day 2: first day of snow

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hello happy day!! welcome to chapter 2!

this is another chapter where their ages aren't important, so. i imagined janis as ~22 and cady as ~21 but again, y'all do what you want.



"Whatcha doing, Peanut?" Janis chuckles as she enters the living room. Cady is lying on her tummy on the ground and looking out the glass door to the balcony with a magnifying glass.

"It's snowing!" Cady says. When Janis looks closer, it is indeed flurrying lightly. "I'm looking at all the different shapes of the snowflakes."

"Oh," Janis says. She comes to lie next to her, folding her arms in front of her and resting her chin on her hands. "Which one's your favorite?"

"That one," Cady says, holding the magnifying glass so they can both see and pointing to one. "But they're all so pretty."

"Do you ever wonder if there's mutants?"


"Mutants," Janis repeats.

"Like... mutant snowflakes?"

"Yeah," Janis says. "Like. There's billions and billions of snowflakes that fall every year, and we're always told they're all supposed to have six points, but... has anyone really checked? What if one only has five? Or seven?"

Cady blinks at her. "I think you think too much."

"Look who's talking, miss PhD in mathematics," Janis retaliates. "But seriously! There's only seven billion people on the planet and god knows how many have some sort of genetic... stuff. Surely not every snowflake is exactly perfect."

"I dunno," Cady says. "I've never really had a chance to get acquainted with them. I've never really seen snow."

"You haven't?" Janis asks in shock.

"Not really. The only year it really snowed enough to do anything with was junior year, and I was so focused on being a Plastic then," Cady shrugs. "I've never touched it. But so far I think it's nice."

"It's supposed to be cold this year, if we get enough I'll teach you all the best things about it," Janis says. "What do you want to do most?"

"I dunno," Cady says in a tone that tells Janis she definitely knows.

"Aww, you're embarrassed," Janis teases. "C'mon, you can tell me."

"I wanna make a snowman," Cady mumbles. Janis laughs. "It's not funny!"

"It is, though," Janis says, rolling onto her back and pulling Cady on top of her. "You're so cute. We can absolutely make a snowman if it works out."


"Yeah, of course," Janis says. "Everyone should make one at least once, and you didn't get to when you were little. We'll make the coolest snowman around."

"Can we make Olaf?" Cady asks, now very eager. Janis laughs again and runs a hand through Cady's hair.

"We can sure as hell try," she chuckles. "What else?"

"I wanna... uh... what's it called..." Cady murmurs. "Slid...sliding..."


"That's the bitch!" Cady says loudly. Janis bursts out laughing again. "Sledding. I wanna go sledding."

"We can do that too. Damian has some nice ones, maybe we'll go with him."

"And ice skating," Cady says. "And I wanna take a sleigh ride. And meet Santa."

"Santa?" Janis smiles. "I can definitely do Santa. We can go to the mall soon, we need to do our shopping anyway."

"Yay," Cady says happily. "I love you."

"I love you too, my little elf."

"Hey!" Cady huffs. "I'm not an elf!"

"You're short enough to be," Janis teases. "Uh oh. Angry Caddy."

She stands and runs, but Cady is hot on her heels. Janis runs around the apartment as fast as she can. She quickly runs out of territory, and Cady still has her Kenyan instincts. In a split second decision, Janis opens the front door and sprints down the hall.

"Hey!" Cady yells after her, closing their door and running after her girlfriend. She runs past Damian, who just shakes his head with a sigh at their antics and continues carrying their groceries in.

Cady catches up to Janis in the parking lot. Janis continues running, using the last of her energy and breath to get as far as she can. By her own standards, she actually made it quite far.

She finally runs out of steam in their apartment complex's yard area. Janis pauses to catch her breath and is rapidly tackled to the ground by her small redhead. "Ack!"

"Gotcha," Cady smirks. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Janis chuckles. Cady helpfully removes herself and helps her up, gently dusting the snow from Janis' front. "Thanks."

"You're welcome," Cady giggles. The snow picks up again, along with a blustering wind. "It's even more beautiful out here."

Janis watches with a fond smile as Cady sticks her arms out to her sides and twirls, looking like a ballerina in a music box. She lets her continue for a second before she gently takes her hand and adjusts her stance so they're waltzing around in the snow-sprinkled grass.

Cady laughs brightly as Janis spins her out and then back in, and turns her head to kiss Janis' cheek as her back presses against Janis' chest. Cady turns around and winds an arm around her girlfriend's shoulder, cupping her cheek with her other cold hand and pulling her down for a kiss.

The snowflakes melt and mingle on their cheeks as their lips meet over and over. Their toes and fingers go numb with the cold, and the brushing of their lips turns frigid.

"I l-love you," Cady murmurs through chattering teeth when they break apart to breathe. Janis chuckles and picks her up, kindly removing Cady's freezing toes from the cold ground.

"I love you too, my little snowflake."


tada!! hope you enjoyed!! see you tomorrow!!

lots of love,

25 days of cadnis :DWhere stories live. Discover now