day 16: making christmas cookies

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day 16 give it up for day 16!!!

cady is 23 and janis is 24 here :D

please enjoy!!


"Wake up!" Janis yells, entering their bedroom banging some baking sheets together. Cady startles so violently she pitches herself out of bed and falls to the ground with a soft thunk and a groan.

"The fuck, Janis?!"

"Good morning!" Janis says eagerly, banging her impromptu cymbals together a few more times. Cady groans again.

"What do you want?"

"It's cookie day! Chop chop, rise and shine and all that!"

Cady rolls onto her back and glares up at her wife. "You couldn't have woken me up nicely? With, like, kisses and cuddles and love?"

Janis bangs her trays together one more time. "Not today! Rock and roll, buckaroo! Come on!"

"Why did I marry this?" Cady grumbles to herself as Janis heads back to the kitchen.


Janis grins as Cady comes shuffling out to the kitchen several minutes later, wrapped in their entire bedspread with a very grumpy pout. Janis pushes her mug of slightly caffeinated tea towards her. Cady pokes a hand out of her blanket cloak to grab it before it quickly disappears again.

"I do not appreciate my wake up call."

"Sorry." Janis says, rubbing Cady's back as she comes up and leans in, implicitly demanding snuggles. "It's fitting, though, you have to admit."

"You could've put a cookie with my tea, that would've been more fitting."

"Next year."

Cady whines and presses her face into Janis' chest. Janis kisses her hair gently and lets her stay. Cady is quiet for a long time before she says, "You have to snuggle me while I have my tea. Your payment for my very rude awakening."

"I can live with that," Janis chuckles. Cady puts down her tea and reaches for her, so Janis scoops her little blanket ball off her feet, grabs the tea, and heads to the couch for some good-morning cuddles.


Cady seems much happier after being given some time to wake up properly and pampered with loving cuddles.

"Better?" Janis asks quietly. Cady nods, but makes no effort to leave.

"Teach me your ways, cookie wizard," Cady yawns.

"I can't until you let me up, Peanut," Janis chuckles, booping Cady's nose. Cady groans as if it's a spectacular inconvenience and just rolls to the ground, cushioned by her blanket. "I guess that works."

"Carry me."

"Why are you so tired today?"

"Because I was woken up entirely too early by someone being entirely too loud."

"Fair. Come on," Janis grunts, removing Cady from her cocoon and carrying her back to the kitchen to cook. "The most important rule of cookie making."

"Wash your hands first?"


"Don't eat the raw egg?"

"Important, but no."

"Remember to turn the oven off?"

"No. The most important rule," Janis says, pulling out all the ingredients they'll need. "Is make the snickerdoodles first. That way when you run out it's still before Christmas and you're legally allowed to make more."

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