II. Below Freezing

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Y/n DeWitt Bukator

I rush to my room knowing mother would be waiting for me to get ready for dinner. Though dinner wasn't until 2 hours from now, my mother always loved to take 30 minutes to lecture me about being more proper, practicing my posture, or my hair not being tight enough. 

"Trudy set out her dress. She finally decided to show up." My mother scowled at me as I walk through the door.

"I was waving to the families below mother." 

"Untrue. You were speaking to a dirty 3rd class boy."

That infuriated me. Mother was always the type to think people with less money were nothing but spit on the side of the road.

"He wasn't dirty, mother! He was sweet and handsome."

"Speak nothing of it! I don't want you speaking to him. Now go to your room and get dressed. We are having dinner at 6:45."

I huff and purposely close my door with force. 

My mother's remarks to Jack angered me. Jack seemed to be a kind and polite person and I felt something around him. Something no snotty rich man ever could.

I took a step to my bed to look at a suffocating red dress that was gently laid on it.

"Ugh!" I was done with wearing these dresses and corsets that crushed my ribs every day and toe squeezing heels! I was done with being told the person I have to be.


I stare into the distance as mindless chatter surrounds me. I was done with living this life. If I was going to live a life it wasn't going to be one people would choose for me and in this family, I had no choice.

"I don't feel too well, mother, can I please be excused." She sighs and gives me a disappointed look.

"Very well, if you must."

I leap out of my chair and fast walk to the nearest exit of the stuffy room, shivering once my bare skin reaches the cold outside. I violently tug at my tight bun, trying my best to let my hair flow down but it just wouldn't budge. Tears flow down my cheeks as I keep tugging for I was desperate to let down my hair.

I reach the end of the ship, gazing down at the dark blue water, finally confirming my decision. 

I step over the railing and lean my body away from the bout, meaning if I let go I would tumble down to the water. 

More tears filled my eyes as I was about to let go. Until a voice stopped me.

Jack Dawson

I gaze up at the beautiful stars while I hold my cigarette to my lips. It was quiet and peaceful listening to the wind blow and the freezing water crash onto the boat. That was until I heard quiet sobs and heels clicking on the wood floor.

I sit up curious as to what is going on and to my surprise the same beautiful girl from this morning. Y/n...

I panic when I see her lifting her leg over the metal bars, realizing what she is trying to do. So, as any good person would do, I run to catch up to her before she did anything stupid.

"Don't do it." She whips her head around and stares at me, frightened.

"Stay back, Jack! Don't come any closer."

"Come on, give me your hand. I'll pull you back over."

"No! Stay where you are. I mean it! I'll let go..." I take out my cigarette and throw it over bored then step back to resume our conversation.

"No, you won't," I state bluntly.

"What do you mean 'no you won't.'! Don't presume to tell me what I will or will not do! You don't know me."

"We briefly met not long ago."

"Just- go away! You're distracting me!" She directed her head to the water again.

"I can't. I'm too involved now. If you let go then I'm gonna have to jump in there with ya." 

"Don't be absurd. You'll get killed."

"I'm a good swimmer." I bargain with her.

"The fall alone."

"It would hurt. I'm not saying it wouldn't. To tell you the truth I'm more concerned about the water being so cold." I slowly remove my jacket and bend down to take off my boots, in case she really does jump over. 

"H-how cold..."

"Freezing. Maybe a couple of degrees lower." I answer, letting the awkward silence set in. "Have you ever been to Wisconsin?" When I finish my sentence she stares at me like I'm absolutely crazy.


"Wisconsin. They have one of the coldest winters around. When I was younger my dad and I would go ice fishing. Ice fishing is where you-"

"I know what ice fishing is!" Surprised by her snapping at me, realizes she is probably tired and overwhelmed with everything happening.

"Sorry, you just seem like an indoor girl."

"Okay, what is the point of this conversation?!"

"The point is, once I fell through a piece of thin ice and I'm telling you, water like that, hits you like a thousand knives over your entire body. You can't breathe you can't think, well anything but the pain of course. Which is why I'm not looking forward to jumping in there after you. As I said, I have no choice." I tried to negotiate with her thoughts to not want to jump in the water because if she did, she would surely die. 

"I guess I'm hoping you'll jump back over the railing and get me off the hook here." I slowly walk towards her and extend my cold hand for her to take.

"You crazy!"

"That's what everybody says, but, with all due respect miss, I'm not the one hanging off the end of a ship here." I reason once again. "Come on, give me your hand. You don't want to do this." To my relief, I feel her shaking hand clutch mine. 

I smile at her with joy and help her up the first bar, then, to my horror, she slips on her dress.


Y/n Dewitt Bukater

I grab Jack's hand firmly as he turns me around and flashes me a large contagious smile. He pulls me up to step up to the first bar then suddenly, I feel myself slip off the railing. But thankfully, my hand was still intertwined with Jack's.


"Y/n, calm down! I got you!"


I feel my body being pulled up so I grabbed the bottom bar to pull myself up.

"There you go! You're almost there!" Then I hear a large thud and my back is on the ground. 

I try to move but my body seems to be petrified in fear. Then in the distance, I hear a large number of rushed footsteps.

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