day 10: christmas party

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day 10!!! rock and roll!!

another chapter where their ages aren't important, quelle surprise. cady is ~23, janis is ~24, but y'all know the drill by now.



"Caddy, baby," Janis says, catching Cady as she barrels around their apartment in a frenzy. "It looks great, calm down."

"But-but-" Cady stutters, wriggling to be released to tweak more things. "It has to be perfect!"

"Caddy, we're only having our friends over," Janis soothes. "You're running yourself ragged, everything's fine. They won't mind if the decorations are a centimeter off center."

"But..." Cady says again. She gives another futile wiggle.

"It's fine," Janis repeats. "You did great. Let's just chill and have a good time, yeah?"

Cady nods and finally relaxes, going nearly limp in Janis' hold. "Yeah."

"Good," Janis hums. "You look beautiful."

Cady pulls away briefly and does a little spin to show off her green dress covered by a white sweater. "Thanks! Look, I got pockets."

Janis laughs as she happily sticks her hands in her dress pockets. "The most important thing."

"Yeah," Cady agrees, returning to her wife. "And you look so sophisticated. I love you in red."

Janis sheepishly adjusts her red button down and dark dressy pants. "Thanks."

"Aww, you're all blushy," Cady teases. "You really are so beautiful, mpenzi. In so many ways."

"I appreciate that, but you need to dial it back a bit or our guests are gonna get here and find us in a rather compromising postition," Janis says, trying to get herself back under control. Cady laughs and kisses her with cherry red lips.

"Okay, love. After."


"What's popping, bitches?" Damian calls as he slams their front door open. "Happy fucking holidays, I have a present."

"For who?" Janis asks, laughing as Aaron follows Damian in already shaking his head in exasperation.

"Not telling."

"You're both children," Aaron sighs. "Hi, guys."

"Hi," Cady laughs. "You guys can put your stuff in the living room, you're the only ones here." Just then, the door slams open once again. "Or not. Hi!"

"Hey, Cady," Karen greets happily. "Hi Janis. Oh, hi everybody."

"Hi," Gretchen giggles. "I made cookies for you guys."

"Aww, thank you," Cady says, taking the plate and leading everyone into the apartment. "How has your Chanukah been so far?"

"Good! Karen and Ginny have gotten me, like, the perfect presents. And they've loved everything they've gotten and been really excited to do all the traditions with me, it's sweet," Gretchen replies. "This all looks great! You could give KK a run for her money."

"Hey!" Karen calls from the living room.

"I don't know about that," Cady chuckles. "She is the queen of parties."

"You can be the princess!"

"I can live with that."


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