VI. The Fire I Love

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I pay no mind to my family's questions to Mr. Andrews about the ship as I'm in my train of thought. It couldn't possibly take a rocket scientist to figure out who I am thinking about. Jack Dawson. Something about the thought of never seeing him again bothered me beyond compare, as well as having to marry a rich man like my sister. Somehow this is starting to sound like forbidden togetherness. Just like... Romeo and Juliet.

"Mr. Andrews, forgive me, I did the sum in my head. With the number of lifeboats times the capacity you mentioned... Forgive me, but, it seems like there are not enough lifeboats for everyone aboard." I questioned, honestly getting paranoid at this point after picking up the last parts of his conversation with my mother.

"About half. Y/n, you miss nothing, do you? I put in these new davits, which can take an extra row of boats inside this one. But, it was thought by some, that the deck would look too cluttered. So I was overruled."

"It's a waste of deck space as it is in an unsinkable ship,"  Cal exclaimed, sounding almost angry that there was any source of protection in case of emergency.

"Don't you worry dear Y/n. I have made you a boat strong and true. There is nothing to be afraid of." Mr. Andrews picked up his pace to direct my family to the right room. I follow along until I feel a light tap on my shoulder, causing me to turn around only to be met with the face of Jack Dawson. 

"Come." He whispered and took my hand, bringing me into a room. I take a look around my surroundings to make sure none of my family noticed me entering this room with Jack under disguise, wearing a top hat and long sweater. 

"Jack, this is impossible. I'm not allowed to see you."

"I need to talk to you." Jack raised his voice, lightly grabbing my shoulders and placing my back to the wall.

"No, Jack, no. Look, my mother is forbidding me to see you. If she sees me with you she could do something terrible to me, even worse, something terrible to you, Jack. I can't let that happen. Plus, she will force me to marry a rich man once the boat docs if she sees me with you..."

"Y/n... you're no picnic. Alright. You're a spoiled little brat even. But, under that, you are the most amazingly, astounding, wonderful girl... women that I have ever known."


"Please! Let me try and get this out." His voice was filled with so much emotion as though his voice would crack under the pressure. "Your ama-" he takes a deep breath, trying to contain himself from spilling everything that I know he is longing to do. "I'm not an idiot, okay. I know how the world works." His voice seems shaky and nervous as if he is presenting to a classroom filled with people. "I've got 10 bucks in my pocket. I have nothing to offer you and I know that. I understand. But I am too involved now. You jump I jump. Remember? I can't turn away without knowing you will be alright. That's all I want." He finishes, little does he know, that was the most heartfelt speech anyone has ever given me my whole life. He put so much emotion and power behind it making it hard for my next choice of words.

"I'm fine. I'll be fine. Really." I felt like a tick went off in his head, detecting my lies. I was not fine...

"Really? I don't think so. They have gotten you trapped, Y/n. You are going to die if you don't break free. Maybe not right away because you are strong... but sooner or later," He suddenly lifts his warm hand to my soft cheek in comfort, "that fire I love about you Y/n... that fire is going to burn out." My eyes pricked with tears, for what he was saying was true. I didn't want to live like this anymore. I look into his eyes and just for a split second, I swear I could see his eyes rimmed with tears as well. 

I gulp thickly, studying his face up and down before speaking again.

"It's not up to you to save me, Jack. I told you once before that my mother will do something to one of us. I can't let her hurt you..." I shakily rest my hand on his cheek, keeping strong eye contact. 

"You're right, only you can do that. And it's not me I'm worried about, I'm worried about you and what they do to you..." He melts into my touch, slightly moving his head up and down to run my hand against his cheek.

"I-i need to leave, Jack. I'm sorry..." I retract my hand from his cheek, making him do the same, instantly missing his touch all too much. My legs walk themselves out of the room and I shut the door, leaving Jack stranded.


I sit at the table with my mother and 2 of her friends as they discuss my sister's wedding. I couldn't care less now that I have heard this conversation being passed around to half the ship by my mother. 

I stare into space as I think about what Jack said, 

"You are going to die if you don't break free..."

He was right. There is no possible way I will be able to survive much longer by the walls of my family slowly closing in on me. 

My eyes drift to a poor little girl. Her mother lectured her to sit up straight, just like my mother does to me. It's sick the way she speaks to her.

"Mother, may I please be excused."

"Yes, dear." She waves me off, not giving me her full attention, but, yet again when does she ever.

I walk off of the exit and head to the front of the ship, having a feeling a special someone would be there.

Then there he was, leaning over the railing, watching the waves crash to the boat. 

"Hello, Jack." His head instantly perked up to the sound of my voice, turning my way. "I changed my mind." A smile grew on his face as I walk slowly to his thin figure. "I thought you might be-"

"Shh. Give me your hand." Palm to palm, he pulls me towards him in the gentle manner anyone has used me with. "Now close your eyes. Go on." I shut my eyes and feel him pulling me towards the railing. "Step up." He grabs my waist and helps me up a step. "Now step onto the railing. Don't peek." He lifts me yet again and my feet rest upon the railing. "Now, do you trust me?"

"I trust you." I don't hesitate to answer, still a huge smile on my face. I feel him reach for my hands and slowly pull them away from my body so they are away from me. He lets go and wraps his hands around my waist. 

"All right... open your eyes." He sighs in my ear. I open them and see nothing but the ocean and sunset in front of me. It was absolutely beautiful.

"Oh, Jack... It's gorgeous! I feel like I'm flying!" I smile even wider than before if that was even possible. I feel his hands intertwine with mine and his bright big smile on my neck.

"Come Josephine in my flying machine, going up she goes, up she goes." He sings happily in my ear until he brings my arms back to my waist.

I turn my head, surprised to see how close our faces are together. I feel his breath fan against my lips as I get lost in his perfect eyes, only breaking the eye contact to look down at his lips. Slowly, we both are leaning to each other faces until our lips meet, connecting perfectly. Both our heads moved in a nodding motion as our lips danced together. I lift my hand to the back of his head, deepening the passion between the both of us. 

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