instantly I hiss in pain and grab my toe.

"Oh! I am so sorry!" I hear a soft angelic voice from next to me. I lift my head up to see the most beautiful girl. Her h/l h/c was in a tight bun with curly tufts of hair on each side. She had a  beautiful bone structure and amazing e/c eyes. "I didn't mean to-"

"No, no it's ok." I tried to sound as reassuring as possible through the pain of my foot.

"Are you sure?! Is your foot okay?"

"Yeah, don't sweat it."

"Y/n, Y/n DeWitt Bukater." She sticks out her hand to shake mine.

"Gonna have to write that one down." We both giggled and shook each other hands. "Jack Dawson." Our faces relax slowly and we stare into the eyes of each other in silence.

"Hello, miss. I'm Fabrizio." We let go of each other's hands from our interruption.

"Hello, Fabrizio. Now it was lovely to meet you both but I must be going." She flashes that beautiful smile again. "I wish to see you again, Dawson." 

She then turns and walks away with her dress waving like the ocean behind her.

"Just met the girl and you already have heart eyes for her, huh?" Fabrizio elbows my lower abdomen and chuckles.

(Kinda rushed. Hope you didn't get uninterested after this chapter.)

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