X. Lifeboats

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"Come one, Y/n! We have to keep running!" Jack exclaimed as we make our way to the next floor, only to be met with a large group of people being crowded at the gate. 

"Tommy!" Jack pushed through groups of people to get to his dear friend.

"Jack! There is no hope going up this way!"

"Well, whatever we have to do we have to do it fast!"

"Fabrizio!" I yell and see the man push through a large number of people. "Thank goodness your alright." 

"Y/n! Jack!" He hugs both of us as tight as he could before letting go and looking at us with a numb expression. "All the boats are gone!" He exclaimed, letting his Italian accent through.

"This whole place is flooding. We have to get out of here, fast." Jack holds my hand tighter and brings me to his side, clearly not wanting to let me go.

"There is nothing that way!"

"Alright, let's go this way, okay?!" We start running down Deck E, Jack still keeping a tight hold on my hand. 

We pushed through other alarmed and fearful people on the way to a different staircase.

It broke my heart to see mothers and children sobbing, both decided to give up. But we had no time to stop, we needed to go.

"Go up this way!" Jack leads us up a different flight of stairs only to see more stewards guarding it and yelling at people to go back to the main stairwell. 

"Go back to the main stairwell. Everything will be worked out there."

"Open the door," Jack demanded strongly, sticking his finger through the gate in order to gain authority.

"Go back to the main stairwell." The steward stated firmly.

"Open the door right now!" Jack yelled, his face almost smooshed on the gate.

"No! Go back to the main stairwell!" Jack sighs angrily, turning to look at me. The second he did something in his eyes snapped and he turned back around, throwing his body to the gate again.

"God damn it! Son of a bitch!" Jack screams and shakes the gates furiously. I have never seen Jack so angry before and to be honest, it terrified me. But it was for a completely reasonable reason. 

Jack starts pushing through bodies to get to a bench that was nailed to the floor.

"Fabrizio! Tommy! Help me!" After comprehending what they were trying to accomplish, I start grabbing people by their arms or blowses and moving them to the side of the wall.

"Move to the side! Come on, move!"

"1! 2! 3!"


The bench hits the gate with a thud, not quite falling yet.

"Again!" Jack screams as sweat trickles down his face.


The gate has fallen. Tommy then takes me from behind the back and brings me up to Jack.

"Thank you, Tommy!"

"Any time hun!"

I felt Jack's hand intertwine with mine and the steward screaming bloody murder about how we 'can't do this.'. He was then cut off by a smacking noise. Next thing I knew he was on the ground, but I couldn't care less as we all run our way to the lifeboats on the open deck.

"Come on, Y/n!" Jack squealed, his grasp on my hand growing stronger. 

"There aren't any more boats!" I cry as all 4 of us scramble along the deck. "Colonel, are there any boats on that side?!" I yell, desperate for an answer that will possibly save all of our lives. 

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