day 5: sick day

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day five yeeha!!! welcome to the first instance of ezzy stretching the prompt!!! for reasons of shskaksmsnakak.

once again!!! their ages don't matter. starting to realize this whole thing is maybe less useful than i thought. but eh. cady is ~25 and janis is ~26 but yet again!! do what you want.

tw for surgery (nothing major)



"Hey, baby," Janis greets as Cady returns home. "How was the dentist?"

Cady huffs crankily. "I have to get my wisdom teeth removed."

"Oh no," Janis says with half-fake sadness. High Cady is always a fun one, so she's excited, but having teeth pulled is never fun.

Cady sighs again. "You're not allowed to make fun of me. Or take videos. Or-"

"I won't! I promise," Janis says with a chuckle. "Well, I might take videos. But I won't send them to anyone until you're not loopy and tell me I can. I'll take care of you."

Cady considers this compromise. "Fine. But if I say anything super embarrassing you have to delete them."

"Okay," Janis agrees. "Pinky promise."

Cady giggles at that and hooks their pinkies together. "And you have to cuddle me all day after."

"I would've done that anyway."


The next week finds them at the dentist yet again. Cady is in one of Janis' hoodies for comfort, and some cozy leggings. Even still, she looks terrified.

"Hey," Janis says gently, squeezing her hand as Cady's eyes dart frantically around the room. Cady looks at her, and seems to calm slightly as her focus narrows on her wife. "What's up?"

"Nothing," Cady says quietly, fiddling with the dental bib she already has on. Janis knows this isn't nothing, and simply waits for her to elaborate. "'M nervous."

"About what?"

"I dunno," Cady shrugs. "That it'll hurt, I guess."

"Makes sense," Janis nods. "You are about to be removed from your teeth. But you'll have a lot of drugs in your system, and we already have the prescription for your stuff after. And we have all that ice cream and stuff, and I'll take care of you. You'll be fine."

Cady looks at her thankfully and reaches for a hug. Janis protectively cuddles her on her lap until it's time, and continues holding her hand as Cady is put under anesthesia. She doesn't let go until Cady is wheeled away and she's led back to the waiting room to wait for her.


"Hey, Peanut," Janis greets gently as Cady finally opens her eyes after her procedure. Cady looks to her and blinks at her oddly. "How you feeling?"

Cady pokes her tongue in and out of her mouth like a lizard. She tries to speak, slurring around the lingering anesthesia and cotton that's been stuffed into her mouth. "Mah tongue ith fuzzy."

Janis bites her lip so she doesn't laugh and nods. "That's normal, it'll go away in a few minutes."

Cady continues looking around her room, wiggling her toes as if she's just remembering she can control her limbs. Suddenly, she looks at Janis. She seems very upset. "Is the tooth fairy gonna visit me?"

"I'm sure she will," Janis nods. "You did lose some teeth."

"Where they go?" Cady grumbles, looking around for them. "Jaaanis. They-they stole... stole my teef."

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