day 6: hot chocolate

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give it up for day six!!! wooooot!!!!

welcome to the first chapter where their ages are important!! janis is 20 and cady is 19!!



"I hate this," Cady huffs, looking at her girlfriend's face on her tiny phone screen. "You're finally back in my same state and now I don't even get to hold you because of some stupid blizzard."

"I know, you haven't gotten any kisses in eighteen whole hours, you must be really struggling," Janis chuckles.

"I am! Janis kisses are my lifeblood," Cady sighs, rolling onto her back and resting Janis on her belly to stare at her ceiling. "I miss you."

"I miss you too, baby," Janis says. "Let me check how much longer it's supposed to snow."

Cady takes her phone and pads over to the window to look out. It's really coming down, the whole street is blanketed in a thick layer of fluffy snow. Cady can barely see it through the stuff still coming down.

"Twelve more hours," Janis huffs. "Evanston hasn't had this much snow in fifteen years, this is bullshit."

Cady whines and rests her head on the cold windowsill. "I am in urgent need of Janis snuggles. This weather is not being nice to me."

"How dare," Janis laughs. "Being mean to my girlfriend. I won't stand for it." She stops joking when she sees tears in Cady's eyes. "Butterfly, what's the matter?"

"You're only back for a few weeks, I want to get as much time with you as I can," Cady sniffles. "I have to wait until April to see you again this year."

"I know," Janis says sadly. "I'm sorry, Peanut. If I could control the weather I'd be over in a heartbeat."

"I know," Cady sniffs again. "It's not your fault. I just miss you."

"I miss you too, baby. So much." Janis sighs. She looks up towards her bedroom door in response to something on her end that Cady can't hear. "Oh, shit, Peanut, I'm sorry. I have to go."

"It's okay. Go do your thing," Cady says. "I'll see you whenever this stops. I love you, mpenzi."

"I love you too."


Cady is confused when she hears a knock on her door. It's still snowing really hard, so any package deliveries are probably delayed. And she's most definitely not expecting anyone.

"What the fuck, Janis?!"

"I wanted to-to see you," Janis stutters as she shivers violently. Cady hauls her inside and slams the door behind her to block out the blustering frigid wind.

"Did you walk over here?!"

"Yeah," Janis replies. "B-but I didn't try t-to climb your tree, you g-gotta give me credit for that."

"Yeah, thanks," Cady huffs. "Come on, lovey, we need to get you warmed up. Dumbass."


"It's one singular degree out, Janis! And you walked over! That makes you a dumbass," Cady retaliates as she helps Janis get out of her snow covered clothing and boots and gently ushers her up to her bedroom. "Sit."

Janis does with a small pout, looking around with those brown doe eyes as Cady runs in and out of the room to fetch her things.

"Okay, come on," Cady coaxes.

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